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Effects Of Sexual Abuse On The Emotional Emotional Plane


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Effects of sexual abuse on the emotional emotional plane


39% of the population victim of sexual abuse of both sexes with or without disabilities, present as the main effect, the emotional instability that is characterized by a variation in feelings and emotional states, as by the ups and downs of mood, for no reason or for insignificant causes.

It manifests itself with periods of sadness and dejection, unable to experience pleasure, disinterest in all, tedium and irritability, inconstancy to persevere in a marked task or objective, low tolerance to frustrations, weak emotional control, affective dependence, low self – esteem, which, which It feeds distrust in others.

Unstable people affectively have great difficulty to separate the different areas of their life: if they have family conflicts with parents or brothers, they transfer them to the study, or friends are usually dependent and insecure, they need to rely on many pillars and as soon as One fails, they are assaulted by a destructive feeling that radiates to other situations of his life, with his low threshold of tolerance to frustrations and few emotional resources, his emotional dependence is frequent.

On the other hand, we have 18% population that shows anxiety effects, which is expressed in shame, guilt, fear of punishment or loss of affection by the offender even, fear of the break and loss of the home. These fears are reinforced and suggested by the direct threats of the aggressors or participants.

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The child lives two contradictory realities or adults, responsible are figures full of evil, unable to love and preserve it, feelings or intolerable thoughts with respect to the people who expect the opposite given their defenseless Feel bad, dirty and deserving of punishment. He usually chooses the second option to survive emotionally.

To all this, the fear caused by the consequences of his complaint must be added, he confronts as real the imaginary threatening fears, divorce of the parents, economic abandonment, etc. In many cases, there is an increase in abuse for having denounced, the victimization can be added here if there is an institutional poor management of the child who has revealed the case of him, and can even try to withdraw his complaint.

As another 14% effect is the feeling of lack of protection and helplessness since as the child discovers the meaning of what happened, feelings of deep unprotection paralyze it, it is still and unable to resign, even if the mother is close , this feeling provides the very essence of helplessness and prejudice in the adult world. His defenses are annulled, lead him to disappointment, despair and exaggerate his own responsibility and therefore to have feelings of guilt about the facts.

The expected thing for a child is to distrust strangers, kidnappers, criminals, which leaves in the back family. The idea that a father can be cruel and seek his own advantage of him cannot be formed without his mental health.

In this way there is an inevitable fractionation of traditional moral values ​​to lie in order to keep the secret become the best of virtues, while telling the truth is the worst of sins.

Such a victimized child will give the impression that he accepts or seeks to be sexually attacked, in the cases of systematically abused children who never denounced her.


Sexual violence is not only linked to people with intellectual disability problems but also covers a broad spectrum in which the condition of double vulnerability of the dependent child and its inability to defense and denunciation of the illicit and being a woman is visualized. This generates this that this population is prone to being the target of sexual aggressions in the logic that it is more accessible and manipulable in every sense affectively and socially, much more accentuated in a macho society with a stigma of seeing women as a sexual object and not as A human being with all the rights inherent to his condition.

Our research shows that the affectation to children is similar in their degree of intelligence showing that the typology of the victims focus on the young person variables of both sexes for considering them weak and vulnerable in that period of development being an easy victim being an easy victim of an aggression, on the other hand the variable woman for considering the weakest sex, for being culturally conditioned to accept the male authority and to believe that her worth is subject to her sexuality.

The lives of children with disabilities would change very little while the attitudes of communities, professionals, media and governments do not begin to change. Ignorance about nature and the causes of impediments, the invisibility of children suffering from disability, undervaluation of their potential, and obstacles to equal opportunities and treatment conspire to keep these children marginalized and without the possibility of opinion or expressing your views.

According to the UNICEF report, (2013): girls and boys with disabilities, exclusion and discrimination against children with disabilities make them excessively vulnerable to violence, abandonment and ill -treatment. The conclusion of a survey practiced in the country of Norway in 2004, was that girls had twice as probabilities to suffer or suffer sexual abuse and boys, three times more likely than their unknown classmates.

Continuing with the UNICEF report, (2013), it expresses that, seventeen studies, all of them practiced in high -income countries, estimates on the prevalence of violence against children with disabilities were 26.7% for combined modalities of violence, 20.4% for physical violence and 13.7% for sexual violence. This analysis showed that violence is a serious problem that affects children with disabilities. In our region, the cases of violation of girls with disabilities are few that reach judicial stages since this population has a triple vulnerability, woman and disability dramatically accentuating their situation not to generate a complaint for their limitations inherent to their disability and the non -understanding of the illicit committed against his person.

In our research this reality is contrasted both in women and men with a greater incidence of cases in women showing that children and young people who can suffer some condition that alters their perception of reality, disabilities and disabilities both mental and physical can be victims can be victims Potentials of suffering sexual aggressions.

For what is generated in this typification of victims a criterion of age asymmetry or maturation very different sexual relationship.

On the other hand, there is a criterion of coercion that refers to the sexual contact maintained with a minor through the use of manipulation, pressure, authority and deception and must be considered as a behavior of sexual abuse, regardless of the Age of the victimizer.

On the psychological effects of sexual violence in children, Pereda, (2009), indicates that anxiety and depression are observed between 4 and 44% in men and between 9 and 41% in women victims of sexual abuse. Being the most affected area of ​​social relations in their relationship with their peers and adults given the break that the experience of sexual abuse implies in the victim’s trust in which 43% of them said they had few friends compared to comparison Non -victims with 11%.

Acuña, (2014), on the other hand, expresses that victims have a greater tendency to present depression, anxiety, post -traumatic stress disorders, suicide, suicity ideation, low self – esteem, enuresis, findpresis, eating disorders, emotional lability, aggressiveness, emotional deregulation , feelings of guilt, stigmatization and the difficulty of trusting other people. There are factors that can enhance the severity of sequels such as sexual contact with relatives, minors and intensity and duration of abuse.

Rodríguez, et al, (2012), highlights that in much of the victims of child sexual abuse the presence of self-harm behaviors, suicidal ideas, suicide attempts and low self – esteem. Detected in 72% of the sample with the varied presence of both emotional problem. Continuing with this author indicates that 100% of cases present difficulties in establishing relations with contemporaries, isolation and social anxiety, less friends and social interactions, as well as low levels of participation in community activities.

In the same line of analysis Almonte, Insunza, and Ruiz, (2002), they express that in the victim the experience of sexual abuse can have a negative impact on its psychosexual, social and moral affective development. On some opportunities the consequences of abuse can remain and reactivate in the course of the victim’s life.

Similarly Garrido, (1989), citing the results of Ellis, Atkeson and Calhoun’s research, (1981), indicates that victimized women exhibited a greater incidence of depression, a lower enjoyment of daily activities and more interpersonal functioning more maladjusted; Likewise, they also showed more fears and nightmares than the control group.

From the investigations presented above all have a common denominator the psychological affectation in the victims of sexual aggression in both sexes being the emotional and behavioral affective areas the most affected such as depression, anxiety, emotional lability, aggressiveness, stigmatization, feelings of guilt, stress Postraumatic, inhibition and others, although it is difficult to make a complete list of the psychological consequences that sexual abuse can cause in victims, it is feasible.

It is also evident that it is very difficult to determine a common pattern of affectation to all victims and this due to the different variables that come into play in this problem, such as the type and intensity of abuse, the age of the victim, if the same is intrafamily, and because of the characteristics of each individual that from their personality in training perceives and feels differently from one case to another.

Another aspect to take into account in the discussion that many of these investigations are in a phase of recoil of the victimization process after a time elapsed from the traumatic event and during which the victim tries to accept or adapt to the crime and reintegrate their personality So they go to mental health care services showing the long -term effects or sequelae produced by aggression. These consequences will depend on factors such as the structure of the victim, the ability to contain and support their family environment and the response of the judicial system.

In the case of our investigation, it corresponds to a psychological forensic expertise that is applied immediately after the assumption of bone illegal has been committed a primary victimization in which a person suffers, directly, directly physical or psychological damage derived from the commission of a criminal act So the answers issued by those evaluated correspond to an impact phase that occurs immediately after the criminal event. Therefore, the psychological consequences detected correspond to short -term sequelae.

Such as the emotional insecurity that is a sense of discomfort, nervousness associated with a multitude of contexts, which can be triggered by the perception that oneself is vulnerable and instability that threatens the self-image of the self of the self. Affective inhibition characterized as the difficulty in identifying and expressing the emotions and feelings that in some cases can generate a total dissociation with the affective world. The emotional instability that is expressed through the expression of relatively abrupt changes in the emotional state of the person and anxiety as a state of agitation of mood, disturbance, an anguish that the child cannot control and that ends up affecting the behavior.

With regard to the sex variable, significant differences have not been found in the degree of affectation between men and women and is consistent with the studies mentioned, this shows us that the experience of sexual abuse produces significant damage in the short and long term altering in a way important and in some cases irreversibly the normal cycle of psychic development of children producing disturbances that alter their intimate, social and family life.

Around the variable intellectual disability, the results are similar with children without disabilities except for the category of nonsense that is that feeling of feeling vulnerable and constant in danger since children disabled by the nature of their disability depend on their care of an adult adult that supposedly must protect them and in cases of domestic sexual violence the caregivers of these children have been the caregivers themselves.

Not all people react in the same way to the victimization experience, nor all experiences share the same characteristics. The emotional impact of sexual assault is modulated by four variables: the individual’s individual profile (psychological stability, age, sex and family context); The characteristics of the abusive act (frequency, severity, existence of violence or threats, chronicity, etc.); the existing relationship with the abuser; And finally, the consequences associated with the discovery of abuse.

In general, the severity of the sequelae is based on the frequency and duration of the experience, as well as the use of strength and threats or the existence of a rape properly (vaginal penetration, anal or oral). In this way, the more chronic and intense the abuse, the greater the development of a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability and the more likely the appearance of symptoms is.

Regarding the victim’s relationship with the aggressor, what matters is not so much the degree of kinship between them, but the level of existing emotional intimacy. In this way, the greater the degree of intimacy, the greater the psychological impact, which can be aggravated if the victim does not receive support from the family or is forced to leave the home. On the other hand, when it comes to the age of the aggressor, the sexual abuse committed by adolescents are, in general, less traumatizing for victims than those made by adults.

The importance of the consequences derived from the revelation of abuse in the type and intensity of the experienced symptoms cannot be ignored. The reaction of the environment plays a fundamental role. Parental support -giving credit to the minor testimony and protecting it -, especially from the mother, is a key element for victims to maintain or recover their level of general adaptation after revelation. Probably the feeling of being believed is one of the best mechanisms to predict evolution to the normality of children victims of sexual abuse.

The influence of additional stress situations is still significant, as a consequence of the revelation of abuse, on the emotional stability of the victim. Specifically, the possible rupture (legal or de facto) of the couple, the imprisonment of the father or stepfather, the departure of the victim of the home (sometimes the only way to guarantee their safety, but which is an emotional cost and important adaptation ) or the involvement in a judicial process (with the possible criminal consequences for the abuser) are some of these situations. Regarding the last point indicated, long judgments, repeated testifications and testimonies placed in question involve secondary victimization and offer a worse prognosis.

For all this as Garcia concludes, et al, (2013), sexual violation implies an interference in the evolutionary development of the child. It is a traumatic experience that is usually lived as an attack on its integrity an attack on its body, its psychological state, its sexuality, its integrity, where its integrity, their dignity and freedom are affected in a variable degree. Being immediate attention to the victim and family of her public responsibility. 

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