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Drug Trafficking War In Colombia And The Relationship With The United States


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Drug trafficking war in Colombia and the relationship with the United States

It has been demonstrated that the war that Washington carried out with Bogotá’s approval against drug trafficking did not give the expected results but has also been counterproductive in itself. At the moment when more effort was made for eradication it was when the drug was more circulated and the cartels were most successful.

Drug trafficking since its origin has been linked to corruption of both organizations and stately, although this already occurred in previous decades

Despite attempts to reduce traffic, Colombian producers always found other routes to introduce the merchandise without problem. While it is true that in the 90s there was an important reduction in the activity, especially in the Medellin poster and in Cali, in Medellin’s mainly after the murder of its leader, Pablo Escobar in 1993.

The dismantling of the most important Colombian cartels meant an important achievement for both US and Colombian organization, although it should be noted that they worked counterproductively, the operation was focused on dismantling cartels from above, not counting that as it isThey advanced in disarticulation, small organizations were created with the splitting of their members, smaller and smaller scope and violence but have managed to stay until today.

In the worst years of the institutional crisis, around the 70th decades, drug traffickers managed to knead large amounts of money with international traffic, which allowed thembribes to officials and politicians managed to operate freely.

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Around the 90 few members of the Government had not received any type of bribery from these organizations. The AUC approach has also been confirmed more than confirmed, with state power. (Human Rights Watch, 1996; Change Magazine, 1999).

From the great drug business in Colombia, all guerrilla groups were profit, both those of the extreme right and the extreme left.

The United States for its part has played an important role in the continuity of both the conflict and that Colombia does not manage to move on itself, this has been one more in the evolution of the conflict, but the undercover character of most of its operationsmakes it very difficult for him to be accused directly.

Colombia maintained and maintains a practically subordination relationship with the US. With Clinton in the US presidency, the coercive diplomacy was used, which produced serious losses in foreign investment from 1996, a couple of years later the most serious economic recession in the history of the country occurred (Torres (Torres. G, 2011), which in turn increased crime rates already high in itself.

Around 1998 the United States allowed the entry of financial aid, but it would not begin to see its flow until Pastrana held the position of president after the dismissal of Samper, it was then that the good relations between the two administrations began to flourish. 

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