Essay For Teacher Assistantship
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Essay for Teaching Assistantship
As a mother of two who has confronted issues of proper educational support for her children, I am deeply committed to reforming the education system particularly early education. I am very interested in improving the accessibility of quality education for young children that will transform them into holistic individuals of sound character. As a result of my experiences, I am familiar with the struggles that young children experience both physically and emotionally and the grave need for a supportive system to guide them. I am very convinced that increasing a person’s access to education can make a difference between hope and despondency. I am applying for the teacher assistantship position in the university so that I can pursue my life mission: to make education accessible, interesting and insightful to young children.
I began preparing for this mission by starting out as a kindergarten teacher after graduation with a Master’s degree in Zoology. I had a huge desire to impart my knowledge and love for learning to children. My teaching experience was fun and widened my understanding of progression in sciences as well as the importance of relational understanding to support the future learning of the children. I have always enjoyed being around young children, and the experience was quite easy on me. I was involved in preparing lessons and activities and implementing the plan. The experience taught me about the importance of preparation, planning, and proper communication as essential skills within teaching.
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I fostered great relationships with the pupils, parents and staff to create a holistic educational experience which complements the child’s extra-curricular life as much as possible.
I had mentors who walked with me through this role to the point that I could guide the children successfully through the day’s activities seamlessly both at school or any other related trips. I got insights into the rewards and challenges of working with young children. It also included getting hands-on experience of dealing with the emotional and practical issues that affect young children which can range from comforting them when upset and attending to their physical well-being. It provided me with enough experience of early education with the help of play-centred resources and techniques. I learned about the enormous responsibility that a teacher/caregiver has in both the child’s education and life which requires hard work and dedication.
Recognizing the importance of proper education to my career goal, I enrolled for a Masters of Education in Science program. I acknowledged that a master’s degree in Zoology is inadequate to provide high-level proficiency in a teaching career. In high school, I was very fascinated with science and making the big step of merging science and education was a natural process for me. Moving to Singapore with my husband between 2009 and 2014 and getting a job as an office administrator was a real challenge to me. I was forced to forfeit my dream and looking back; I feel that I could have done enough. But with a new opportunity to focus on teaching, I can only look ahead. I have hands-on experience in both teaching and science, and I can comfortably support and execute a range of programs and projects in the same. I was gratified when my efforts resulted in children getting interested in the education and yearning for more.
Although I have not yet been hired in the educational sector, my master’s work, as well as my life experience has given me a sophisticated and nuanced knowledge in the teaching field. I have volunteered at Adult Literacy Centre and also tutored some home-schooled children alongside my kids. When my children attended school, I was involved in their school work with a keen on their educational programs. I have actively assisted both administrators and instructors, especially during my voluntary work. Several years of experience has familiarized me with the diverse needs of students and I am well prepared to guide them towards achieving their goals.
My short term goal is advancing my knowledge on teaching programs and methods, and acquiring a sophisticated understanding and experience of being a skilled teacher. I wish to use my talents and skills to help direct educational programs. It is my aim to combine my diverse experiences with my ability to be an enthusiastic, approachable and compassionate teacher in making a contribution towards your institution. I would like to offer support, capacity, and tools to my students to ensure they become outstanding in all aspects of life. My strongest assets include confidence, my ability to succeed and being cognisant of the importance of education in a person’s life. My life experiences inspire me, and I want to make a difference in the world in my small way, and the best way to achieve that is by doing something that I am passionate about and enjoy doing it.
I am attracted to the teacher assistantship position in your institution because it offers the challenge and experience that suits my professional goals and personal needs. Ideally, a classroom should include both theory and activity-based models of learning, and the institution demonstrates a perfect balance of both. The teacher requires enough time to prepare for the lessons, and as a teacher assistant I am well equipped both professionally and personally to lessen the pressure on them. I am excited about the position’s responsibilities and emphasis on delivery of quality. I appreciate that the institution has student-centred programs and models which are also very inclusive. The positive atmosphere facilitated in the classroom and use of both theoretical and activity-based teaching makes the institution a unique choice for my teacher assistantship experience.
My long-term goal is to use my experience, my training, and the teacher assistantship experience to make education interesting, insightful and accessible to all children. I recognize the importance of education and the endless capabilities it provides. I also acknowledge the essentiality of setting clearly-defined goals and living your dream through doing something that you are passionate about and where your vision lies. I appreciate that the teacher assistantship position offers an opportunity for creativity, growth, and research. It offers a great chance for me to work on and explore my capabilities and talents both intellectually and practically.
I recognize the urgent need of educational reforms and to achieve my dream of making a better world; I believe that the constant challenge that the institution provides is what will propel me to the change that I seek. Education should be fun and exciting for young children and anybody else. Individuals should be given a chance to develop sound personalities through proper guidance and support. I look forward to addressing the factors that hinder children from accessing an efficient and comprehensive education.
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