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End Of The Venezuelan Crisis Today


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End of the Venezuelan crisis today

As start? How to put an end to the Venezuelan crisis?.

The crisis that Venezuela is going through, has multiple social, economic and political causes that are causing the disarmaIt would give continuity to the management and project of the Chávez government. Maduro’s government has caused a great crisis since it does not have to stabilize, it has no charismarmed where your idea of building and strengthening the ideology of a socialist state only is in destruction. (Mercado, 2019)

The Bolivarian people took to the streets to protest against the government of Maduro given this situation where Venezuelans beg for a change in their country the president of the National Assembly Juan Guaido encouraged a thousand Venezuelans, to initiate a transition government with himat the head as an interim president where he ensures that the Constitution legitimizes him. Some see Guaido as El Salvador, and Maduro as a great dictator, but this aroused a great conflict since countries accept Maduro as their allies Russia, China and Turkey as the legitimate president of Venezuela and countries like the United States supportsThe opposition led by Guaid. (Week, 2019) (Garcia Soto, 2019)

According to FAO, hunger in Venezuela grows every andThese borders since the help that Guaido is receiving from the United States arrives in Colombia in order to pass it to Venezuela, but Maduro rejects all that humanitarian aid to what he says is only one more strategy for military intervention by Donald Trump,But in turn, if the cargo and food and armament cargoes are being received to which Putin has appeared very attentive to the situation in Venezuela to what made a call to the United States to withdraw his help.

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(Moleiro, 18) (BBC, 2019)

Amid the sanctions imposed by the United States against the oil sector in Venezuela, which this is what provides more than 90 percent of the currencies that enter the country, Maduro has rejected due to this all kinds of help that comes from the United StatesI affirm that all that humanitarian aid will not enter the country, qualifying it as alms and a show of the opponents that accuses of overthrowing it, this February 23 will receive 300 tons of humanitarian aid from Russia the faithful ally of Maduro, but all this help clarifIt is paid, Guaido intends that this help that will receive from Donald Trump if he entered Venezuela regardless of what Maduro says and even that there has been no details of how it will occur if the border areas are controlled by the military. (Reuters, 2019)

Venezuela has divided the world before its political crisis, among the countries that support guided 15 European countries Spain, Germany, France, the United Kingdom among others and the one that the United States has highlighted. The allies that support Maduro are approximately 50 countries Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea which are willing to defend Maduro against the threats imposed by the White House. These countries are willing to defend their interests and other countries prefer to remain neutral and not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The situation is increasing.

The great resources that Venezuela has have caused both Russ and American interventionism their true interest is that of the oil reserves that the Bolivarian country has, the great ambition of these powers for gas and gold that are one of theGreat wealth that Venezuela possesses. Donald Trump has made great economic pressure on President Maduro preventing the sale of oil with countries such as China, Russia and Turkey What the United States wants to nickname and ensure a source of hydrocarbon and thus control the entire market and thus exploit all resources leavingpoor to an entire nation since all their income depends on these resources, these powers will always be looking for who has more power.

In spite of all the sanctions imposed by the United States, exports in the South American country increased 200 per belt and mainly with the gold sold to Holland, Portugal Spain and Sweden, the best humanitarian aid that the United States can offer to Venezuela is eliminating the economic blockadeIn order for the economy to improve and let its imports and exports of oil improve on such a scale that the economic debt is based on what would be a respite for the nation, but what they cause is more internal division if these two powers are followedinterfering will cause more chaos, death and great deterioration and nations divided between socialism and communism that would be a follow -up to what was the cold war. (Telesur, 2019)

Like Venezuela there are many more countries that are in similar or worse situations, but those countries do not have those large reserves of oil, gold or diamonds which are not a point of interest for the great powers where the media the mediaThey completely ignore those countries that we do not know also need humanitarian aid because they may not have water do not live with the necessary means to survive as Burundi and thus many more countries, Venezuela has the ability to get ahead, but without interventionism bywhich is happening this moment that only leads to more conflicts and probably to a war because all that is affecting the foreign policy of other nations and migratory policies.

Any economic, social, military and political crisis has solutions and Venezuela the most immediate way or solution is the one that the people ask that it is an exit from the current government and thus give a call to free elections with full guarantees for the tranquility of their peopleBecause the humanitarian crisis cannot be ignored and less for which that country is happening only the unity must have a single voice to claim its freedom and this will be a change in political diplomacy, the international community must take measures so that these thingsDo not repeat themselves and that there is a change in international politics and an evolution to build stronger institutions.

And that Venezuela is an aspiration and example for those other countries that are under a dictatorship for that citizen, defending the principles, taking care and making human rights that should not be violated, since it is an obligation to ensure the fulfillment of these, let’s make countries with democracy and less dictatorships because weapons will not give freedom orIndependence, but always respecting the Constitution and what is established in it and achieve a clean transition generating sovereignty.


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  • Week. (11 of 01 of 2019). Retrieved on 02 of 2019, from week: https: // www.week.com/Mundo/ARTICO/Juan-Guaido-Esta-Dispost-A-Assume-Come-President-Interino-En-Venezuela/597392
  • Moleiro, a. (11 of 11 of 18). The Herald. Obtained from El Heraldo, Internationalist: https: // elpais.com/international/2018/11/10/actuality/1541879894_25838.HTML
  • Reuters . (19 of 02 of 2019). The country. Retrieved on 22 of 02 of 2019, from El País, Mundo: https: // www.the country.com.oh/world/mature-ancient-leaf-tons-haban-humanitarian-russia.HTML
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  • Telesur. (09 of 02 of 2019). South TV. Obtained from Tele Sur: https: // www.Telesurtv.Net/News/Figures-Bloqueo-Eeuu-Venezuela-Ayuda-Humanitarian-20190209-0006.HTML
  • Garcia Soto, S. (26 of 01 of 2019). The universal . Retrieved on 23 of 2019, from El Universal Opinion: https: // www.the universal.com.MX/Column/Salvador-Garcia-Soto/Nacion/El-Halcon-De-Washington-Contra-Maduro

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