Epistosis And The Inheritance Of The Habit Of The Plant And The Quality Of The Fruit
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The pepper (capsicum annuum l.) It is a domesticated ornamental angiosperm plant, of the family of the Solanáceas whose growth habit is limited and erect, it is also of great importance in the feeding of the world’s population, this is because its fruit is very rich in provitamin A,vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and in minerals such as calcium, fòsforo, potassium and iron, maboko et al.
According to Kraft et al., It is the second horticultural crop in terms of cultivated area and the eighth in terms of total production and all species (capsicum annuum l.) It is the most cultivated species worldwide, so it has been chosen for the creation of programs in order to increase diversity in pepper types, and thus improve agronomic aspects focused on this article: size, color colorand fruits, these parameters are controlled by multiple genes where the environment interferes with the phenotypic manifestation.
The estimate of gene components such as epistatic interaction is of great importance in the genetic improvement process of a species;in order to meet the demand for the creation of new types of peppers through epistosis, Stommel and Bosland. To this is due that one of the greatest concerns of people who are dedicated to the phyto improvers, is to know and determine the quantitative characteristics (plant height, foliar area, stem diameter, stem length) which are directly relatedTo the crop yield, since one of the greatest concerns of pepper fittome.
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This increase in pepper cultivation will be given through a selection of plants that present the best characteristics and thus obtain a high Ado and Samawira variability.
The domestication and selection to which this crop has been subjected, is by farmers throughout all these years, as well as the agro-environmental conditions in which it has been cultivated, all these aspects have caused great variability,As for its size, color, among other agronomic conditions., In pepper improvement programs, this wide variability is used to obtain new varieties, which respond to the demands of the agricultural and consumer sector.
To do this, the geographical, morphological and molecular characterization of the diversity of (Capsicum) is required. At the molecular level, different types of molecular markers have been used, such as RFLPS, RAPDS, AFLPS and SSRS, to study the level of genetic variability, as well as genetic relationships, capsicum entries from different collections of germplasma lefebvre et al., Paran et al.;Ibiza et al.;González-Pérez et al.. Molecular markers are a DNA segment with an identifiable physical location (locus) in a chromosome and whose genetic heritage can be located. They are widely used in genetic mapping as the first step to find the position and identity of a gene. Valadez, e. And Günter, K.
These programs for pepper cultivation will be carried out through the selection of plants from existing populations (germplasm). Always the development of a new variety will be very striking for the consumer as to the high performance parameters of the fruit, colorful and erect fruit. For genetic improvement, a good selection of parents must be done, thereby guaranteeing the success of our genetic improvement. However, a disadvantage of this is that the costs it requires are the time used, so it is considered a long -term investment. GELETA AND LABUSCHAGNE.The parents, the more genetically related, will present low level of heterosis, while the crosses between the parents of divergent classes will show greater heterosis for fruit and leave size characters. Most species of the Capsicum genus have a chromosomal number 2n = 2x = 24, some other species 2n = 2x = 26 and the size of the pepper genome would be 1390 cm.
Several of the basic studies related to the genetic improvement of the genus Capsicum revolve around the type and magnitude of genetic variability. Dhall and Sunk. Nature plays the most important role in the selection process and with it the behavior of hybrids will be predicted and Cruz and Regazzi generations can be segregated. Martín and Gonzales, supports that the morphological characterization of plants’ genotypes is a skill that allows a selection of the most promising varieties of a crop, in this case of the pepper, in order to then be used in improvement programsgenetic. Therefore, the objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and genetic effects involved in the inheritance of the size of the plant and the characters of the fruit in a generation of segregation of the ornamental pepper.
Epistosis is a type of interaction not reciprocal between genes located in different loci in the same chromosome, in which a gene can mask or suppress the effect of the other, which generates that an epistatic gene appears and another hypostatic;The one who manifests itself is called epistatic, while we call that gene that is inhibited.
In recessive epistasia it can be seen in those genes that determine color;The different colors that we can observe are determined by interactions between genes in two loci, this epistasia will be given when a recessive allele in homozygosis of a certain locus masks another locus, regardless of the alleles of this. While in the dominant epistosis only one copy of one allele inhibits the expression of the alleles of another locus, and in the double recessive epistasia, two recessive alleles in either of the two loci will be able to suppress the phenotype.
In the following article, two accessions were made (76 and 77.3) Ornamental pepper (capsicum annuum l.), which differ in most of the characters studied, crossed, which resulted in generation F1, and generation F2 was obtained by means of an self-female generation F1. The RC1 generations of retro-crushing and RC2 were obtained from crossing between F1 and parents P1 and P2, respectively. Morfo-Agronomic Characterization was performed on the basis of the 19 quantitative pepper descriptors. The data obtained were subjected to generation analysis, in which they were media and additive variance (a σ), variance due to dominance deviation (2 re σ), phenotypic variance (2 f σ), genetic variance (2 sun σ) and the variance of the environment (2 meter σ) were calculated. For the complete model, the average effects of all possible homozygous, additives, dominant, and epistatic: additive, additive, and dominant-dyominant.
Analysis of inheritance and epistosis in the features of the additive-dominant model pepper, which estimates the additive effects, dominant effects and the possible effects of homozygous. The character of the fruit of dry matter presented the lowest value for inheritability in a broad sense (0.42), and the highest values were found for fresh matter and weight of the fruit, (0.91) and (0,92), respectively. The lowest strict -in -sense inheritability value was for the minor fruit diameter (0.33), and the highest values for seed performance and fresh matter were not found, (0.87) and (0, 84), respectively. The additive-domain model can explain only the variation found in plant height, cup width, length, corolla diameter, leaf width, and the length of the stem pedicel, but in the other characters, the epistatic effects showedsignificant values, as supported by Labede y Pozo, where he mentions that of the five cultivated species of Capsicum, C. Annuum is that species that has the greatest morphological variability with regard to the size, shape and color of fruits;They can vary from 1 to 30 cm long, with elongated, conical or round shapes, and thick, massif or flattened bodies.
The fruits have green or yellow coloration when they are immature, and red, yellow, orange or coffee in mature state. The vegetative characteristics are eshbaugh variables;According to Sitthiwong et al, although morphological qualities have been widely used for descriptive and improvement purposes, height characters, fruit color, leaf size, all these will be affected, by a very important factor which isthe environment . In addition, regard to the fruit according to Fanh, when the fruit reaches its beginning of color turnThe carotenoids of red fruits accumulate associated with protein fibrils and yellow to lipid blood cells. In these same cells aromatic substances, fats and other substances accumulate, which gives these characteristics of pepper cultivation.
In conclusion, there is predominantly on domination and allelic interactions additive for plant size, which is of great importance for ornamental pepper breeding. In addition, the high levels of heritability found in this article indicate the viability of the use of selection in the segregation of generations and obtain considerable profits in addition, the additive dominant model makes only the variation found in plant height, wide canopy, length, length, corolla diameter, width of the leaf, and the length of the stem pedicel, but in the other agronomic characteristics the epistatic effects showed significant values;In addition, the morphological characterization of plant genotypes is of the utmost importance to be able to generate important information, which will be valuable for both producers and fittomejorers. Once you have these data, the producer can take to decide which variety to sow, and know the improvements that this has been submitted and obtain a good performance, with quality and other characteristics, which will satisfy the food need of the peopleWorldwide.
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