Education During National Socialism: School, Family
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Many are the reasons why Germany aroused as a new nation in 1933;The still present defeat in World War I, insecurity in the streets or economic depression among many other factors made Germany a focus of violence and resentment that nobody knew exactly what to expect. Given the circumstances, the path to power by the Nazis was much more available to them than any other political party. And it was no less;All these events diminished in the population, who was not happy with political management and demanded a change for citizenship. At present, many people continue to ask today how it is possible that all that could originate. However, at that time Hitler, who will become the visible face of National Socialism, was able to influence anyone in order to get a benefit in return. The events ventured without anyone could stop what would later be one of the greatest errors that German humanity had never witnessed. What stands out most about that barbarism was the evil to use students from schools and universities to mold them to taste and thus be able to create the ideal figure of the National Socialist for the future. That is why this text tries to collect and understand the child’s position at this black time in German history. Education during National Socialism was exposed to a great demand for propaganda, which influenced one way or another in the education and training of the student as such.
To better understand the problem of this event, it is important to look back and put some context a little to the matter.
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After the emergence of the National Socialist Party of German Workers (also called NSDAP) in 1920, the feeling of extreme anti -Semitism and nationalism began to expand. This task was not very complicated for its leader in 1921, Adolf Hitler, who due to his exceptional oratory, managed to seduce all that population that felt excluded. The Weimar Republic seemed to be an absolute utopia, however farmers and middle class felt more than betrayal and repudiation of political representatives who did not reach their expectations. The NSDAP propaganda success continued to rise like the foam, as Joseph Goebbels, responsible for the dissemination of the political party, managed to increase the number of affiliates day after day. Once Hitler was definitively installed in power through the delivery of the Foreign Ministry, and subsequently self-consecrated as the Führer, the next movement was finally establishing his long -awaited dictatorship.
For this, the indisputable help of Goebbels and a reference point to begin this propaganda was necessary. It is necessary to note that Hitler at any time of his tyranny, had some compassion apex or some conflict of interest that could cause any remorse for the nights. All he did was for and for his own benefit. Therefore, in the 20s, Nazism had already finally ruled to its future referents, those who, through discipline and perseverance, would eternalize the figure of the Führer even when he was no longer. The children, therefore, became new masses to redefine, and therefore it was necessary. As a result of these facts, all those teachers who did not share ideas of the extreme right were replaced by others that belonged to the National Socialist Teachers League, in addition to not supposing a threat to Hitler’s intentions. However, the dictator did not have enough to have absolute control of education, but the indoctrination of youth should also be developed based on youth organizations to maintain order and discipline, such as Hitler youths or the league ofGerman girls.
All teaching was intended to create Germans proud of their race, faithful and capable of representing both their homeland and Führer himself and also dying for them. For this reason the children did not have their own name, because they suffered a constant brainwashing that prevented them from being people with their own criteria. As Adolf Hitler said in 1938, in the hypothetical case that still kept some hint of reasoning, ‘the Wehrmacht (German armed forces) would take care of disappearing’ completely. The only desire to turn simple students into killing machines belonging to the SS was nothing more than a gross way to continue propaganda of the authoritarian regime. In schools, nothing other than were values such as obedience to authority, bellicism, racism and anti -Semitism among many others were not studied among many others. The children had ceased to be simple boys with dreams and, disappointed with the democracy of the time, surrendered in body and soul to satisfy the Nazi regulation. From then on, the young people became homogeneous masses who followed the same pattern. No one could be different, because Hitler avoided that at all costs.
Finally, the teaching in the third Reich not only demonstrated a great determination to overthrow races considered ‘lower’ or even ‘parasites’, but also a great desire to destroy the classroom class consciousness. The family environment was not a escape from the claws of national socialism that had been established in the classrooms, since the parents demanded at home a level of studies higher than the one in the schools in the schools. At no time were children free, although they could comment on the same. In this regard, Hitler committed his purpose of making millions of young people believe that they were the symbol of change, without having the slightest idea of being dragged into the battlefields. In short, the children did not have their own name because Hitler had got them to be given them in exchange for their own freedom and their human beings as human beings.
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