Educational Quality Implications In Mexico
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DownloadEDUCATIONAL QUALITY Implications in Mexico
In Mexico, educational quality has been mentioned in recent years, as an objective that the country has to meet, however, in order to meet this, several important points have to be worked on;Improve professional development, strengthen social participation, guarantee functioning for all schools, among other things more. Education has been the product of State policies, these are responsible for producing the type of man needed in the productive context facing problems and challenges.
Keywords: quality, policies, type of man, society.
Education is an influential factor for the progress and progress of people, countries and societies, it is important in issues such as the economy since it is a factor of production and in the social issue because it is based on eradicating inequalities andNation poverty.Education is necessary in all areas since it allows us.
The low quality of education in Mexico has been an impediment to growth and development, this has not given the possibility of reducing poverty and inequality levels since the system does not solve problems such as corruption, lack of transparency and lackof values.
The Government has failed by not providing quality education that the Nation needs, but we have failed more as a population by not knowing how to demand that quality education that protects the individual guarantees mentioned in the third article of the Mexican Constitution.
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Education is a component of progress and beginning of opportunities for individual and social well -being, this implies in the quality of life, social equity in human coexistence guidelines.
Quality is a complex concept since one knows what it is, but at the same time you do not know, since the quality is subjective and is depending on the needs of each individual, then quality is a process of constant improvement of the things thatThey turn out to be effective in compliance with objectives.
The definition according to the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE) is the following “The quality of the educational system is the quality that results from the integration of the relevant dimensions, relevance, internal effectiveness, external effectiveness, impact, sufficiency, efficiency, efficiencyand equity ". (INEE, 2006). In which internal and external efficacy describes to achieve the greatest access of possible recipients to schools and these remain in it until the end of the school trajectory and graduate reaching the objectives of learning. That have a full development in the various roles that you will have to perform as a worker, producer, consumer, father among others in a few words that serve a good way as a full citizen.In addition, it has the necessary human and material resources and that you take advantage of them in the best way, avoiding waste and losses of these.
The institute considers that the concept of quality is relative and dynamic, relative by the trial on quality depends on the reference point in which it is taken, that quality is never totally achieved it is always possible to propose higher goals.
A quality system is what always improves itself and compares with a predestined reference, a set of parameters or standards to be achieved.Quality is not a state but a tendency: permanent and reasonable self-examination of overcoming, which cannot be acquired from abroad, but can only arise from the interior of the system to improve. (INEE, 2006)
The responsible actors who have to participate in the process to improve the quality of education are educational authorities such as managers, teacher, parents and society, since this is not only about the student-maestro relationship, but also involvesAspects of accessibility and availability of materials, infrastructure, training, educational management and curricular aspects. Jesús Medina believes: “The main actors are society in general, non -governmental and governmental organizations, as well as teachers.All linked under an educational policy and a transverse intra -institutional articulation ”.
Another important aspect is also the values that have to have so that we can reach educational quality, it is considered that basic values are ethics and vocation of service, respect, inclusion, tolerance, innovation in the teaching process.Verónica González Martínez says: “The principles must be quality education for all, collaborative work, commitment to the immediate school context and permanent learning. The values that are required are: solidarity, tolerance, respect, justice, personal freedom and non -discrimination ”.
We need to change our mentality and start forming a quality human material to be able to perform with the demands indicated by the different economic sectors, we require the most of the few resources invested in education, it is useless to mention the spinal investment figures per student, or thepercentage invested in science and technology, the important thing is at this time is to make the most of the resources we have within our reach.
The importance of educational quality is valuable for the capacity of the nation to increase the economic and social mobility of the population, we must ensure that if these changes happen and remember that education is born at home with our parents these parentsThey are the basis of our learning process together with teachers.
Some proposals are to create periods of induction and proof, which not only is enough for the initial training, to program training so that learning is updated.
In addition, guarantee the functioning of all schools, this in order to avoid discrimination of schools through its establishment zone, which is with equity the distribution of resources destined for them.
We are the present and future of Mexico, the most important change is in oursdemand.
Success comes from within, depends on who we are and what we do, it is a connection of our aptitudes, passion and commitment and education is the strongest pillar to reach it. We have to believe in the possibility of having a better world, we have to modify our thoughts and be a society that wants to advance with the resources we have. Do not settle for us, but neither do we stop.
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