Employee Acceptance And Commitment
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It is important to see how people currently need help in different situations that arise in daily life, circumstances which can be stormy for the emotional stability of a person, day by day as in the case of Arthur Fleck who had cognitive schemes which were a good image of society, classifying people as good without being able to generate damage to someone. But on the other hand we realize how people can be an important activator in the life of the other generating psychological and physical damage.
In acceptance and commitment therapy we work with the patient’s thoughts, those irrational beliefs that do not let the person live quietly, and some components are implemented which in the character Arthur were not reinforced as the management of experiential avoidance García, García, R (2000) mentions that it is the “phenomenon that occurs when a person is not willing to contact private private experiences, sensations, emotions, and memories and tries to change the shape or frequency of those events` `I lack the Be more focused on leaving behind a past and memories which tormented it in their days, having developed commitment and action towards a valuable life and committing to put aside their internal experiences.
1. Identify the cognitive schemes or belief framework of the protagonist
The protagonist Arthur Fleck identified himself for being a person who lived his life very quietly, having adequate cognitive schemes which did not harm anyone and constantly they were being modified, despite the fact that in his life adversities were presented for his work always smiled , he believed that the society in which it was surrounded were good people, who would never be able to hurt him, kept a good concept of his mother having a love and taking care of her, managing a good interpersonal relationship with his co -workers.
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two. Show what are the irrational beliefs that can be observed
In the character, some irrational beliefs are highlighted, which are:
- Feeling rejected by society since he received a bad treatment from this, receiving all kinds of humiliations, blows, and even until people moved away from him for his condition, as this person affected him not having had That approval by other people.
- As this person could have changed his negative thoughts, as nobody accepts me in this society, nobody cares, being the most reflected in his life and emotions such as sadness, and anger, allowing himself to be affected by this, not accepting the undesirable experiences, if not living immersed them.
- The past affected him a lot since, when he realized, of the traumatic situations he lived in his childhood, this full of more hate, even towards the people he believed important in his life.
The character meets the following criteria which are:
- Belief about the approval of others.
- Each is how it is and cannot change.
- It is necessary to leave the whole past behind.
- Low tolerance to frustration
3. Specify what are the cognitive distortions that the protagonist or the person they chose to do the analysis has
According to Camacho, J (2003) "During the processing of information, certain alterations that lead the patient to draw arbitrary conclusions" in this case in the character are evidence anger, sadness, perceiving things in a shortly interesting way, with this hatred that was built in unwanted behaviors increasingly reinforced.
I highlight some types of cognitive distortions which are reflected in:
- Selective abstraction: The character focused on situations which had generated anger, generating maladaptive behaviors such as ending the lives of others, contempt and humiliations were an activator that was reflected which was very difficult to change.
- Fallacy of the divine reward: it identifies as it was hoping to be accepted by society even recognized by its talent which was the comedy, dedicating itself to it, but it was not effective since it only received teasing, triggered undesirable thoughts and making mistakes about of his vision which would be to think that everything would improve.
4. Specify at what time in the film the elements of acceptance and commitment are evidenced:
In that it is in crisis, in which part makes experiential avoidance, when it makes cognitive fusion, in which part is in pure despair, in creative despair, in clarification of values and in commitment.
The film shows elements of acceptance and commitment defining this as mentioned by Barraca, J (2007). The character reflects characteristics which are to live immersed that past, which generates so much discomfort, missing the present, but rather focusing on hate and revenge.
At the moment that the character is in crisis is when all his emotions such as hate, sadness accumulates him since when trying to do his best, he only received ill -treatment being this an activator to react in that violent way , when being frustrated as asking questions, that because society, they directed towards this way, upon learning of all their ill-treatment during their childhood, which had been a victim of rape, malnutrition and without affection for a father-mother, mother, mother, This greatly affected his life.
Psychological suffering is caused by experiential avoidance in this regard the character was exposed more to this, it was something stormy since their memories were present in terms of what society had done, the treatment he had received, and also by What happened in his childhood, the feelings of thinking that others were going to make fun, lived immersed their thoughts, their negative emotions, it was difficult for him to accept that these internal experiences were not generating anything good in his life.
The individual is immersed or entangled in the thoughts that disturb him the emotional stability of him, giving a value to the experiences lived by how bad, and destructive being this cognitive fusion.
The creative despair in the character tried to be different, abandoning those generating events or activating events in his life, implementing at the beginning the patience and believing that he did not have to react in the same way that they did with him, but well this It was not effective since its irrational beliefs, their distortions were more entrenched, and it was very difficult to change and move those painful experiences away from their memories, due to the traum life as an adult.
Clarify the values, the character therefore does not carry out the sense of living a quiet life, without worries, or stormy situations.
Arthur Fleck did not know how stays.
5. Propose an intervention model from acceptance and commitment therapy for the person they chose in the analysis
From acceptance and commitment therapy you can intervene performing different techniques in the individual;
- Focusing on the present leaving behind the behaviors, thoughts and experiences that are not generating something good in the life of the individual.
- Strengthen in creative despair, so that it focuses on forgetting those memories, and sensations.
- Focus on the desire for overcoming and the objective to achieve
- Induce the patient to erase negative thoughts, being replaced by positive reinforcements
- Believe more in it, have a favorable self-concept.
- Barraca, J (2007) Act acceptance and commitment therapy. Fundamentals, application in clinical context and development areas.
- Camacho, J (2003) The ABC of cognitive therapy.
- GARCIA, R (2000) Application of acceptance and commitment therapy in an example of experiential avoidance. Psychology Center. Vol 12
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