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Effects Caused By Narcolepsy


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Effects caused by narcolepsy


Narcolepsy symptomatology: mainly they appear in adolescence or at the beginning of adulthood and persist throughout life. It is more frequent in men than in women. SOMNOLENCE: It occurs in 100% of cases. It is the symptom that best identifies the disease, and probably the most disabling along with the cataplejía. Somnolence in narcolepsia has certain characteristics that may be distinctive: it is present basal, manifesting in unstoppable accesses in monotonous or passive situations. 


Sometimes it is so sudden and intense that it is called "sleep attack". Sometimes, the dream is inevitable due to the need for this, so there may be moments of abrupt sleep in inappropriate or activity situations, it could occur during any meal, maintaining a conversation or during the work day. Sometimes, the person comes to present spontaneous behaviors in this context, this is known as semi -liberated activities, which occur when the patient is in a state of drowsiness that precedes a sleep access.

These accesses are usually relieved with short periods of sleep during the day, whose duration can range between 15 and 20 minutes, and that immediately and for a short period of time, it is repairing for the affected person.3, 4, 5 and 7. The cataplejía: It occurs between 60% and 90% of cases. It is a symptom that only occurs in this disease, it is a bilateral damage of muscle tone, which is triggered by emotions, normally positive such as laughter or surprise.

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Negative emotions, such as anger or rage, can occasionally cause cataplejía.

With the course of time, the patient can learn to prevent these situations from being triggered, making these episodes decrease throughout his life. This symptom can be located or involved to all skeletal muscles, except for respiratory muscles, which is protected. The areas that are normally affected, are the face, neck and knees, these alterations occur in a short period of time, second or minutes, and have a complete recovery then, the loss of contact with the environment is not given. 

It is a variable symptom, both in the number of times that appears and in the gravity range. The decrease in muscle tone, can change, from a small sign of weakness, head of the head or jaw, speech can be affected and hesitant, until a complete postural collapse has, which normally increases in a few seconds, somethingthat prevents the patient from suffering important injuries on many occasions. Throughout these episodes, muscle contractions can be seen, on the face especially. In some cases, exceptionally, a strong emotion.

This can cause a subintant succession of these episodes of cataplejía, that is to say that an episode begins right at the moment the previous one was referring, it can last several hours. The status of cataplejía, can also be observed after abruptly interrupting a treatment with serotonergetic antidepressants12 or also called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which is an antagonist neurotransmitter of melatonin, essential in sleep-vigilia cycles, or adrenergic thatThey are medications.

These medications incite neurons or other cells to segregate adrenaline. The drugs that cause the same effect are also called) the cataplexia, or cataplexia, of the Latin. cataplexis, and this ‘pasmar’ is defined as the sudden and transient loss of muscle tone, triggered by emotions, without loss of knowledge. Catoplejia is pathognomonic of the disease, which means that it has signs detectable by the specialist or symptoms observable by the patient, although it can also be seen in other entities such as Niemann-Pick disease, which is a genetic neurological disorder.

This rare neurological disorder caused by the accumulation of lipids due to the lack of proteins responsible for their mobilization, in Prader-Willi syndrome, which is a condition that causes loss of muscle tone, low levels of sex hormones and hungerConstant, in Norrie’s disease, which is characterized by congenital blindness due to a series of degenerative changes in the retina, as well as progressive ocular atrophy with conditions such as cataracts, narrowing of the anterior chamber, anterior and later synechiae,.

Research fibrovascular tissue, vitreorretinian hemorrhages, retinal detachment and pseudoglioma, and encephalitis, which is identified as an inflammation of the brain, specifically and in a joint way of the limbic system, diencephalon and midbrain due to the foulDue to reactivity against type antibodies (MA 21 20.21,22,23.) The frequency of cataplejia is variable in each patient, and with a duration that is usually seconds, rarely minutes. In patients in which anti -crushing medication is abruptly suspended.

Attacks are presented that can last several hours, or present against minimal emotional stimuli, which is known as the state of bad poultic. Up to 25% of narcoléptics never have cataplejia, which is known as narcolepsia without cataplejia. Hypnagogical or hipnopompic hallucinations, which make up 30 to 60 % of cases. These hallucinations are usually visual, however, there have been cases of auditory hallucinations or cenesthetic hallucinations, which are perceptions that occur from the inside of the body.

Which makes your stomach or kidneys hurt by being full or having a urinary infection without really being like this. This symptom is produced in the vigil-sueño transition period, these are the so-called hypnagogical hallucinations, and at the time of awakening, which are the so-called hypnopompic hallucinations. There have been cases of hallucinations after an episode of cataplejía or sleep paralysis. They are unpleasant moments, they are usually associated with a feeling of fear or threat. They occur when the patient who suffers it is falling asleep. 

They are called hypnopompic hallucinations if they happen when they start awakening. An example is the feeling in which a stranger is in the room. These hallucinations can be very vivid and terrifying, since the patient is not asleep completely when he begins to dream and experience dreams as if they were reality. They can be visions of people or animals. These illusions have no intrusion in patient’s thinking, allowing this symptom to be differentiated from schizophrenia.

Sleep paralysis: they occur between 20% and 50% of cases. The definition of this symptom is the inability of the voluntary muscular movement, usually at the beginning of sleep or waking up, consciousness is preserved. It has a short duration, second to minutes, and solve automatically or after a mild sensitive stimulation. It is an distressing symptom in the vast majority of cases, specifically in cases that are linked to unpleasant visual hallucinations. It must be added that this symptom is frequently given as an isolated symptom.

This affects 5-40% of the general population at some point in their life, usually this paralysis occurs in the adolescence period or in contexts in which there is sleep deprivation. Those who suffer from narcolepsia often experience a temporary inability to move or talk while falling asleep or waking up. These episodes are usually brief, with a duration of seconds or minutes, but cause fear or can be associated with the sensation of suffocation. It is likely to be aware of the disorder and have no problems remembering later.

This sleep paralysis mimics what happens normally during a period of sleep that is known as the rapid movement cycle (REM). This temporary immobility that occurs during the REM cycle, prevents the body from moving to act during dreams. However, not all people suffering from sleep paralysis have narcolepsy. Many people suffering from narcolepsia experience some sleep paralysis episodes.  Changes in the sleep cycle with rapid eye movement (REM).

It is undoubtedly the most outstanding characteristic in the symptomatology of narcolepsy.1.During the ReM cycle, dreams occur. The ReM cycle can occur at any time of the day or night for people suffering from narcolepsia. Those who have narcolepsia often get to the ReM cycle, usually about 15 minutes after falling asleep.  Sleep paralysis and hallucinations may appear next to sleep attacks and cataplejía. It usually takes months or years to appear.

And they only manifest for a few months or years. As for neuropsychological characteristics, narcoléptics usually have a normal intellectual coefficient. The main psychiatric diagnoses by Kales et al. They referred as depressive disorders and personality disorders, but in almost half of narcoléptics, psychopathological diagnoses were not obtained. Chronic sexual disorders of the type of impotence in the male are also frequent, although it is often due to treatment with tricyclic antidepressants, and frigidity in women.


Night sleep alteration occurs in 70-80% of cases, it is a symptom of narcoceptic patients with excessive ease to sleep, but contradictory, it is very difficult for them to maintain this continuously during the night during the night. This insomnia usually occurs later than the rest of the symptoms, so it is usually one of the clinical complaints.7 

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