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Drugs In Adolescents


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Drugs in Adolescent


The lack of information or erroneous information that adolescents receive can cause a great curiosity of knowing how these narcotics can change their rationality and personality. The educational institutes give talks to give them information on how they could ruin their lives when consuming drugs, also the health centers make communicative projects to communities and sectors strongly affected by this socio -economic phenomenon, but this has not given a favorable result to the situation thatis the country. Young people do not understand the State that their brain will have when they are under the effects of narcotics and neither will the change that their body will begin to have when reacting to this.

Curiosity is another important factor that we could name one would say "the curiosity kill. Drugs are wonderful if you want to escape, but the reality is so rich, why escape?.


The thing with us is that we are honest. If they ask us if we take drugs, we say yes. My mother educated me not to be a liar. Another reason that cannot be ignored or leaving aside is the lack of family love or belonging to a dysfunctional family where there was no basic concept of respect or assessment for oneself. Under the effect of drugs you don’t care about anything, you just want to isolate yourself from the world and get an inner peace that is not achieved in a normal state. 

A false illusion of the world is what they see in this state, wanting to escape from reality, remove from their gaze from reality and disguise their world with drugs.

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Depression in young household young people is normal when they have a parent guide or a psychologist who helps overYou can cause them to enter this harmful psychological and physical state. The desire to forget their responsibilities and leave everything aside, convert drugs into a very accessible way. For millions of people drugs serve today, such as religions and high culture of yesterday, to placate doubts and perplexities about the human condition, life, death, beyond, meaning or nonsense of existence.

The misuse of drugs is not a disease, it is a decision, such as stopping in front of a moving car. You can call it an error of judgment. A adolescent with drug addiction is a person who does not think in a correct way or who has guaranteed reasoning. The desire not to be left behind or as they say "get out of fashion" makes them commit follies without giving account what the price will be. Social modeling is one of the main forms of consumption learning. 

It is not that it simply buys it and consumes it as if it were a caramel, the vendors look for more to the teenager for having a numbers of weaknesses, which make them potential buyers, since they think that thanks to them they can disconnect from the world and that is how, their vision is so cloudy that they cannot see how they destroy them. The younger they begin to smoking marijuana, the more possibilities they will have to generate disorders related to mental health, such as schizophrenia.

Drugs are a very easy acquisition to achieve and with a price that anyone could have at hand as long as they do not lose control, the ways to get them vary according to the person who wants it. For there are many ways to get to them, anyone would say that it is a thing from another world, but it is at anyone’s hand and is transported in all possible ways.


The consumption of alcohol and other drugs in adolescent population continues to be an important social and health problem. In recent decades there has been an increase in the type and quantity of substances available in the market, while consumption has been consolidated within leisure patterns. Educational institutions despite having laws against drugs and reviews under the Organic Law on Intercultural Education and the Organic Law on Integral Prevention Socioeconomic Phenomenon Drugs.  

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