Economic And Political Social Changes In Feminism
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Currently, in our country the great transformations of culture, the level of economic balance and politics have generated social changes such as feminism.
A broad scope movement where it has focused on a struggle for the equality of women’s rights, which already has several centuries that stand standing, due to factors such as: lack of equality, discrimination, among others.
Feminism is supported against social inequality between men and women in the patriarchal system . That is why this essay will be argued based on data and facts the validity of feminism in Mexico from years, so it will also be argued how this movement can influence the appreciation of gender equality . Finally, it will be explained how patriarchy looks as an obstacle to the appreciation of society by feminism .
The facts that gave rise to the feminist movement in Mexico arise between the seventies and eighties being a result of a mixture of two basic factors:
“The process of building an incipient citizen awareness from the demands of democratization generated by the student movement in 1968 and, on the other hand, the progressive influence of US feminism, whose echoes were heard in Mexico more clearly preciselyof the sixties ". (Serret, 2000)
Despite its transformations and segmentations, three points were built as the basis for the beginning of a very important movement for the feminist ideology, which are mentioned below: on the instance due to the decriminalization of abortion, the elevation of the duel to the rape and the variousforms of rape suffered towards women.
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Thirty years after the feminist movement that seeks an equal law;In the 21st century these issues remain in force, as noted below:
“The feminist utopia is endless: although women have been achieved that we have greater visibility to decide on our bodies, access to abortion, abuse, domestic violence, harassment, that is, sexual violence product of thegender inequality, continues to be reached against women. We have the most obvious example in femicides that occur in Ciudad Juárez.”(Ana Lau, 2002) .
In Mexico it is necessary to establish protocols and evaluate results on the problems described to direct proposals that are effective;Although work of academic women, activists, etc., scarcely realize that at the end of the millennium the rise of demands related to abortion, violation and transgression of human rights has increased.
The difference between men and women, is still in force as the role of men an overrated role and that of women sometimes being ignored, undervalued and even dismissed, as stated:
“Gender equality means that women and men enjoy the same situation and that they have the same conditions for the full realization of their human rights and their potential to contribute to political, economic, social, cultural development and to benefit from the results. Gender equality is, therefore, the impartial assessment by the society of the similarities and differences between men and women and the different roles that each one plays in society ”(CIM, 2009)
Acquire a conscience and transmute the position of inequality and inferiority that women have experienced through centuries in relation to men in the family, economic, social sphere, involves the study of inequalities between genres and discrimination in human groupsIn order to proceed to achieve not an inequality but an equity and equality at different social levels.
Patriarchate is a lifestyle that has been generated in the culture where women were born to fulfill and submit, as indicated in this study: “88 percent of the surveyed people argue that violence is part of family life andA 62.8 percent of men think that women should be punished when they behave badly ”. (Analcon, 2016)
Patriarchalism could not do without the daily functions attributed to women such as food care, children’s care, the responsibility and health care of family members, among other purposes where they wereforces to live in permanent service to other sick children who cannot use themselves in the family nucleus. But of which men should not be dismissed, being able to assume them in equality, since they have only been entrusted exclusively for the great functions of power, being able to take the economic resource to the house and everything else.
Where the woman should not exceed this patriarchy or must assume the punishment or anger of her spouse. This way of including in Mexican society has charged a party in two;where women accept and obey, and men decide, govern and order.
The aforementioned causes that in the search for equality, women have gone to the extremes where revuels are caused, marching with violence generating being poorly seen before society because they are drivers of aggressiveness creating terms where they mark men as an obstaclefor their development, implying that rights are no longer equitably seen.
“To the extent that it is possible, we must try to eliminate unfair discrimination against men and women, but we must do so in a responsible manner. We must only make statements backed by evidence. Before proposing to address the injustices we have identified, we must ensure that the policies we propose really help, instead of making things up.”(Lemoine, 2018)
History about feminism is observed as a high -reaching movement that despite the years causes between Mexican society, as an importance in gender equity can include a great social change for our country, and still having a patriarchy asAn ideology where in some Mexican cultures or societies have not allowed to develop modern proposals and the consequences that types of sexist behaviors and the clarification that the term feminism does not resemble machismo, but is for improvement for an improvement for an improvement.
Therefore, this feminist movement does not seek that a woman stop marrying, to raise her own children or values, give birth or stop falling in love with men, this does not mean that we are going to start hitting each other, enduring more enduring more, or that they hate men, it does not mean that we are going to stop respecting them or not concerned with a woman who also does not support this movement by different decisions than those that are disseminated in favor. The rationality is sought that women have the same category or condition to decide whether they wantclimb in a position where women represent something big in the country and are proud . That they live a sexuality freely, they can dress freely like men, that there is no fear of being harassed, raped or dead. This wants to reach the point where the signage of being traitorous in favor of the cause cannot cause.
- Lemoine, p. (March 13, 2018). The problem with feminism. (Karnaya) Recovered on 2019, from Medium: https: //
- CIM. (2009). Inter -American Commission on Human Rights. Retrieved on 09 of 2019, from Inter -American Convention to prevent, sanction and eradicate the violence against women: http: // www.IACHR.Org/Women/Convention.htm
- Analcon, g. (June 7, 2016). Amecon Press. (P. Galeana, producer) recovered on 09 of 2019, of the patriarchal culture prevails in Mexico: http: //
- Ana Lau. (03 of 10 of 2002). Feminism in Mexico. (G. G. C, producer) recovered on 09 of 2019, from Casa del Tiempo Magazine: http: // www.UAM.MX/Diffusion/Magazine/Feb2003/Lau.HTML#1b
- Serret, e. (March-April 2000). Mexican feminism for the 21st century. The daily life, 16 (100), 42-51.
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