Epochs And Periods Of Violence In Colombia
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If we had to talk about violence we would have to start for a very representative period known as the time of violence, characterized by political, liberal and conservative parties. In addition to the participation of some armed groups that were sponsored by leaders of these two political parties. This time begins in the mid -40s and resurfaces in 1948 with the murder of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.
In the 50s Colombia was immersed in a confrontation that faced the birds on the one hand, an armed group composed of peasants or the chulavitas, an armed group that had as a job to do secret police or horror agents at the service of the service. Groups associated with the conservative party and on the other hand, liberal guerrillas who had a base in much of the center of the country. Which led to the confrontation of these armed groups.
With the power of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla some redoubts that demobilized did not deliver their weapons due to breach of the State continued with their armed activity. With the departure of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla del Power, some of these groups began to form groups of peasants to “claim the access and use of the land in some regions”, these groups were called independent republics, they controlled certain points of Colombia without giving accessto the government.
Decade of the 60of them organized in the south of Tolima. This forced the peasants and the men to flee from this region of the center of the country towards the south of the country to the departments of Huila and Caquetá.
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Forming what they call first areas of armed colonization. This leads to create an alliance between some members of the Communist Party. Leading to formalize the first FARC guerrillas in 1964.
Eln founded by the Vásquez Castaño brothers in 1965 in the department of Santander. A group considered son of the Cuban revolution, since many of the leaders were trained in Cuba such as the Vásquez Castaño brothers emerged as an insurgent group. Also the EPL guerrillas a Maoist guerrillas in 1966 forming the 3 first -generation guerrillas.
The National Front was the most important bipartisan institutional rule in Colombia, this tried to stop the era of bipartisan violence, treatment that Colombia returned to the democratic route after the mandate of Rojas Pinilla. In this period the M19 and the second -generation guerrillas also born. The M19 was founded by young university students and workers who carry out an urban movement.
80s, drug trafficking money comes to society nourishing armed groups those who began producing cocaine and coca paste, also start collecting the grammage tax a percentage on business production, this allowed them to acquire new equipmentarmed letting more men add the ranks of armed groups. In addition, militarism arises self-defense groups with the aim of avoiding paying the grammage tax of guerrilla groups.
90s phase in which the guerrilla groups had grown incredibly in a period of decade and a half, taking some points of Colombia in which they had not been present generating a confrontation in which the civilian population was increasingly involved whoHe felt the armed conflict in a more direct way, in which the government and the FARC had the greatest amount of clashes bringing with them a fairly high levels of violence. Affecting about 32 populations in the country.
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