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Educational Coverage At The Level Of Initial Education In The Rural Parish


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Educational coverage at the level of initial education in the rural parish


The study proposes to determine the educational coverage and access to quality programs of children from 3 to 5 years of the level of initial education in the Chiquintad rural parish, Canton Cuenca-Ecuador. It is based on the hypothesis that maintains that the educational coverage that the State offers in initial education in rural parishes is scarce. For Calderón, this is the level where the number of children enrolled is still low compared to the enrollment of the other educational levels. These represent a challenge for initial education to expand their coverage, in order to favor the affective, psychological and social development of early childhood. Methodologically it is an exploratory study in institutions of a public or fiacomistera questionnaire to institutions of institutions. The results indicate that in the Chiquintad Educational Unit of this parish there is a coverage of 82.2% that is very good, because there is a direct relationship between demand and the offer of child quality care. It should be noted that this result refers only to the coverage offered by the Initial Education Center assigned to the Educational Unit of the Parish studied


Education is the fundamental basis for the growth and development of the human being, since through it we form man in all its psychological, cognitive, affective, social, cultural and good citizens. For education to comply with this purpose as a fundamental right, it is essential that it be of quality.

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For the fulfillment of this right it is necessary for States to take into consideration the 4 principles of the right to education defined by Tomasevski. This author argues that the right to a warm education can only be guaranteed by the State and the institutions respond by an unquestionably oriented education by the principles of affordability, accessibility, accessibility and acceptability, called such as 4-A, are principles that are principles that are They base the conviction that the right to education is unquestionable a quality education and defines them as: *affordability: sufficient budget, necessary schools and teachers, infrastructure and relevant endowments. *Accessibility: gratuity, economic, material and geographical accessibility of educational institutions. *Adaptability: It is the demand for quality in education, associated with the needs, interests and expectations of the various communities and populations.

This means providing an available and accessible education to students, valuing aspects of the content of education (acceptable), and permanently examined if it adapts to the differentiated needs of the people and the requirements of society

Universal access to education, free from all discrimination and exclusion, is the cornerstone of the right to education. This principle is found in most instruments that UNESCO has developed in education, translated into normative Cardona (2010) content argues: "Education becomes a right likewise and in a vehicle to promote compliance with other rights" (p.26). Your guarantee must be a priority and must have an inclusive nature that implies that no economic, social or cultural group to be helpless from the government’s action in the guarantee of its right.

The 2030 World Education agenda reiterates the importance of guaranteeing access and culmination of the quality teaching cycle for all. To satisfy the right to education, countries must guarantee integrating and equitable access in order to achieve quality, free and mandatory learning practices and educational practices. Education must aspire to the integral development of human personality and promote understanding, tolerance, friendship and peace.

Ecuador in its legal instruments contemplates a protection system to guarantee the person’s person education without discrimination and universalization of this right from the initial level to the upper level. Thus, the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in article 26, section fifth, establishes:

Education is a right of people throughout their lives and an unavoidable and inexcusable duty of the State. It constitutes a priority area of ​​public policy and state investment, guarantee of social equality and inclusion and indispensable condition for the good living. People. Families and society have the right and responsibility to participate in the educational process.

Likewise, the Art.27 of the Constitution mentions that education focuses on the human being and guarantees its holistic development, within the framework of respect for human rights, the sustainable environment and democracy; It will be participatory, mandatory, intercultural, democratic, inclusive and diverse, quality and warmth; will promote gender equity, justice, solidarity and peace; stimulate critical sense, art, physical culture, individual and community initiative, the development of skills and capacities to create and work.

It can be seen that the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador establishes the right to education as primary in the lives of people. Therefore, the education offered by the State to people must be of quality and without any distinction to their social, economic, political or religious status, guaranteeing the full joy of this right. Likewise, it indicates the qualities that education must have to be of quality and can be taught in the country with an inclusive character so that no child or social group is helpless, so that it is guaranteed to have access at all levels and Educational System Modalities.

In Ecuador there is a marked interest in guaranteeing the right to education for all and improving the educational system through different instances. There are efforts from both the public policies of the State and from cooperation with international organizations to eliminate the different access barriers to education. However, despite the fact that the marginal rural and urban sectors have been a priority, even in the field of education it has not been served in its entirety. This leads to establishing the existence of a gap in terms of accessibility and attention that is being offered to both children and other children and young people.

To this situation are added several factors that prevent access to education, among which the levels of poverty that grow and aggravates. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census for the month of March 2015, poverty in the rural area is located in 43.35% and the most extreme poverty in the rural area of ​​19.74%. As a direct consequence to poverty, other factors that prevent children’s access to education are also added: illiteracy and school abandonment, problems that are further deepened in rural parishes, because families of limited resources do not They have economic possibilities to pay for the education expenses of their minor children, so they choose to separate them from the education system, which causes to expand the illiteracy indices

It is for this reason that one of the greatest challenges is to provide attention to the rural sector that allows us to eliminate existing educational barriers. Among the objectives is to regulate the educational offer and invest more in education and pay more attention to initial education. For this, the decenal education plan was created, in which the universalization of education was raised as a state policy at the levels of initial, basic and high school. This plan today has been added other lines of action and strategies in providing a better education in the rural environment in terms of limited access and lack of equity. These strategies are aimed at promoting demand, promotion of education gratuity and creating actions to expand the educational offer. Also, in this task of joining efforts, the government has made alliances with institutions such as IDB to reverse these problems that afflict this sector. Likewise, in recent decades, strategic and regulatory plans have been established to meet education in the rural sector and guarantee the right to education of all citizens in this way the National Plan for Good Living Express in its objectives 4 needs of strengthen the capacities and potentialities of all citizens.

Today Ecuador has the 2030 Development Agenda, such as the Action Plan for the next 15 years, adopted on September 25, 2015 by Ecuador and another 192 United Nations Member States. The 2030 Development Agenda is composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aspire to put an end to poverty and fight against inequality and injustice, improve the quality of life, ensure peace and preserve our planet. Among the objectives are also expressly contemplated: to put an end to poverty in all its forms worldwide and guarantee an inclusive, equitable and quality education to promote learning opportunities throughout life for all. Objective 4 establishes that the achievement of quality education is the basis for improving people’s lives and sustainable development

As for the initial coverage of the rural sector, the State has shown interest, so that it is also offering attention to ensure quality education at this level. Consider that it is in the first years of life that person develops 75% of their neural networks, so at this level the care of children must be of quality, in order to guarantee their comprehensive cognitive and socio-emotional development.

In all these efforts in the State, early childhood education in Ecuador is being improved. Reason why there are two ministries that deal with education and comprehensive care at this level. The Ministry of Education of Ecuador (MINEDUC) that performs strategic actions to improve the educational quality of rural areas, promoting the creation of new institutions with the administrative and pedagogical decentralization of the schools. Similarly, the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) has been created, which as a public entity is responsible for creating programs such as DIN and CNH, oriented to social inclusion care and services in the most vulnerable populations, especially people with disabilities and poverty.

The attention offered by these two ministries, through their child development centers, has increased enrollment in recent years. As Calderón states in his report, “Rural education situation in Ecuador”, in the 2014-2015 period there was an increase in the registration of children of this level of 200%, since at the beginning of the 2014- 2015 The registration amounted to 355.184, compared to the registration of children for the period 2007-2008 that was 119.593. On the other hand, according to Calderón (2015) the investment for the hiring of teachers prepared at this level has increased, from 9.161 teachers in 2007-2008 to 22.647 for 2014. Creation of new educational establishments where children can have access to initial education. In the rural sector it increased from 1.180 units in the school period 20072008 to 3.090, for the 2014-2015 school period.

Although, the existence of plans, programs, lines of action and strategies indicated indicate concern and efforts of the State and governments for education as a right in the rural sector, the challenge is still present in expanding its coverage, in order to Offer attention to all children from 0 to 5 years old. This fact represents a problem that must be addressed. Hence our interest in studying it to determine the educational offer in the rural sector, specifically in the Chiquintad parish, Canton Cuenca.

(Navarro, 2014, P.25) Refers to initial education as a process of teaching-learning during early childhood emphasizing content, development of behaviors, skills, competencies and the integration of the infant into its environment. However, scientific evidence indicates that cognitive processes do not separate the learning of the social interaction in which it is built, hence in its daily exercise early education involves care. Indeed, care provides subsistence, well -being and development. It encompasable daily provision of physical, affective and emotional well -being throughout the entire life cycle of people. In case of childhood, it also includes the stimulation of cognitive foundations..


According to the report of the United Nations Secretary General, one of the most effective ways to ensure that all children have a good start in their life is through programs of quality of care and education from birth. At present, it has already been evidenced that the experiences that occurred during early childhood mold brain development; The notion of brain plasticity discovered from neurobiology, and which occurs especially in the first three years of life, is even vertiginous, because it accounts for the magnitude of the responsibility of societies, families and states with girls and young children.

In other words, childhood is a period that encloses great potential for growth and development, but it is also a stage in which children are particularly vulnerable to being damaged or not developing their potentialities. This happens frequently in poor countries and even in the poorest social strata in very rich countries. Access to quality education and child care, in addition to having positive effects on subsequent educational trajectories, is beneficial for children’s development and reducing inequalities. Different studies has shown that children who participate in early childhood programs have better learning achievements in primary education, and repeat and desert less than those who do not have the opportunity to access them. In both contexts, children from disadvantaged groups are the ones who can benefit most from early childhood education, and those who can result in the most if they are excluded from it. In this sense, it has been proven that a quality educational experience can compensate for part of the differences in development between poor and rich children.

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