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Education In Mexico


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Education in Mexico


This document will talk about education in Mexico; It is understood that education is an important factor within society because it depends on the progress of the country since it is a formal process and a basic right of children and young people, it is also said that it must be free, secular and above all quality.

To begin with, education refers to a process that facilitates learning which makes the student acquire different knowledge, values, habits and beliefs. This process is transferred through didactic activities, readings, research, etc. And that in this way there is a better use of the teaching given.

To continue, it should be clarified that the quality of education, the conflict of teachers, school dropout by students and the low performance of them and educational inclusion is exposed.

However, it should be known that education is taught to make people have more growth opportunities in the workplace.


At present, education in Mexico becomes complicated, because today the challenge is to make both children and young something that is not achieved.  

In my opinion I can say that education in Mexico manages to be of very low quality because today’s teaching staff no longer feels the same passion that I used to want to convey that teaching, then it is in this way it affects to the students and discourage them not to want to conclude with their studies.

That is why education affects young people more because children in one way or another cannot make the decision to abandon school, instead adolescents are those who are affected in this issue, but you cannot blame only the Teaching staff, the support of the tutors and the contribution of the students is also a fundamental.

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It is here that the situation of teachers enters and our country is going through reforms that have promoted many changes but despite that education continues the same, the teaching teachers teach are usually disgusting, with reaching the classroom , look how students behave and especially as the teacher does not take importance and prefers to continue teaching their low quality classes.

This problem counts in all possible ways, since it gives a lot to say about the teacher and that is where students and their learning affect.

However, there are still teachers who strive to do their best and insist on making good students in society.

Likewise, it is said that teachers are an important factor in education when what they pursue is to improve students learning. 

I make the following proposal that can be carried out to consideration of each teacher in which it will help them improve the education they teach, where each teacher makes a letter in which they commit to improve their teaching quality, which must be fulfilled At the end of the cycle.

In this way you can notice a difference in education, as long as they are committed to themselves and education.

“Teachers are the pillar of education in Mexico, but that is not given the authority not. It must be restricted to respect the rules imposed as a teacher that it represents to improve the quality of the teaching ”.

Moving to another sub -theme of education in Mexico, there is school dropout that is a term that refers to the abandonment of the institution by students.

Unfortunately some tutors do not pay due attention to their children either for work or any other reason and that causes them to continue bad steps such as drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.; That is why students look for the easy way and leave school.

Then parents or guardians feel guilty for not paying attention to them and accept the fact that they leave school.

But it is not always because of lack of attention, many times the dropout is a consequence of poverty.

It is said that 2 out of 5 high school students live in extreme poverty. 

And that is why they do not have such livelihood to pay their transport, lunch, etc. and choose to leave school to go to work.

To continue, there is another factor involved, it is educational inclusion and this is based on the principle that each child has different characteristics, interests, abilities and needs and should be the educational systems that are designed, and the educational programs launched, taking into account the wide diversity of these characteristics and needs. 

It is intended to achieve a universal education where everyone manages to learn, perhaps each one in a different way, eliminating those walls that limit learning that disabled people would like to achieve. There are indigenous children who do not speak Spanish and therefore they are denied education, if we reflect this, we can notice that this is discrimination against indigenous people who have the same rights as all. We also arrive at inclusion for disabled people with any type of disability where they are complicated to have learning as it should be.

That is why projects are developed and support public policies to promote access to children and adolescents to an inclusive, quality education and thus reduce school abandonment.

Among other points is the low performance of the students and is that today, apart from the education taught by teachers, young people more than children do not give them the importance they must put to their education. In Mexico it has a negative effect on its future social mobility and in the development of the country in general. 

Most of the time the problem comes from the importance that young people give them when they want to excel in society, such as popular being, worrying about taking photos and uploading them to all social networks that may exist, then neglect The only thing that will open the doors to a better future.

On the other hand, to achieve a better education in Mexico, it depends on teachers, students and parents, so that the responsibility is not given to one.

Education is not about attending classes and learning all the information given to them and as a society we must create awareness but above all and as more important to instill the value of responsibility, so that in this way as a country in general Let’s develop quality education.


We are in a country where the one who learns is because he does not want, because all that is needed is within our reach, the quality of teaching can be improved if we put our part.

We hear the young people are the future of Mexico and it is true, some dream of being successful people and there is no recipe in which we find how to get to reach it, simply that everything depends on what we do to grow as people And to change the quality of education.

We have to believe in the possibility of having a better world, we have to modify our thoughts and be a society that wants to advance with the resources we have. Do not settle for us, but neither do we stop. 


  • Ceey. (2018). Obtained from https: // ceey.org.MX/QUE-THE-RELAVING-OF-LA-EDUCATION-EN-MEXICO/
  • Chi, j. M. (01 of 2015). Gestiopolis. Obtained from https: // www.Gestiopolis.com/proposals-to-dimrust-the-educational-in-mexico-ensayo/
  • Inclusive, e. (2006). Obtained from http: // www.inclusive.org/ise.PHP?id = 1
  • INEE. (2015). Obtained from http: // www.Pudh.UNAM.MX/Perseus/10958/
  • Ortiz, f. (2015). Obtained from https: // www.Gestiopolis.com/la-importance-of-the-educational-in-mexico-ensayo/#apa
  • UNICEF. (2018). UNICEF Mexico from https: // www.UNICEF.org/mexico/education%C3%B3n-y-learning

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