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Domestication Of Electricity Over The Years


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Domestication of electricity over the years


It is at the end of the 19th century that in the most developed countries and only in some areas of the activity and room of the man begins to enjoy the benefits of which, at that time, it was the new form of energy, but it is even inThe twentieth century, that the houses begin to have an electricity supply: there are spotlights, lamps, toasters, plates, coffee makers, radios, etc. Not only at home: some years ago that the streets were illuminated with electricity instead of gas and at a very competitive price, but of a higher quality, also the factories, offices and schools had electricity, and they reached them inelectric trams.

It also begins to create an increasing dependence on this energy, and as a logical consequence an increasing demand for energy, as well as a greater coverage surface not only because of the growth of the population but also by the new domestic and industrial applications than theElectricity is able to satisfy: new industry machines, new appliances, electric public transport, the first radio and entertainment stations in general.

With the generalized adoption of the alternating current proposed by Tesla and Westinghouse the generating plants optimized their scope and efficiency, triggering extraordinary advance in the use of electricity in all fields, such as medicine with X -rays, the radio that byMany years was the mass entertainment par excellence* communications, public and private transport, industry in all its specialties even metallurgy with the manufacture of steel with electric ovens.

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All this dizzyaudience for the appearance of other entertainment alternatives, this in counterpart brings a negative consequence by displacing the employees and workers who worked manually.

In an increasingly fast advance thanks to electronics, personal computers, the Internet, cell phones, starting a career in which these devices are replaced in a few years, in addition to changing our communication habits, socialization of socialization of socialization ofentertainment, to buy, to inform us.

Here again, businesses such as newspapers, traditional cinemas, “land” telephony, local television stations are displaced, but opportunities are opened to a large market that demands computers and smartphones increasingly powerful, telecommunications companies provide telephone, “cable” television and the Internet in much cheaper packages to hire them separately, medical diagnostic instruments are a very important advance in the detection of diseases early, and many of these these components are manufactured in our country and particularly inJalisco, “The electronic industry concentrates 52.1 percent of the total exports of Jalisco, which registered eight thousand 070 million dollars in the first two -month period of the year ”(NTX April 19, 2018), on the other hand the“ Digital Creative City ”project has had many stumbling blocksBut it is still viable. “Of the thousand jobs that Bosch expects to generate by 2020, 70% are related to software engineering, 20% will be corporate works and the rest in innovation management.”(Andrés Gallegos April 5, 2018)

The challenge is now, as before, to be able to provide the necessary electricity to consume millions of inhabitants of our entire region and the country, but it is not only to produce it but how to produce it: it is increasingly urgent to use a clean electricity generationand renewable since although this energy is perceived as clean is not in its generation.

With regard to a life accustomed to the presence of electricity and that we assume that it will always be available (until it is invisible) if for any reason we did not count in the entire city with electricity: how to work without work in work, without computer, without a phone, without radio to know what is happening?, How to get to school or work in a collapsed city without traffic lights, how to buy if there is no system to collect in trade ‘, you could not have money or at the bank, much less in the ATM, how do youget to our home or to the office if there is no elevator that takes us to the 10th floor? There would be no water because the pumps that take the water to the entire city would not work, the food could not be preserved without refrigerator, the industry would stop producing unless they were totally manufactured goods, in sum we cannot be without electricity and it is that inA way of life in a city like ours is made around this important resource, which is in danger of shortages if measures are not taken now to use the form of generation with renewable means such as wind, geothermal, undymootrix orOlamotriz, tidal, solar or photovoltaic and biomass.

Energy for all

Mexico in particular and finally the world is the house of all of us and it is a right of all its inhabitants to access electricity, international treaties adopted and signed by Mexico as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Pact of Economic Rights, Social and cultural and the declaration on the use of scientific and technological progress in the interest of peace and for the benefit of humanity, directly or indirectly indicate the right to electrical energy as a human right since it allows the development of common well -being,of a better quality of life, giving equality and dignity.

“There are several international instruments that refer in one way or another, explicitly or implicitly, to the human right to electricity, so we strongly propose that the electrical service ceases to be considered as a merchandise and becomes established inThe Political Constitution of the United Mexican States as a human and social right that must be guaranteed by the State and to which all citizens must have access, circumstances that also find support in the constitutional article 27 itself. “Parliamentary Gazette, number 3868-V, Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Initiative that reforms article 4. of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, by Roberto López Suárez and signed by José Luis Muñoz Soria, deputies of the PRD parliamentary group

In short, the international community requires that national states make their part and consider electrical energy an engine of development and well -being and not just a merchandise, that implies that countries like ours must implement social policies that guarantee this human right and a commitmentsocial against the waste of energy, the impulse to clean and renewable green energies and achieve the social balance that allows the poorest communities real opportunities for economic and social growth.

In world terms

One billion people in the world still do not have access to electricity and 674 million are expected to continue without it in 2030, the year in which 21 % of world energy consumption will proceed from renewables, according to the report on the elaborated energy progressby the International Energy Agency (AIE) and the World Bank (BM), among other entities, and presented today in Lisbon (May 2. 2018), which shows that the numbers are still far from achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. (Paula Fernández Efe May 2, 2018)

In the same report, the UN establishes as a goal so that this year a universal access to electricity is achieved, but if current policies and population trends continue, in 2030 there will still be 800 million people living without electricity.

The areas with the highest access deficit remain sub -Saharan Africa and southern Asia, despite the progress achieved in recent years in countries such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. Between 2010 and 2016, about 40 countries reached universal access to electricity, including Morocco, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Ukraine, China, Iraq and Iran.

Currently about 3.000 million people continue to cook with pollutant systems, such as wood or coal burning, which cause four million annual premature deaths. In response to the problem, the creation of central energy systems based on biomass, geothermal or solar energy, and the use of electric vehicles is proposed.

In positive terms, the report highlights the case of China, which accumulated 30 % of the total growth in renewables in 2015;from the United Kingdom, whose growth multiplied by five the global average between 2010 and 2015, and Brazil, where the percentage of renewables on the total doubled the world average. Regarding efficiency, the text points to improvements in the energy intensity indicator, which measures the energy necessary to produce wealth, and which was reduced at a rate of 2.2 % since 2010 since 2010.

However, it is still far from the UN goals, since the report estimates that in 2030 it is located at 2.4 %, less than the 2.6 % that is collected in the Sustainable Development Goals. (Paula Fernández Efe May 2, 2018)

How will we achieve it?

  • Society: Save electricity and if you can, install solar panels in your home.
  • Private initiative: in production and workplace practices, it travels to a low carbon economy.
  • Academy: Strengthens research, collaborates to create innovative solutions and support impact measurement.
  • Governments: promotes and facilitates greater and better use of non -polluting energy.



  1. Enrique Krauze The Imperial Presidency ascent and fall of the Mexican Political System (1940-1996) Tusquets Editores 1999
  2. Recovered from http: // www.Sela.Org/Media/2262361/AGENDA-2030-Y- The-Objectives-Development-Stenstable
  3. Retrieved from (Paula Fernández Efe May 2, 2018) https: // www.EFE.Com/EFE/AMERICA/ECONOMY/MIL-MILLONES-DE- PEOPLE-IN-THE-MUNDO-NO-ACCEN-ACCESS-A-LA- ELECTRICITY

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