Educational Reflections And Ict
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The new generations, are known as digital natives because from the first months of life they have interaction with technology, it is impressive to observe how digital devices can manipulate for example, tablet and cell phones, currently this is the profile of students who are in The classrooms, that is where the teacher faces a big challenge, because he has countless ICT tools to perform his work, to all the tools and facilities that the web offers is called digital ecosystem, according to Bauman (2007 ) This transformation is truly significant, it is not enough times change, training institutions must be directions of ED models Ucatives by competencies which form students, educational institutions involve challenges such as change transformation, technological environments, training new skills, digital literacy, teacher’s roles transformation, need for training networks.
Collective intelligence
An intelligent person is the one who has the ability to solve a problem, either in the area of calculation, language, social among others, collective intelligence is the mutual recognition and enrichment of people, therefore, it intends the collaboration of individuals;For example the work of ants and bees, which together achieve great things. Through new technologies, this ability in humans can be achieved, potentiating this intelligence has advantages, for example overcoming individual cognitive bias through collaboration with other people to know the reality of acting and thinking, this causes visualizingThings from other perspectives and as a consequence critical thinking is improved.
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According to Walsh (2003, cited by Jenkins 2008, 60-62), the characteristics about this collective intelligence are the following: The class of issues proposed by collective intelligence are open, flexible, and interdisciplinary, each person can contribute something and notThere are clearly defined procedures.
Web 2.0
It has expanded in the Internet world, unlike web 1.0 which was a consultation network, unlike web 2.0, since it is a participatory website, which revolutionized the way information circulates through the network, which allows users to be creators and not only consultants.
According to Pardo, (cited by Cabero, 2009, P.22) On some of the basic characteristics the proposals of different, their basic characteristics can be specified in the following:
- It is dynamic: the contents are constantly updated.
- They are collaborative: they are made by a group of people.
- They are simple and intuitive.
- They can be used without installing anything on a computer. The web is the platform.
- Friendly and Interactive Environment.
- The user has the ability to manage: what, when and how to publish
Education 2.0 brand, fashion or new vision of education?
When reading the characteristics of the web 2.0 The transformation that develops in students and knowledge society can be observed, the commitment is to provide demonstrative teaching, to reduce school failure and strengthen the domination of competences, the transformation mentioned implies a society of wealthFrom knowledge, educational institutions must develop cognitive abilities, as well as the competences of identifying, evaluating, building, social, personal knowledge, to reach complexity. The paradigm must be assimilated, to be able to jump the transmission barrier of knowledge construction information. "The role that the teacher must play, the function assigned to the didactic materials, the didactic strategies that are used, or to the type of evaluation process that is put into operation" (Cabero, 2009, P.25). Without a doubt, the teacher’s function as a mere transmitter of information is increasingly questioned in the times that run ”
Teaching in Teaching 2.0 It is developed with a microcontanid policy, jointly elaborated by all participants of the training action, for example the use of social bookmarking, which consists of registering in sites and the web, in which theme is sought, individuals byTags, schemes in the virtual community, in which people with related interests who could learn with others are found, can be useful for the creation of team projects.
ICT extension
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), are resources that are perceived as facilitators and transmitters of information which are adapted to the needs and characteristics of each subject, in which it contains audiovisual, hypertextual, multimedia information, focuses fundamentallyIn the technological and instrumental aspect. On the other hand, learning and knowledge technologies (CT) are resources used as communication instruments and tools for carrying out activities in learning and analysis of the surrounding reality by the student. Likewise, technologies for empowerment and participation (TEP) are instruments of participation and the collaboration of teachers and discos, who also do not have to be located in the same space and time (Caber.
The role of the teacher is to design the scenery for learning, and that is where technology will play a measurement role in the construction of knowledge and social interaction. The need for knowledge changes year after year, due to many factors, mainly due to scientific and technological advances, study houses must take into account current trends to promote educational spaces that impact society.
Teachers committed to their work form students according to current needs, educate with values, contextualize reality and develop capacities where the student discovers creativity and the ability to learn to learn, that is, metacognition
Current learning no longer occurs in educational institutions, but is increasing. This leads us to rethink the role of educational institutions where he is also supposed to be more proactive, and therefore not only consume information, but also believe it.
The responsibility of the current teacher, is to promote spaces where the student’s performance is seen throughout their academic training, which is why in educational institutions, didactic empiricism must be set aside, teachers must use didactic strategiescurrent, make use of ICT, TAC and TEC as a tool for teaching, in order to offer quality in education.
- Almenara Caber, J. (2015). Educational reflections on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Seville. Retrieved at: https: // www.Researchgate.NET /PUBLICATION /278455870 _Reflections_educativas_ Abre_Las_Tecnologias_de_la_informacion_y_la_ communication_tic
- Almenara Caber, J. (2009).Education 2.0 brand, fashion or new vision of education?. Venezuela. Retrieved at: https: // www.Researchgate.NET/PUBLICATION/236891803 _EDUCACION_ 20_MARCA_MODA_O_NUEVA_VISION_DE_LA_EDUCACION
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