Education In Ancient Rome Seen From The Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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DownloadEducation in ancient Rome seen from the author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Since years ago, exactly from ancient Rome, there are authors who have wanted to take a step more updating education, so that little by little it is better and better, such as, for example, it has been the case of Plato or Aristotle. We can also highlight some pedagogical authors such as: Emmi Pikler, Friedrich Fröbel, Jean Piaget, etc.
Although education has evolved over the years so far and changes have emerged, each pedagogical author has their way of educating and has different teaching methods.
For example, in ancient Rome, education was carried by a religious calendar, being the mixed classes until twelve and being given in the morning. Although compared to our days it remains the same, since in some centers religion continuesMixed. The only difference can be, that classes were mixed until twelve and currently, they have always been mixed in most centers.
Therefore, there have been changes from ancient Rome to the present day, adapting education to each era. Therefore, in ancient Rome, it was about educating children with the best possible education to be the most complete, as is also happening today, which is about education to remain the best possible andgo improving and advancing over the years.
Finally, a very important factor would be the progress of technology, since in ancient Rome it was not used and over the years because they have been investigating and creating new things, and although, it has always been tried to have the most complete education possible, technology has been a great advance, since this gives rise to many other things, teach children in a different way, etc.
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Therefore, pedagogical contributions had a very important positive point, in this case, from Rousseau, which wanted to take into account, a philosophical and pedagogical part about happiness and society, so that it would be learned more and more, andthat he was very curious to learn new things.
As for justification, I have chosen Jean-Jacques Rousseau because I really liked his way of joining education with philosophy, since he has a very interesting philosophy. In addition, it seemed important that it has been one of the most prominent authors in the pedagogical contributions of history and I wanted to learn more about this author.
As for the biography of this author, the following can be highlighted:
- He was born on June 28, 1712 in Geneva, former Swiss Confederation.
- Swiss nationality.
- His mother tongue was French.
- His religion was Catholic and Protestant.
- His father was Isaac Rousseau and his father’s couple, Thérèse Camsseur (since 1768).
- His partner was Françoise-Louise by Warens (since 1728).
- He died on July 2, 1778 with 66 years for cardiorespiratory arrest.
- Although he died in Ermenonville, the kingdom of France;He was buried in the tomb of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (France) and Panteón de Paris (France).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from Swiss nationality, was a writer, philosopher and musician. He was one of the great thinkers of the Enlightenment in France. But more than a pedagogue, it was a political philosopher.
He was raised by his maternal aunt and his father, since he was orphaned as a mother from a very young age.
He worked with a notary and a recorder, without having education.
His family was Calvinista, but he became Christianity and began self-DACTIC STUDIES.
He presented himself to a contest held by the Dijon Academy, where he won his first prize for his speech on science and arts.
Later he visited Geneva to return to Protestantism.
Finally, he wrote "Emilio or Education (1762)", a pedagogical novel with a religious part.
An important movement stands out, the Enlightenment, which has a great interest in improving education. In this movement it is worth highlighting Rousseau, who wanted to have an education in which the child could learn, but on his own way respecting each of his stages and giving great importance to nature. That is, the question was that the child could discover on its own what path it was the one who wanted to choose with the objective that it will reach where we want to achieve without stimulating them to get what we want to get. But also, Rousseau thought that children and adults had to differentiate well in learning, since education had to learn successively.
On the other hand, to give importance to nature, since, for Rousseau, respect for her was very important because through nature the child would obtain happiness, wrote a pedagogical novel, previously named in the biography, called «Emilioor education », which was the most important of all his works, where Rousseau comments that man is good by nature.
Therefore, Rousseau said that if each stage was respected, the natural order of things would be achieved.
For him it was very important to respect each stage having our own identity.
In addition, Rousseau intends to unite his political philosophy with education to see the important of the natural.
One of the important things to highlight, is an essay that he made about educational philosophy based on his work "Emilio", in which relevance is given to pedagogy, since with that he began his education.
Rousseau had some pedagogical ideas related to his education. I thought it was important that the child had no obstacles that made him reach his freedom and despite how much it could take, it was important that the child ended up finding his way just trying to get him where we wanted, but without our help.
Therefore, for Rousseau, it was important that the human being understood with nature and had self-love to achieve what he wanted and although he has been a very important philosopher in the Enlightenment, criticism of the idea of knowing too much.
Therefore, to all this, it is concluded that Rousseau does not want the same traditional education that the majority of society taught, if not, that he wanted one in which each one could choose where to go, learning what had to learn,But respecting time and stages, and without forgetting how important the respect for nature was for him, because it was what gave the child’s happiness.
To conclude, I think it is important what Rousseau thought, because it is important that the child lives with nature and of course, have respect for her. And perhaps, also, letting the child do things in themselves, taking care and respecting each stage of his life in due time, find his path before and better. The question is not to stimulate them so that they can find out and find what they really want and, above all, find the basis of everything, happiness. But it is also true that, if we stimulate them, especially since they are small, they can become able to give much more of themselves, since early stimulation is a very important factor, because when the child is small it can get a lotMore information and that would be lost a bit if we let the child do things at their own pace, and, in addition, taking into account that each person is different, and what a child can learn in a week, maybe another oneLearn in two weeks, but the basis of all this is that the child becomes happiness through nature and achieving his own identity over time.
But, most importantly, it doesn’t matter how much it takes to achieve that goal that each one wants if in the end it ends up arriving, because time does not matter but in the end, we end up arriving as far as we want, because as Rousseau said, education is educationLearn successively, that is, little by little, step after step, and also, it is not the same when we are learning in childhood, when we are learning being adults.
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