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Educational Quality In The Evaluation A Global Vision


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Educational quality in the evaluation A global vision


Globalization has made education new borders academic evaluation in recent decades has taken relevance for social changes. These changes raise the need for quality in education there has been great interest in this topic. Different countries have studied the concept and process involved in educational development and training. The educational evaluation What role in education institutions and its importance is limited to learning or methodology, therefore, this charges the management of new curriculas and on whom the redness of the educational quality account falls.

Education evaluation

It has been observed that over the years education has gone in a process of transformation. Barria, Venezuela and Filhcitizens for the world of work. Barria, Venezuela and Filho (2017), tells us in the education curriculum should be built with innovative trends and cognitive structures so that the student can similar to them and transmit them.  Within the field of education of education this process has had different forms, methods, evaluations and applications. At present, the new teaching approaches The evaluation has had a prominent place to be able to visualize whether the educational approach is reaching its objective

To make a critical analysis of this topic we have taken the quality and evaluation research article as a global tendency in educational policy (Álvarez and Matarranz 2020). These authors explain the need for the creation of agencies that ensure the policy of evaluation in educational systems, since it seeks to present the importance of creating an agency that evaluate education in Europe is vitally important below an analysis will be carried outCritic of the article Álvarez et.

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Educational quality a global vision

The Royal Spanish Academy (2019), says that quality has characteristics and properties that a product, service, company and organization that has the competence to satisfy an expressed or implicit need has. Quality is associated with excellence and in the educational process it is always sought that educational excellence have efficiency, coherence and have expectation. Ramírez Cordero (2016), tells us that currently the curriculum to fill the educational competences needs to make a 180 degree turn to face the demands of the time such as social, and educational economy.

  It is important that the aspects that this article touches the quality of the system that is sustainable in terms of supranational can be visualized. What happens with current systems are not paying the necessary fruit to produce quality education the European Union. It is necessary to observe how the evaluation mechanisms in the competitiveness and the development of learning work and what is not working, to establish the guides, measurements through an organism that can implement the evaluation policies in obligatory education. The countries that make up the European bloc do not have an organization that group them to establish avant -garde educational policies.

Establish an educational policy system that is sustainable at the supranational level. When we talk about the concept of supranational these organization is above governments and institutions and act independently. With the entry of globalization there have been changes at the cultural and social political level, this has caused educational processes to also have changes and the need to establish studies that allow having a panorama of the needs what education has nationally and internationally.necessary.

The article we are analyzing presents the approach and the need to establish one and entity what the evaluation processes in the European bloc. One of the areas to evaluate is the quality in education because it is necessary that education can provide students with an education of excellence to fill their learning needs and that this tone with cultural and social reality, quality in educationIt must have efficiency, efficiency and competitive quality for this to happen. All this has emerged as a need for the arrival of globalization that the border has opened in all social aspects.

The countries that were taken to do this study Germany, Italy and Spain have their organizations that ensure the evaluation of the quality of the responsibility of their education, these were the indicators for the justification of the need to create an agency in terms of Europe to satisfy theCompetitiveness and excellence needs worldwide.

The methodology used in the comparison study where the similar organizations of each of these countries were compared and similarity in educational policies were found thus understanding that it was necessary to establish a policy at the European level what the need for the need for evaluation and theEducational quality in a globalized world, the study shows us the importance of what educational quality for each country studied is.  

Really the findings found allow to establish a national or international policy to comply with the standards of educational quality or the countries that make up the European bloc each can comply with these educational policies of accounts without the need to have an organization aboveof them that dictates educational policy for a better quality of education in compulsory education or it is necessary to establish international policies so that countries can meet the needs of their education in classrooms. What capacity for influence can this organization have when establishing educational policies nationally and internationally.

The educational evaluation has a very important role within the structure organization of the school and it is necessary that countries have high quality schools to compete within a world that has opened its border to the economy to culture and how this affects the Education process and what important role has evaluation that measures learning or methodology and how important it is for the implementation of educational management on who falls responsibility for educational quality on individual, group, organization or government and who has more interference organizations educational that evaluates in the state or politics that you want It acts independent and is above governments it is important to recognize that there is a need to stop organizations that allow public policy to be fulfilled.

In the globalization process, it is eliminating many long borders of the decades both cultural political economic what has been the influence on educational institutions and their positive negative effect for the European Union is of great importance to use evaluation as a tool that allowsthat their member countries are really competitively and internationally competitive and how they can establish educational policies with this type of study and if they are effective for the moment that is lived as a social change.

The study allows us to rethink how necessary is the quality of education if necessary establishes a system or agency that protects the evaluation policies for education and how education can transcend quality and be more proactive in times in times. What kind of education this crisis time needs and governments are committed to the political evaluation process as a process that can bring substantial changes in economic and social policy


Social processes are inevitable with them come positive and negative things that can affect the development of education and its quality to advance the quality of education, it is necessary to optimize processes and promote learning This can be achieved by doing research and studies that allowObtain information to create the instruments or organizations that allows the goal to be achieved in the quality of education nationally and internationally, the evaluation process has become an important part today in order to obtain quality education we cannot see in theAnalysis of this article A methodology and justification were used to demonstrate the need to have an organization that watches for educational standards in the European bloc.


  • ALVAREZ LOPEZ, G. M. (85-95). Quality and evaluation as global trends in educational policy of National Evaluation Agencies in Compulsory Education in Europe. Complutense Education Magazine, 2020.
  • Barria, m. C. (2017). Higher education in Chile: paradigmatic changes of evaluation processes. Of the traditional process of training for competencies. Contemporary dilemmas: education, politics and values ,, 1-17.
  • Ramírez, d. C., & Cordero, I. R. (2016). The educational curriculum in the context of current cultural globalization. Modern Language Magazine;, 323-339.
  • Royal Spanish Academy. (2019). Retrieved from the Spanish Language Dictionary: https: // dle.RAE.It is/quality

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