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Effects of Stress on Police Officers
Stress can be described as the body’s response to external and internal stimuli that affects the normal state of the body. Stress can be seen in three different states which include physical emotional and mental. Notably, stress plays a part in every person’s lives since it is inevitable and can occur to anyone. A good example of physical stress is of working out which improves an individual’s cardiovascular system. However, the stresses that the police officers experience is considered as a negative force that is connected to their police work known as job stress (Johnson, 2012). It is crucial to note that, police stress can be brought about by shift changes, constant monotony, dangers associated with their line of work and hostility from the public. Therefore, the paper explores the effects stress has on the police.
It is correct to say that, the work-related anxiety to an officer’s workload creates job stress. With this in mind, job stress leads to a number of health problems and reactions. The stressful aspects brought about by job stressors may lead to a deteriorating work performance such as low morale and absence at work (Burke, 1994). Also, it leads to a negative psychological state this may include frustrations, depressions, anger, and emotional burnout. Seemingly, burnout can be defined as a state of emotional fatigue, low feelings of achievement and depersonalization (Burke, 1994).
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Consequently, many of the emotionally exhausted police officers are usually not satisfied with their occupation. With regards to that, the job might have a negative strain on an officer’s family since the officers might carry the job stress home which might take a toll on any family (Jackson & Maslach, 1982). For that reason, they consider giving up the profession for a different career. In conclusion, stress is a common aspect of our lives, therefore, we should look for ways to manage it and not let it control our lives.
Burke, R. J. (1994). Stressful events, work-family conflict, coping, psychological burnout, and
well-being among police officers. Psychological reports, 75(2), 787-800.
Jackson, S. E., & Maslach, C. (1982). After‐effects of job‐related stress: Families as victims.
Journal of organizational behavior, 3(1), 63-77.
Johnson, R. R. (2012). Police officer job satisfaction: A multidimensional analysis. Police
Quarterly, 15(2), 157-176.
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