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Equality In Educational Centers


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Equality in educational centers

It is really worrying that a monitoring of the proposals and objectives set out in the Coexistence Plan, of fundamental importance for the proper functioning of the Center in terms of relevance in terms of the importance given to achieve observable results in a situation to a situationpriori despair. 

Even so, we could not assume that the measures are directly related to the transversality of the Equality Plan of the Center, but of its weight, development and empowerment from other schools, as well as their periodic monitoring from coordination and, if possible, the coexistence management team, since the proposed objectives should be developed jointly. Thus, the proposal to program in learning situations to gender equality is indisputably necessary, although it would be necessary to start the results to analyze the implementation of the proposed activities. 

To do this, we will consider the observations of teachers and try to detect different ways of addressing these objectives, discarding the initial proposal to modify it according to the sociocultural reality of the neighborhood, also affected by the social changes that are inevitably generated in a period of time of six years. 

In addition, the integration of the Equality Plan in classroom programming will have an obviously observable reinforcement through specific actions that manifest their importance and transferring ideas and proposals to events organized on essential days such as the International Day for the Elimination of ViolenceAgainst the woman, held on November 25, and International Working Women’s Day, held on March 8.

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In addition, it would be proposed through a thematic calendar that have a transfer to the rest of the educational community such as the work of a book or poetry written by women for the celebration of Book Day, in cooperation with the rest of the tutors and theCoordination of Linguistic Competition Development, the realization of some Olympics where examples of women athletes are reinforced, in coordination with the Department of Physical Education, or the implementation of workshops where professions of women are shown, which could have a place in anymoment of the year, justifying in annual programming. 

These are just some measures that could vertebrate the center projects in tune with the values of an equal plan that should not be forgotten. These proposed activities could be an opening of doors, becoming recommended assistance events to families, causing a social change in the neighborhood and not only within the center. 

With a good organization, an exhibition could also be created in social spaces in the neighborhood, such as the Association of Neighbors or even the realization of plays or representation of songs in the area, to put some other examples. For the approach of concrete measures in relation to the most deficient indicators, I propose these actions, which must be collected in the coexistence plan duly: 

  • A Patios Rotation Plan would be launched, after presentation in the advice of delegates to collect the game proposals of all students, attending to their preferences and them and energizing the space for recreation to promote relationships between boys and girls. It is not about prohibiting games to those who are accustomed but to open ourselves to other preferences and learn to respect differences, enhancing respect. 
  • The work of the rules of coexistence from the classroom should considerably reduce the number of incidents of the students. It would also have to work with families, facilitating resources for the work of values from home. 
  • For the selection of delegates, rules such as Group should be established, favoring responsibility for popularity. In addition, you could select a two delegates having to vote for a boy and a girl under the premise of choosing a representative member of each sex. 
  • This same criteria could be key in the selection of the members of the coordination teams, always valuing voluntariness and analyzing the reasons and circumstances that can occur to make more men who have a greater representation in the representation bodies. A predominantly masculine cloister by random selection cannot be modified in the short term. 
  • Family visits must be complemented with snacks, training encounters and meetings in which the interests of fathers and mothers are left. The concerns and interests for sex could be valued through a brief form to determine concrete action plans and attract parents to the center to increase the number of male participants in participation in the center. This seems viable in the example since it can be seen that there are more men in the school council than women. 
  • Attracting more families to the center and enhancing active and useful participation in the school life of their sons and daughters could also be decisive to know the expectations of families towards their sons and clarify the factors that can lead to early school abandonment.
  •  It would be feasible and recommended that these proposals were coordinated with other educational centers in the area, both of the children’s and primary schools and secondary education, trying, as far as possible, to establish a common minimum guidelines that guarantee the continuity of theprocesses to avoid consequences as serious as described in the previous point. 


In any case, the proposed measures will have to be valued to establish the viability of their short, medium or long term implementation. The total revolution of the operation of a center may end up achieving the opposite if viable objectives are not established at an adequate pace, increasing slowly and organized.

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