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Emotional Intelligence As Wisdom


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Emotional Intelligence as Wisdom


Emotional intelligence both in the own and professional is vitally important?

Thus, according to Goleman, he defines us in his text that the emotional intellect is to be able to admit our feelings likewise the feelings of others, to motivate and also motivate us, to know how to handle the links correctly. On the other hand, but not getting out of the subject, emotions are psychophysiological responses that are giving according to the experiences or various situations that arise in our daily lives, being so many positive shocks as well as negative. Likewise, intelligence is understood that it is the power to reason, reasoning, cavilar, understand or know how to make important decisions taking into account that we must choose good options. Then it is important to indicate that in the face This is worth mentioning that it is very important to tell and achieve excellent reason in our shocks as well as with the esteem towards us going hand in hand with the main theme, it is known that if we do not have all this it is impossible to feel really satisfied personally as well as work.

Thus, relating everything above to work, it can be said that in this aspect it is important that we have an emotional intelligence since we will be exposed to different projects that the company in which we work takes charge, at the same time we will be responsible for the management and important decision making for both the good and the growth of said company, although many times situations occur that unbalance our emotions, which causes us stress or makes us feel unable to be able to perform everything in charge as: the imposition of The bosses, the workload, the problems that arise in your own life, the debts that you have to cancel and thus various events that somehow do not help us at all because it only harms us, we must keep calm and know Control those emotions, looking for some solution to perform a good job performance.

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It is known that having or achieving an emotionally with wisdom in the workplace implies having many elements to perform excellently in the company that tasted, as we have mentioned above to have a high esteem towards oneself is also important to feel able to achieve Reach our goals and really reach us, however that factor would not be the only one that forms emotional wisdom but also that there are 5 more than indispensable for the company, so that I will detail explaining each point that has to do with the subject.

Skills to develop

To manage these emotions intelligently we must use certain skills:

  • self-knowledge, this means that it is significant to know each other internally knowing how to distinguish where we are really good and in that we have difficulty doing them, so know you allow us to know what we have to strive so that the weak points we have no longer harm us , but it becomes something that we can do feeling capable at work.
  • Then we will also apply the self-regulation that tells us about the ability we have to manage our shocks in the place we work allowing us to take advantage of the feelings that worry us at work, so not let us take us for them, but to improve.
  • Then the motivation is equally vital since it would not only be self-motivating but also motivating others, it is known that if we achieve that we can obtain as a result great things in a team.
  • Subsequently there is the empathy that refers to when the classmates of your work understand you by putting themselves in your place or that of anyone who needs it, this makes it somehow perfect the friendships between them and the environment is harmonious.
  • To end in the same way that others here tell us about social skills wanting to say that it is the way in which we are around us, knowing that it is very important that all those who work in the same place have A warm and companionship relationship. Thus, taking a summary and at the same time the most significant we can say that these mentioned qualities are awarded are part of handling our emotions intelligently at work so that they help us to live together the time we are in the place we work.


Emotional intelligence allows us

According to Goleman:

  • Be aware of our emotions.
  • Understand others in their shocks.
  • Be understanding the stress that causes work.
  • Be able to work as a team.
  • Be empathic with our partners.
  • Achieve a warm environment of peace in the work environment.

Thus, obtaining an intelligently emotion management benefits us.

Is emotional intelligence at work to be formed?

When time passes according to our experiences that are presented many times we are wrong in the way of reacting, so this allows us to no longer make the same mistakes, because we somehow learn. That is why if you can achieve an improvement in us especially in training, this implies being emotionally intelligent especially at work, I think that if you intend to improve in aspects related to the subject, you will obtain what you seek even He will become a leader who not only gets the best of him but also those who work around him, motivates them, congratulates them for results obtained, looks for ways to help and learn from them when something makes it difficult, rewards them by encouraging them by encouraging them To work in a harmonious and warm atmosphere of a lot of companionship, in summary a person who knows how to handle their emotions intelligently feels able to get very high at the same time provides help towards others looking to achieve their objectives or goals set.

How does emotional intelligence influence work?

Being intelligent in the emotional aspect leads us to motivate ourselves between so much pressure from the same workplace as well as motivate others, to be persevering with our objectives even though it becomes a bit difficult, to handle our impulses or reactions that we can have according to the different situations that are presented to us either positive or negative, also that we learn to cohabit with our classmates in a harmonious environment where they can work. Obs’s blog mentions that those who get to be an intelligently emotional person are successful at work with 65% and that this research is demonstrated, that is why here the importance of being empathic with those who work around us, of the same We have to be prepared to solve the trances, congratulate their good performance of the classmates, know how to work together and give your point of view without belittling that of others rather respecting each opinion.

Points to apply emotional intelligence:

  • Auto examine helps to make you realize what those things are that will somehow make you react either a good or bad reaction will also allow you to know what you have to improve to stop having those reactions.
  • Knowing how to listen to others, this means that we have to respect the different opinions that the classmates of your work mention you and if there is any doubt you do not repress yourself to ask, since it will allow you to know how to make decisions safely.
  • Know how to understand what the body language of others means to us, since language does not always coincide with our body or a sign.
  • Recognize the situations that produce stress, because this will help you prevent the different emotions that occur improvisedly getting you even more stress.
  • We must be professionals in the workplace, since we cannot have reactions that harm the company.
  • Finally, but not least if we do not achieve everything detailed before.


Important data that you should know about emotional intelligence in the workplace

So we have where to work is of important sum since thanks to them we can solve our expenses and the basic needs that everyone has, we must also take care of the place where we work. It is worth mentioning that employees who have a very high emotional wisdom will be prepared to provide their help to their classmates, often becoming a leader who guides so that everyone gets good results.

According to the report called “World Economic Forum”, he mentions that emotional wisdom is in the 10 most wanted skills of this year, there are even societies that appreciate and prioritize that their employees have these skills also according to the Career Buildet page indicates that they made us A survey about what the company expects and aspires to its worker today, so the results are the following:

  • Of all the companies surveyed they reveal that 71% prevail that their employees have wisdom in their emotions and most of them prioritizes that even above the intellectual that manage to be.
  • In the same way of the companies in general that they have been surveyed 75% tell us that there is more likely that a worker reaches greater positions in their work, but the indispensable requirement is to be intelligent in emotional.
  • Finally, 59% of companies mention in the survey that for them it would not be very important for their employees to have emotional intelligence, but are intellectual.


In short, companies that prevail or worry about which their employers have an emotional wisdom tend to become more successful and over time very good results are being obtained, it is so that it is transcendental that their workers manage to acquire it since it would result be more efficient at work and there would be improvements in the company or company.

Emotional Intelligence Techniques

According to Goleman, he mentions that the human being who wants to achieve emotional wisdom is transcendental to develop or apply these following processes:

  • Wisdom of our shocks, beings recognize their emotions, what they can feel and understand that sometimes the place where they are or the individuals with whom it surrounds them afflicts them in their shocks.
  • Control of our shocks, beings handle their feeling having known them before since only then would be able to handle them.
  • Knowledge of the shocks about others, people understand how those who are around some or another would be called empathic at the same time show concern for their classmates. Control of external shocks, this aims to explain that here human beings understand the feeling of others helping them to have control over their emotions.


Importance of emotional intelligence

According to how I have been detailing various points that make up this issue, so we have discovered that emotional wisdom is transcendental and that is related to everything that has to do with the esteem towards oneself. If a person does not know how At the same time, relationships within the work would deteriorate if a company is surrounded by people who do not assume control over their shocks and above all that do not apply intelligence, also many of these human beings do not usually be accepted by how they are accustomed to Always reproach without realizing the great damage that is being done, therefore a company should have as a requirement people who have a superior emotional wisdom, in that way there would be workers to help grow the company where they work obtaining very good results.


Finally, it is concluded that emotional intelligence in the professional field should be an indispensable requirement in a company that will require people who seek to apply for some position or work within a company either large or small because in this way they would contribute many good ideas of equal form would cause the company to grow in the market so competitive and differ from others not only by the quality of their work but for its employees.

On the other hand, people who have this will be leaders and will not be afraid to accept any position or projects that are responsible for people who do not have high emotional intelligence because these beings are reproached whenever they are wrong, they never leave To feel effective before their work, in the same way that they will not feel able to obtain something because They can never be achieved to reach emotional intelligence but above all they will not know how to handle the different shocks they have to simply be carried away by their many times negative reactions and this would cause them to lose their job or that they do not find a place where work, As in a magazine they mentioned that this year the different companies were prevailing in their employers and those who postulate a pu This, so they realized their surveys and also their experiences with workers who did not know how to handle their shocks obviously every company would seek that their company grows and positions itself in the competitive market.

Therefore it is recommended that people who do not have a high esteem and do not know They present themselves according to situations, it is known that in every work that hires someone is for the improvement of it and above all the growth, the contributions and the leaders that we manage to become and all thanks to having intelligently emotional management in The workplace.  

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