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Email Revisions


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Scenario 1: Susan’s Email:
TO: (Professor’s Name)
FROM: (Student’s Name)
Dear (Sir/Madam),
I am a student in your Anthropology class. I am writing this email concerning an issue with my final class grade on the homework that was submitted at the end of the second week into the semester. I have consistently achieved a good rank in anthropology since joining college. It is one of my favorite subjects, therefore studying for it is enjoyable because it is a passion. For this specific class task, I thoroughly identified reliable sources to assist in conducting vast research on the topic. Before beginning the assignment, I planned my time with a schedule that helped me in managing my time because I was using scholarly articles, online data and library books. Besides, I also visited an anthropologist to gather more information and research to help me understand the subject further. However, even with all my input, I scored a bad grade that does not reflect my contribution. With all the information gathered, I wrote an excellent paper, and I was confident of attaining a good grade because I followed all the instructions on the rubric.
On the other hand, my friend wrote the assignment a few hours before the final date of submission but scored higher grades. The difference between her grade and my score is enormous. I understand professors are strict in grading assignments. However, I am requesting for a remarking of my assignment to improve my grade.

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I am willing to retake the anthropology assignment if need be, to achieve an excellent rank. I am requesting a meeting with you to understand further my errors in the paper and how to improve my skills in the future. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards,

Scenario 2: Don’s Email:
TO: (Professor’s Name)
FROM: (Student’s Name)
Dear (Sir/Madam),
I am in the second year of college. I am writing regarding an inquiry on possible ways to revise my class grades. I hope to proceed with the third year of college, but some of my ranks in specific subjects are low. These low grades could affect my overall ranking as I complete my second year in the Communication and Media Studies course. I attend your creative arts and film studies class. I performed poorly in these two subjects due to lack of adequate time to study. With my current situation of taking care of my ailing father, I did not finish shooting a short documentary that was a requirement in attaining the complete film studies score. Despite this circumstance, I edited the film with the footage I had managed to shoot. It was not my intention to do the project for a shorter period than planned. I regularly need to drive my sick father to the hospital for medical check-ups after he developed hypertension because of his long-standing complication with diabetes. This situation often leaves me with limited time, but I am working on a plan to have my father live with my brother temporarily during days where his medical check-ups coincide with extensive class work days. With this in mind, I would be willing to be granted extra time to shoot additional footage to complete my documentary project. I trust this will enable me to produce an excellent film that will boost my score in film studies.
Further, my grade in creative arts is equally low. I completed my assignment on time and was confident that I would perform exceptionally. I need guidance to understand the reason for a poor grade yet I followed instructions and took extra classes to gain further understanding of the topic. It is my request to slight delay computing my overall score until I retake my creative arts and film studies project. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards,

Work Cited
Wikihow (2018). How to Email Teachers. Retrieved from https://www.wikihow.com/Email-Teachers

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