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Education And Economics In Latin America


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Education and Economics in Latin America


The International Monetary Fund forecasts a growth in the global economy of a 3.two%. Speaking by regions, Asia’s economy will grow a 6.2%, Africa 3.4%, the Middle East region.4% and Latin America only 0.6% What is this? One of the main causes of this problem is the lack of continuity in economic policies, driving up to investors to take our country as an economic prospect. Another reasons is that most countries in Latin America have a poor distribution in the wealth of their country, spending more than they produce, generating debts with other countries and world institutions.


The biggest problem is the minimum importance we give to education, science, technology and innovation. In Asia they have created an educational meritocracy where students are increasing. An example is the coin of our country "Our ticket", in Latin America we pay tribute to our heroes of independence;In Singapore a ticket shows a teacher and his students, contextualizing the word "education". 

When we talk about education in Latin America countries we can realize that we have not progressed as a society, the key in all this is "innovation", this word is related to change, and we believe that changes are usually bad or comeWith consequences, but many of the countries with high performance have no problem adapting to the ideas of these countries that want to change ideals and do not conform.

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In Singapore they have a greater emphasis on creative and critical thinking, looking for learning ‘life skills’ instead of just obtaining good qualifications in exams. 

This leads to the fact that their studies are mainly focused on subject practices such as administration, business and economy skills, subjects that lead to their future and financial education, this means that since childhood they are informed of this issue that is relevant and moves to everythingTHE WORLD "THE ECONOMY". We are living in an era where mental work is increasingwho are scarce from these have to learn to live from their ingenuity. 

Analyzing this we observe that societies that are based on knowledge have generated greater awareness about the importance of science and technology as a key element to optimize the use of goods, products and services in education. These countries have created citizens with greater competences to face current changes and be more aware in their decisions, mainly promoting social welfare, taking into account the country’s economic growth as a whole to be able to generate income, a society with greater stability and arecognized participation speaking in world terms.


My conclusion is that we cannot continue to blame external factors for our economic stagnation, since the world economy is growing. Two decades ago there was a great financial crisis in Asia, and today they are world power. His recovery was based on exports, taking the devaluation of the coins, promoting a productive chain in China, followed that they care about innovating and making the change. It is time to recognize that we have an internal problem, and start by redesigning education in these countries and carrying out creativity to create strategies that allow a greater valuation of science and technology, which allows to have effects on development, growtheconomic and in the welfare of the population in the country. 

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