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Environmental Education and Awareness: Providing environmental knowledge promotes environmental attitudes and behaviors in beach-goers at Fort-Desoto National Park towards the conservation of beach-nesting birds.


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Environmental Education and Awareness
The environment is a vital factor in the life of people where its purity provides a platform for better living. Generally environment entails the natural occurrences and all creatures which exist on earth. However, many people consider the environment as the atmosphere and the condition of air and warmth associated with climate dynamism. Evidently, they do not consider the wildlife which has developed as an investment tool meriting many countries in a wide capacity and absorbing poverty (Wolf and Som, 209). Evidence indicates that it is a major contributor to the economy where many people from different regions opt to visit national parks to see the adventure associated with the animals. Therefore, many nations take a step to manipulate a secure environment for the animals so as to protect the industry as a source of income. In a certain perspective, Florida stands firm in tourism where the government has established and supported it in order to realize more profits. It is an aspect which forced the government to employ a large capital base in the park. Sources indicate that it is among the leading bird nesting national park in the world with the most amazing birds which create tension among many people. It is praised for its large number of tropical seabird and frigate birds.

Fig. 1 Overview of the Tropical seabird

Fig. 2 The frigate bird
However, the behavioural concept associated with the visitors undermines the resources in a certain capacity.

Wait! Environmental Education and Awareness: Providing environmental knowledge promotes environmental attitudes and behaviors in beach-goers at Fort-Desoto National Park towards the conservation of beach-nesting birds. paper is just an example!

In a more critical review, the behaviour sets the entity into liability through the platform where the visitors extend to dangerous regions where when harmed by other animals it is held liable (Moscardo, Roy and Karen, 37). Such behaviours entail feeding or approaching the animals where they give the birds products which undermine their health. Further, some visitors hunt the birds. Evidently the park has employed several platforms to protect the birds from the effect emanating from the environment. It entails enhancing online awareness and the mechanism allowed when approaching the birds. Additionally, it has provided adequate information through social medial and application of caution signs within the park. The study seeks to analyse the effectiveness of signs in the park in regard to protection of the birds among other animals from the visitor’s interference.
The study took a quantitative approach seeking for information from the visitors. It was a successful survey which provides true and factual information on respective mechanism in which the parks information is accessed to the society. Evidence indicates that the information is reliable because it is collected from different people where they transmit it in passion asserting how they feel when they view it from different platforms (Bancroft, Thomas, Dale and Ken, 273). Such a perception establishes an ability for the entity to evaluate whether such a system is helping it pass objective information which will positively impact the society and enhance it to be loyal while at the park. It investigates the manner in which different demographics access and accept it as perceived. In a more critical review, the research associated the participant’s contribution to the protection of the birds through asserting respective approaches in which the entity can do to protect the birds.
System Number Of Participants Comment From Majority Age Bracket (Years) Saw A Sign
Online 60 Good Thing 20-40 Yes
Sign At The Beach 20 N/A 20-65 Yes
Social Media 10 Very Informative 20-70 Yes
Local Speaker 2 Not Informative 30-60 No
Magazines 10 Very Effective 30-40 Yes
Table: 1. Illustration of participant’s attitude towards certain approaches
The study targeted retrieving information on its five main approaches of communicating with the society. Fortunately, the participants are generating adequate information asserting how effective each implicates the society and advocates for the entity’s inquiry.
Gender Number Compliment For Enhancement
Men 62 Stay Clear Of Nests
Women 40 Stop Littering
Table: 2. Illustration of gender visits and compliment towards creation of a safe environment
Critically, the research establishes a psychological perception where it intends to filter the information delivered by the participants (Askins et al, 46). The concept involves a platform where the surveyors enhance an initiative for the participants to state how they feel as they celebrate the current park’s condition and the manner in which they would like it to be enhanced. Further, they intend to conclude on the method which best influence the society’s loyalty to the park.
It is evident that online approach reaches a significant figure in the society where it establishes awareness of respective systems in which they can behave while at the park. It asserts that the system is only viable to the youth in the sense that they are more convenient to the technology. Such an aspect elucidates a barrier to the aged in receiving the information since they have minimized computer literacy and cannot access it (Dinsmore, Stephen, Gary and Fritz, 3482). The research asserts that those accessed through the approach receive it in a moderate attitude claiming that it is a good thing.
In a different perspective, the aspect of signs at the beach affects a smaller figure in the national park where most of them entail the youth. Evidence indicates that those who see the signs and are not strongly influenced by their assertions (Fancy, Gross and Carter, 168). It is a concept which indicates that most of them enhance arrogance or negligence in the sense that being at the park they have a right to do what they want. Therefore, it is a very low number of visitors who obey the signs; thus, undermining their perceive goal.

Fig. 3An illustration of a sign placed at the beach
In a different dimension, the local speakers have no influence over the park’s environmental protection in the sense that they provide information to different people in the society where they do not believe it. It is a concept where they tend to stress the signs established at the park. Evidently, the representation of such approaches through the social media plays an intrinsic task which allows information to reach the society (Novey, Levi and Troy, 271). It is a platform which allows the residents to access the information and accept it as perceived; hence, retain adequate loyalty to the park. Such a perception has been detected by the research to provide a system in which the community can realize the importance of the birds; hence, spur a reasonable behavior in the park. Additionally, the park is highly backed by men in the country where a large proportion of the participants is realized in the research. Critically, men establish a standing resolution for the bird’s protection asserting that a limitation should be set for the visitors from the access of the nesting region. It is a concept which intends to establish a good phenomenon for the birds which escapes human interference. On the hand, the women are more concerned about the parks cleanliness in general as a platform for establishing an effective environment for the birds among the other animals.
The research asserts that the application of warning signs at the park plays a relatively little task in controlling the visitors behavior. It is a concept which asserts that once the visitor sees the signs they tend to do what is prohibited to witness its effect in reality. Further, they are influenced by a monotonous platform where they have met signs from different places whose violation has no negative implication. Evidently, they do not realize that such signs are set to protect a large society. Critically, the visitors value their personal protection without considering g any other effect which may emanate from such violation. Therefore, the park should consider investing its approach in social media because it is effectively influencing awareness and the visitor’s loyalty to the park. Critically, the approach asserts that it is psychologically reaching the society where the presenters provide it in a human way with the assertion of every benefit associated with the platform. Evidently, the explanation manipulates them to change and maintain due care of the park birds. Further, the platform is widely accessible since the old can observe and understand the idea since it is properly elaborated by the presenter (Ament et al, 486). Sources indicate that the platform is viable in the sense that it establishes the trust to the visitors within a short period where they can observe what it being prohibited and the due implications of its violation.
In conclusion, Fort-Desoto National Park is playing an important role ensuring that the birds in the park are protected from the effects which emanating from the visitors. Such effects entail disturbance where the visitors are surprised by the birds (Askins et al, 40). However, the use of signs at the park is not engaging maximum effectiveness in relation to the research where the park should decide to engage social media.

Work cited
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