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Equal Marriage In The Legal Framework Of Mexico


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Equal marriage in the legal framework of Mexico

In this essay we will talk about such a controversial issue in recent years, in which thousands of people have come to demonstrate to demand their rights as people, equal marriage has been so controversial and debated at this time, because before it was frowned upon, and Well even many people do not share this opinion, but we can see this issue from a religious point of view to a legal point of view, something that does not have much to do since our beliefs should not be mixed with the decisions of the State, however If it happens in our country that is Mexico, where it is not yet legal in many states.

Here we will touch essential points for the purpose of this essay, starting with the one that means equal marriage, its consequences, also as legislated in Mexico, comparing it with other countries, in our state that is Nuevo León, personally It is a very important issue, because although it is not a social problem, it generates one that is discrimination, which is a crime, in our country it fights day by day so that this is legalized throughout our republic because marriage cannot be denied to two adults with their mere independent consent if their sexual preferences are different from those of us.

Equal marriage has to stop being a taboo, it has to be something that we all accept, thus goes against our beliefs, because we cannot look bad at someone for wanting to be with another person, and although this leads to other rights such as the of adoption, which is another issue of equal controversial together with many others who go hand in Society evolves, leaving aside everything we believe and focus on being a better country for all without making any exclusion for having different tastes and preferences, because no one looks like each other and not for that reason we have to deny rights to rights to others.

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Next we will explain that it is equal marriage because we can understand and extend to more information and be understood in a easier way, in addition to knowing better about this issue that is important, because it is something that is required today, and thus the Final we can have our own criteria, of course respecting the opinions of others, we cannot interfere and implement our thoughts on someone else, much less force them to create the same as us.

Equal marriage has different ways to be called, homosexual marriage, gay marriage and it is one in which the union of two people of the same sex is legally recognized, that is, a woman with a woman or man with a man, this emerged many years ago, but without However, it is something that I take more relevance at this time, because as mentioned above it is a taboo that for many years homosexuals were ashamed To what is considered normal, statistics show us that very few countries are those that accept equal marriage, this is discrimination in not supporting them, in excluding them for this reason.

Sexual orientation are linked to the identity of people and affect their right to their physical and mental integrity, because when they are excluded that generates a rejection of feeling that it is wrong, and they are not things that are only said, it can be verified that It generates depression, anxiety and many mental health problems, this is considered a human right, which all without distinction can enjoy, by denying them the right to marry, a violation of the right of not being discriminated is generated, we cannot decide if someone It can be married or not, it is the decision of each of us, because society and government insist on prohibiting it in some states, because they discriminate against them, it is not a disease, it is not something that can be cured, it is simply an orientation, We must all have that right to choose who we want to be, this for good emotional development, we cannot impose on them to get married to people who do not want, they are violating their rights Humans, that’s why in Mexico the way in which all states may have equal marriage is being seen.

The law of homosexual marriage is a new step for Mexico to be more inclusive, leaving aside our beliefs of whether something is wrong or, if not to decrease discrimination and there is a better society in our country, and even if Laws have been legislated, there are jurisprudence for this to be accepted in any state, it is a difficult and tedious procedure in states in which it is not allowed, it should be easy as it is for heterosexual people, it should not be different by a different taste that they have, because that is called discrimination and can be judged because it is punishable.

Now returning centuries, years ago we will talk about how gay marriage arises, if it is something that emerged from the time of Rome or if it is something new for society. It is believed that equal marriage exists since the beginning of humanity since it is something that always a state present in nature, it is affirmed that in ancient China it was seen normal to marry men with man even made a very large celebration, something that also also It happened in the ancient Roman Empire and in ancient Europe in which these celebrations were very common, it is still unknown because after the centuries this was changing to what we perceived today, that this is not allowed as well as seen as well seen.

Going to Mexico to these years in 2010 this took great relevance since in the plenary of the Supreme Court he studied the reforms of the Federal District Civil Code on the issue of equal marriage, something that caused great controversy in society, this was simply Thus, but until 2012 a gay couple presented a request to marry in Oaxaca, which was denied by the judge based on the perpetuation of the species, this happened nine years ago, and in my opinion there has been great advance In the laws, since now if it is allowed, and although this couple has been denied, it was a step for the needs of the company in the present.

In 2016, President Enrique Peña Nieto proposed marriage without discrimination in all the federative entities of Mexico which was denied. Currently in 2019 it is already legal in 19 of 32 states, and on October 9, 2019 in Nuevo León it was ordered that equal marriage be legalized which was approved this year. In my opinion it was a very good decision made by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation because Nuevo León is a very conservative state, and if this body had not interfered, it would not have been possible for this to happen.

As we saw, it is an issue that has been seen centuries ago, where it was not seen as something bad but was considered normal, I think this was an important year in which we have legally evolved to the needs of society, eliminating discrimination in many states and although we need much to go in this aspect we have already advanced.

The story is one of the most important aspects because a phrase that is important to me is that if one does not know the story is condemned to repeat it, and it is true since if we do not know it we can go back in many ways.

In Mexico, laws have been legislated for this right to be respected, jurisprudences have been created, and it is what we will talk about now, perhaps the complete laws will not be put but they will be explained in a simple and understandable way.

In the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States article 4 tells us that men and women are equal to the law, that is, we all have the same rights, regardless of anything, to a healthy environment, to health, to work, to work, to work, to work, And it cannot be discriminated against a different sexual orientation, and although this article does not mention homosexuals, it can be understood that we all have the same rights for being a man or a woman, nobody can deprive us of them, since we would be violating a human right.

In the Federal Civil Code, article 146 and 148 were reformed where we talk about equal marriage where marriage is a free union between two people who must be held before the law, they reformed it by putting that it is when two people join, two people join, No sexes are specified. This seems to me a way in which they can protect themselves to people who discriminate against them even before those who do not want to marry, because they are protected by law.

Before gay marriage was legalized in some federative entities in Mexico there were recommendations for people to get married and thus assert their rights, it seems to me that we are evolving as a Mexican society, and that we leave our beliefs aside In order to be able to meet the needs of society, even though we lack many issues in which we also have to evolve seem to me that we are moving forward and although we are in half of the states in which they are legal I hope that some moment in all Mexico this this be legal.

Nuevo León was a state in which a lot about this issue was discussed, because as I mentioned earlier in my opinion it makes me very conservative, although I hope that over time they will be more open to our needs since we can achieve a better place for everyone , where everything that benefits us as a community is legally accepted, to end these social problems such as discrimination, and in my opinion I think this brings consequences such as the adoption of homosexual couples, another such controversial issue linked to this.

Undorating a little of Mexico, let’s see how this is in other countries, because it is important not only to see it from our country, but throughout the world, in almost 30 countries around the world equal marriage is legal, in which Europe is continent With more countries that are legal, in the Eastern countries Taiwan is the first country that was legalized.

An interesting fact is that almost half of Africa criminalize homosexual marriage, they still have a lot Very interesting not to see it from your country, but to extend throughout the world to see how beliefs change as the scope in society changes, even though it is known that Africa is a poorly developed continent, and see how they criminalize People for a simple sexual orientation leaves me very surprised.

Now going to Europe that is a continent near the aforementioned, and it is very different, since there is legal in almost all of its countries, and it is very surprising as everything changes from one region to another, where each person’s thoughts are different.

In the United States it is legal in all states since 2015, and because I mention this country, since it is a neighboring country and very close to Mexico, which here is legal in all its federative entities for 4 years makes me see How is so different, as each country has its different beliefs, and although here in Mexico it is legal in 19 states, it makes me think that we are still far from developing as fast as in other countries, but I also think that each one has its time, But the faster we grow and stop seeing issues like taboos, the faster we will grow as a society.

Reading about the United States, Europe, Africa and Eastern countries I see how every country, continent, states, we are different in our beliefs, and that clearly this if it influences, and as this essay does not play religion we can observe as if it fits into this Theme, because as we are also different in beliefs, each one is advancing in their own way, and also observing dates is something that caused controversy in the 2000s for 2019, it is obviously something that is being seen from before, but until those years a great case stir in many places not only in Mexico, and it is so interesting that all this is happening worldwide.

In conclusion on this issue it is very extensive and are laws that have been reforming, articles that have also been repealed or changed so that in society they are allowed to marry among same -sex people, and really see all the story that has arisen to Root of this issue is surprising that before it has been so frowned upon, and although now there is also that discrimination is less than I have witnessed years ago.

This is not mentioned in the essay but there have been murders in places where there were only homosexual people, of course this is illegal, but n my opinion reform laws to accept feed that I could help lower the discrimination index and that reaches this magnitude. As a society we must help inclusion by educating our children and teaching them that this is not abnormal, but everything will be a human right that we all possess and stop judging.


  1. Author, s. (2019). Federal Civil Code. Federal District: Sista.
  2. Mendoza Matinez, R. (November 26, 2019). Obtained from https: // hypertextual.com/2016/05/law-matrimony-modual-mexico
  3. Miguel., C. (2017). Political Constitution of the United Mexican States . Mexico City: Tirant.
  4. Zavala Sanchez, C. (November 26, 2016). Equal marriage. Obtained from http: // www5.Deputies.Gob.mx/index.PHP/CAMARA/CENTERS-STUDY/CESOP/STUDIES-E-INVESTATION/STUDIES/EL-MATIMITY-EQUALITARY

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