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DuPont’s Response to the Montreal ProtocolStatement of purpose
Destruction of the stratospheric ozone led to a political problem in the US in a debate to discuss the state of supersonic transports in the country and abroad. The application of CFCs in aerosol sprays was objected within the political regime, and the states illegalized the use of the CFCs in propellants initiated by aerosols. The efforts in conversing on the application of CFCs and creating control through an international agreement culminated to the Montreal Protocol of 1987 (Morrisette 793). The Montreal Protocol led to the evolution of a policy meant to control the ozone depletion, and it happened in two stages. The first stage encompasses the emergence of the issues as domestic while the second describes how it escalated to an international political issue. The paper describes the evolution of responses regarding the policies that emerged due to the stratospheric ozone depletion.
Several events started due to the issue of ozone depletion caused by the CFCs. There was a rising demand for CFCs as the world economic recession was declining and almost coming to an end. To annihilate the challenge of ozone depletion, several workshops that consisted of international negotiations were to be organized.
Anyway, there had to be a decision since the CFCs growing use had a severe impact on the ozone. There is a possibility that after the workshops the groups could organize to freeze the use of the CFCs as propellants.

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If freezing was not a good alternative, the amounts that have been used could be controlled for example by a reduction of 20% (Morrisette 798). The Montreal protocol emerged due to the unsuccessful discussions by the administration, and through its application, the stratospheric ozone depletion was recognized as an international issue.
The key concepts would involve first understanding the issue as a scientific and discuss its effect on policymaking. Secondly, the public concern can be enhanced depending on the danger that the problem was creating on skin cancer and the rising global catastrophe. Finally, the availability of the legal substitutes to the issue was to be discussed and the public to be informed.
The Montreal Protocol on the factors that result in the depletion of the ozone layer was viewed to be the most successful agreement of international interest that safeguarded the ozone. DuPont supports the global endeavors to reduce the global greenhouse emission of gases which is associated with the Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Morrisette, 806). DuPont played an essential role in developing the next generation products meant to replace the CFCs.
The HFCs products were environmentally beneficial since they did not undermine the need of the society. A global policy was implemented by DuPont to encourage the application of the HFCs for refrigeration, and it was established as a global policy and thus any new equipment that contain the elements of CFCs were not to be purchased. The policy by DuPont supported the use of the remaining products containing the CFCs until all of them are depleted, and this was necessary since abrupt elimination could result in an economic surge.
The CFCs have become important elements that are used in most industries, and therefore it is necessary to come up with non-ozone depleting products such as the Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (Morrisette 812). The future effects of the gases are undetermined, and it implies that policy should also be created that will control the use of the HFCs to avoid depletion of the ozone. The HFCs though is not known to deplete the ozone, they contain the global warming gases and to prevent any effect on the ozone, a policy should be developed to reduce their extensive use.

Influence diagram

Work cited
Morrisette, Peter M. “The Evolution of Policy Responses to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion.” Natural Resources Journal (1989): 793-820.

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