dramatic monologue
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Pages: 2
DownloadScene: In my scene, I’ll be
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Visual/Audio/Spatial Purpose Script
A dramatic monologue from Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth for the character Fleance after his father, Banquo has just been killed (162).Here is the primary turning point in the play. Fleances’ escape is important because it means that Macbeth still has many enemies to reckon with and the witches prophesy about Banquo’s’ son to be a king of Scotland could still become true.
Language Features
Description Purpose
[Fleance enters the stage looking tired as if he has been running for a while. He keeps looking around as if someone is following. Then he sits on a rock and holds his head looking down on the ground.]
[With tears rolling down.]
[As if talking to a ghost of his Father.]
[Looking remorseful and raising his eyes]
[In deep thoughts.
Nodding his head in like someone who has realized something. And moving around.]
[Looking as if Macbeth is right there.]
[Fleance quickly looks behind. He is startled by a sound of walking feet.]
[He exits the Scene] Life is but a walking shadow, a weak player
One day you are laughing with someone.
The next day they are no more; they are gone, gone forever never to be heard, seen or touched.
Father, you are gone too soon.
But why?
Father, you are gone. I see thee still.
I can’t hold back these tears; I will cry a river
Where did you go wrong?
To deserve such a terrible death
Ambushed you were and then savagely slaughtered; throat cut.
A brave warrior you were, yet again loyal to your kingdom and honest in thy dealings,
A coward I was, I had to be from thence.
Wait! dramatic monologue paper is just an example!
I should have helped you dad, but I just ran. Maybe I should have called for help. But I didn’t. I should have protected you the way you have always done.
I am angry with myself.
My God, did you watch and not send help from above?
Revenge, dad you told me to take revenge? But against who? For I know not the enemy.
Now I can joineth the dots…
After King Duncan announced that Malcolm would be his heir and not Macbeth, my father was afraid that Macbeth would do anything even if it were wicked to become the King. So after they encountered the three witches, Macbeth felt threatened at their prophecy that my fathers’ would have a generation of kings.
But how could he do that yet the two were close friends.
So the rumors were right Macbeth also killed King Duncan to succeed him. So maybe the murderers were after my neck too. No, this can’t be. It just can’t be.
Wicked power-hungry Macbeth why do you pour innocent blood. Don’t you have any conscience? Their blood is on your hands, and they will haunt you till the end. You will forever be confined to saucy doubts and fears. You should be afraid.
Thou should be afraid for I shall return.
And cleanse Scotland which you have stained with innocent blood and many evils. I will return Macbeth. And I will take away all that is dear to you especially your throne which I never intended to till you robbed me of someone dear to me.
Maybe it will cure this deadly grief in me.
May the gods give me strength and the skills to get revenge against Macbeth. I will return a full grown man and take up the role that the witches promised my father.
And If I die fighting; at least I’ll die with a harness on my back; avenging my innocent fathers’ death.
But I will blunt not my heart I will enrage it;
If it were up to me, I would rather have you by my side than be alone, high and mighty on the throne.
Let me endure for now,
I will go to a faraway land, where no one knows me, and I will hide.
May the heavens rest you father.
Let me go now before Macbeths’ men catch up with me. This place is no longer safe for me
Works Cited.
Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Macbeth. Vol. 2. Classic Books Company, 2001.
The metaphor of comparing life to a “walking shadow” and a man to a “poor player” is an emphasis on the nature of life. Just as the shadows disappear as soon as they appear so does a human life
The idiom “cry a river” means to weep excessively especially after losing a loved one.
Flashback when Banquo and Macbeth met the three weird sisters who gave them the prophecy that Macbeth would become the king and Banquo would become a father to a generation of kings.
The haunting part is a foreshadow of what will happen to Macbeth in the play later on. The ghost of Banquo appears to him in one of the parties.
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