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Case Study on Autism
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Mark W. is a male child who is nine years old. He is a Black-American child. The child portrays certain core autism features such as being repetitive, communication difficulties as well as social interaction difficulties. The classroom had ten children and only three of that had autism. The other children were relating to each other very well, and they were playing and communicating well with others. Only those that had autism were evident to have social interaction problems. The classroom had only one instructor who was checking all of the students to ensure that they were comfortable. I observed that Mark wanted to play alone with his toys without the presence of other children. He also had difficulty in communicating since teachers did not understand. I also observed that the boy would also keep repeating phrases
The potential implication for the study that was conducted is that the case can serve as the basis for other studies that will be conducted on the issue of autism in individuals. Additionally, interventions tested can be tried further to ascertain their effectiveness.
Mark W is a nine-year-old boy who has been suffering from autism since he was born. This boy was disowned by his parents when they realized that the child had the disease. He has been brought up in a foster home where some well-wishers take care of him and other children who have also been abandoned by their parents or even orphan.

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Mark has been receiving medical care that would help in managing the disease. Mark does not have playing mates since he portrays a lot of anti-social behavior. He is aggressive and therefore beats other children. This boy engages in anti-social behavior that seem to be socially inappropriate such as removing his clothes in schools or other public places. The child shows some behavior that could hurt him or other children. Such behaviors include head-banging and biting. I had the privilege to observe this boy and some of the behaviors that he portrayed is playing alone such that he did not want to interact with other children.
His teachers say that he is not able to communicate effectively but mostly communicates through non-verbal signs of communication. He walks away when he is discontent with something or does things that try to send a message. The boy also plays games that involve visual abilities in an excellent manner. The boy also performs well in the class according to his teachers and guardians. The child performs above average since he is excellent in academics. Mark often repeats specific phrases from the television or elsewhere.
Leo Kanner was the original scientist to explain autism clearly. In a letter wrote by Donald’s father he discovered that Donald T. was not like other young boys of his age. Donald was different since he was happy when he was doing his things without the interference of other people. He was therefore very happy when he was alone, and he was also insensible to around him. He also realized that the boy would spin toys and himself round in cycles. He developed bad temper when his routine was disrupted. When Kanner met Donald, he realized that the boy could repeat words spoken to him and he would also refer to himself in the third person. Donald used irrelevant words in many instances. He discovered that autistic children portray schizophrenic features but differ from schizophrenia because autism is present from birth and therefore has a biological origin (Lord, 2012). He realized that these children come into the world with an innate inability to form social relationships and therefore this is what makes them different. This case study relates to what I am doing since it is explaining autism as well as behavior in children. Mark W. is a child who was born with autism. His situation was realized when he was still very young about eighteen months of age. He was then taken to the clinic to be tested for various diseases since he showed signs of retarded development and many other developmental issues. The child was examined, and it was confirmed that the boy was born with autism, and since then he has had difficulty in interacting with other children and also his parents as well as the foster home’s caregivers have had difficulty in interacting with him. I observed the child while he was in school.
Mark W. is a male child who is nine years old. He is a Black-American child. The child portrays certain core autism features such as being repetitive, communication difficulties as well as social interaction difficulties. These features indicate that the boy is suffering from this condition. He keeps repeating words that he heard someone says or other from the media channels. He also tends to ask a question when he wants to something instead of requesting for it. During the time I was observing him, he kept of asking “Do you want a drink?”. I thought that maybe he wanted to offer me one, but it was not so as I had imagined. He also wanted to play alone without the interruption of other children or teachers. He is a loner, and he is so happy like that but become angry when other children try to come and play with him.
The classroom had ten children and only three of that had autism. The other children were relating to each other very well, and they were playing and communicating well with others. Only those that had autism were evident to have social interaction problems. The classroom had only one instructor who was checking all of the students to ensure that they were comfortable.
The curriculum had stated the objectives and the time required to accomplish the objectives, results as well as recommendations. The curriculum catered for students with autism as well as those that do not have this condition. The objective of the curriculum was to ensure that all students regardless of their health conditions continue to learn ever day so that they can their minds can develop academically. The curriculum stipulated the things that ought to have been captured at a specific time. The teacher was to fill the space for the results obtained after the children had been taught. The results represent the achievements that are accomplished. It also had left a space for recommendations for the teacher to make in regards to what requires to be modified so that it can be effective for the learning of the students.
Observation method
I observed the boy in three sessions. During short break which is between 10.00¬-10.15 am. I also got to observe the child during lunchtime and at 4 pm. I observed the child for about 15 minutes each session. I took notes while I was watching the child. I decided to take notes on specific behavior that was unusual with the other children.
I observed that Mark wanted to play alone with his toys without the presence of other children. He also had difficulty in communicating since teachers did not understand. I also observed that the boy would also keep repeating phrases.
The child was sitting at the edge of the classroom playing with his toys. The other children were running all over the classroom from one corner to another. The objective behavior that I observe is loneliness exhibited by children with autism. The boy was very happy and at peace when he was playing alone.
The boy had difficulty in requesting things that he wanted and often used questions to get things. On the other hand, other children in the classroom could ask for things easily. The objective behavior was to discover the communication problems linked to children with autism.
The boy kept on repeating phrases, and the objective behavior is the communication problems among children with autism. The consequence of this communication behavior is the confusion of teachers and people around the child.
I observed that Mark wanted to play alone with his toys without the presence of other children. This behavior can be interpreted as a situation where autistic children are poor in social interactions. The boy cannot connect with other children since he finds it hard to interact with them. He behaves like this since due to some environmental and individual factors. In regards to the environmental factors is that the Mark is given his toys to play with and this promotes his behavior to play alone (De Rubeis, 2014). Children also fear to play with him since he can beat other children they try to join him. This behavior can be interpreted as the communicating since teachers did not understand. The boy behaved in this manner since he was incapable of connecting the words to request what he wanted. I also observed that the boy would keep on repeating phrases. This behavior was evident since he could repeat the questions that were directed to him by teachers.
I think that there are factors that are influencing the above mentioned behaviors that are portrayed by Mark. First, the repetitive behavior is prompted by his desire to make his communication understood by who he is talking to including teachers and other people. He is also unaware of his repetitive behavior, and that is why he keep on with this behavior. He has also not been told to stop doing it, and so he keeps on doing it since he has not been made aware of the absurdity of his behavior (Elsabbagh, 2012). Teachers and other people appreciate that this child has a problem and that is why they have continued to accommodate him and to fail to correct him.
The other factor that is contributing to his behavior is his inability to open up to people which make it hard to communicate effectively with him. He also portrays anger and irritability when he is approached when he is playing, and this tends to affect his social interactions since many children are scared of him. The mental problems caused by autism contribute greatly to the kind of behavior that is observed. Comparing him to the other children that do not have this disease it is evident that this condition can affect children greatly in regards to communication, social interaction, and stereotyped repetitive behavior. The other thing that is contributing to his behavior is that his parents have not been present for him to help him in his emotional part and language development. Children who are raised in a family regardless of the of autism they can survive well since they are taught how to interact with other members of the family. The fact that the child was abandoned while still young is a factor that has contributed to the many problems experienced by this child (Baio, 2012).
Autism is an ailment that does not have any cure. However, there are re various approaches that serve as an intervention for the condition. Intervention are actions that are undertaken and may involve treatment aimed at improving the condition of autism. Interventions are taken as measures of addressing autism. Some of these interventions involve both the children and the parents. Developmental, behavioral, medical, combined, family-based, therapy-based, psychodynamic, and alternative interventions are some of the approaches that have proven to be effective in addressing the condition of autism. The form of interventions that are selected for a particular individual is in most cases based on theories that have been formulated regarding the cases of the condition of autism. The incorporation of the theories in the selection of the most effective intervention is of significance because it highlights what the intervention is going to do to the given individual (Sheikhani, 2012).
Behavioral intervention is one of the most preferred interventions that can be applied in addressing the condition of autism. Behavioral interventions in most cases will be focusing on teaching children new skills and new behavior through the use of structured and specialized techniques. The approach assists in encouraging appropriate behavior as well as developing healthy behavior. This form of intervention is widely supported by researched and evidence that has been provided. These behavior interventions include Pivotal Response Treatment, Incidental teaching, and Positive Behavior Support among others (Lord, 2012).
Medical Intervention is another approach in addressing autism that is widely used and has proven to show good results. These medical interventions that are used are in areas such as the relationships and social interactions, languages and communication, and routines. Most of the medications that are used for containing the situation in most cases show improvement in most of the affected. Sleep disorders, self-harming-behavior, anxiety, and compulsive behavior are some of the problems that medical intervention can address. Some of the medical intervention that can be used to address the problem of autism are use of stimulants, typical and atypical antipsychotics. However, the use of medication as a mode of intervention for individuals with autism requires advice from a health professional to offer more information on how some interventions are supposed to be managed (Elsabbagh, 2012).
Developmental intervention is another approach that can be used to address the condition autism. The approach has a goal of helping the children develop meaning relationships that are positive with the people who are surrounding them. Developmental intervention emphasizes teaching the children communication as well as the social skills that are utilized on a daily basis which is an activity that is conducted in a structured setting. The affected individual is also helped to develop skills that will be great significance in their daily lives. The use of these developmental interventions have yielded positive results in areas where it has been applied. Responsive teaching, developmental social-pragmatic models, and relationship development intervention are some of the developmental interventions that can be used to address the condition of autism.
The family-based intervention aims at emphasizing the role of a family as central in the therapy of individuals who have autism. The family is tasked with ensuring that the developmental needs of the individual have been met. The family will take the role of making decisions as well delivering the interventions that have been put forward. Family-based intervention guide, train, support, and inform the family members on the necessary measures to address the Strong condition relationship between professionals and family members are crucial to the success of the intervention (Baio, 2012).
Therapy-based intervention is important to approach for addressing autism whereby specific therapy is used to target specific difficulties that are faced by the individual suffering from the condition. For instance, speech therapy issued to assist individuals to develop social and communication skills. Similarly, occupational therapy is very effective in assisting an individual suffering from autism develop physical skills and others skills to be applied in daily lives. These interventions may include sign language, facilitated communication, and Functional Communication Training (FCT) among others. Alternative intervention and psychodynamic interventions are at times used to address the conditions of autism. These interventions include secretin, chelation, elimination diets, music therapy, and holding therapy among others. There is no intervention that is perfect to address autism since one form may work for one individual and fail in another (De Rubeis, 2014).
The implementation process for the intervention is a collective activity that should be undertaken in collaboration with Mark W, family members, and other health professionals. The interventions are expected to take six months. The behaviors that I hope will be changed by the implementation of the interventions are an improvement in the communication of the individual. The behavior that is expected to have changed after the implementation of this intervention is an improvement in developmental skills as well as physical abilities of the individual suffering from autism. The changes will be evaluated through recording basic improvements that are observable for the individuals suffering from the condition. Development and the improvement of social skills will also be a way to evaluate the changes made.
There are many potential benefits that are expected to be obtained by the end of the implementation of various interventions to the patient. One of the benefits that are likely to be of benefit is increased the social functioning of the individual. Studies have revealed that the interventions have made a significant improvement in the social functioning of individuals. The other benefits realized have he increased independence demonstrated by the patient. The autism patient is also expected to show increased emotional well-being and physical health are some of the benefits realized by the patient after the implementation of the selected intervention. The individual is also expected to show changes in the academic achievement and engagement of the individual suffering from autism (Elsabbagh, 2012).
Research that has conducted on the issue have affirmed most of the benefits that are obtained from various interventions to address the condition (Sheikhani, 2012). Some of the long-term outcomes that have been presented in various reports are improved Health and the wellbeing of the autism patients. Studies have revealed that the applicability of this intervention to autism patients bring about improved the quality of life (De Rubeis, 2014).
Some of the implications of this study are that the interventions can be used to other patients to check whether they will get similar results. Additionally, the case study can serve as the basis for other studies that will be conducted on the issue of autism in individuals. The case study is also expected to address the manner in which people have been handling the individuals who have autism.
Autism affects mental development of individuals especially the children. Mark W is an individual who is suffering from the condition requires the use of various interventions for the condition to be addressed. The classroom has ten children, and only three had autism. The methods that were used was the observation method in the case study. Developmental, behavioral, medical, combined, family-based, therapy-based, psychodynamic, and alternative interventions are some of the approaches that have proven to be adequate in addressing the condition of autism. The interventions have had positive results based on various studies and results of the case.

Baio, J. (2012). Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries. Volume 61, Number 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
De Rubeis, S., He, X., Goldberg, A. P., Poultney, C. S., Samocha, K., Cicek, A. E., & Singh, T. (2014). Synaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism. Nature, 515(7526), 209-215.
Elsabbagh, M., Divan, G., Koh, Y. J., Kim, Y. S., Kauchali, S., Marcín, C., … & Yasamy, M. T. (2012). Global prevalence of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders. Autism Research, 5(3), 160-179.
Lord, C., DiLavore, P. C., & Gotham, K. (2012). Autism diagnostic observation schedule. Torrance, CA: Western Psychological Services.
Sheikhani, A., Behnam, H., Mohammadi, M. R., Noroozian, M., & Mohammadi, M. (2012). Detection of abnormalities for diagnosing of children with autism disorders using of quantitative electroencephalography analysis. Journal of medical systems, 36(2), 957-963.

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