Education In Maternity, School Age And Society
Words: 445
Pages: 2
To reach an optimal food security level, you have to resort to several paths, including food and nutrition.Due to the importance of the first months of life, it is essential that the mother take care of her diet and not only during pregnancy, but also the child once born, the need for many attention in their diet, which is very specific dueAt your young age and development in which you are during the first years of life.
In this case, FAO recommends promoting adequate food practices for the mother during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding during the first six months of life and an adequate promotion of the correct food that the child should carry from the 6 months of life. The main purpose of education in food and nutrition in schools is to help them create solid bases that allow them to decide for themselves what food to choose for their benefit, this with the idea of dealing with what is offered on televisionand different media by persuading food without any biological benefit.
A proposal given by FAO is the installation of school gardens, this being motivation for students to begin to have more contact with food from Earth and a better notion of the responsibility and work they have, also creating a positive connection.Programs focused on communities face the problems that are related to diseases or cases of malnutrition that not only afflict the settlers, but affect the economy of a country due to public spending that this means.
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Likewise, as Landaeta-Jimenez mentions, we must take into account in the programs to develop what the customs and foods that are available depending on the geographical area and the economic situation, starting from there with a plan that is compatible with these conditions, always focusing on the health of individuals and what is expected to achieve in the long term in public spending dedicated to health.
As can be seen, food and nutritional education is not only focused precisely to comply with certain parameters that will reach favorable numbers for the dimensions of food security, but also refers to real concern regarding the health of thepeople, where these are always taken into account from their pregnancy until their most advanced age. It is important to say that in addition to the ethics that entails worrying about the health of the population, a healthy community is a more productive community and a productive community translates into better jobs, in more flow of money not only for these families or individuals,but for each state, city or country.
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