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Essay of a prescribed title

So that there is a good acquisition of knowledge, both the one who teaches and the one who learns must put everything for themselves so that there is good obtaining knowledge.

When talking about the acquisition of knowledge there are many factors that can alter the obtaining of this, either because of the environment in which one is located or the pedagogical way that a producer performs. As could be appreciated in the knowledge statement, the whole responsibility falls in the user, but this is not always true since this depends on both people, each one must put on their part to be able to transmit and acquire knowledge.

In order to argue this statement, the following areas of knowledge will be used: Natural Sciences and History whose areas will serve to argue and contract the aforementioned.

But who is the responsibility? Who is more important at the time of knowledge acquisition? Is the user the only one who can be judged in the acquisition of knowledge or the producer has something to do with this? To be able to answer all these issues we have to rely on science and history and thus reach a conclusion

Throughout the history of the human being, it has been seen that he has been curious about the things that happen around him, since childhood they begin to have doubts about the things that surround him and that is when they begin to ask their father or elderly personin which I can trust. In the beginning of humanity there were no number of things to discover from fire to the elaboration of weapons.

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The woman had an important role in the development of life thanks to her could describe agriculture, so she had to transmit this knowledge to improve the quality of human life, that is where responsibility falls to the producer of knowledge,where you should use all teaching methods so that other people can capture, but are there things that influence knowledge acquisition?

How does knowledge acquisition occur?

“The process of acquiring knowledge is the model through which the human being learns and develops his intelligence, that is, he builds knowledge.". There are too many theories that explain the acquisition of knowledge, from psychologists to scientists, but we go to real life cases where you can appreciate the exchange of knowledge.

In the schools of Ecuador you can see cosos where the teaching responsibility falls to the teacher, so that a student captures the teaching this must be concentrated in what the teacher explains and for this to happen the teacher must use certain certainMethodologies not to bore your students.

There are changes in neuronal communication that can be maintained over time;In other words, improve synaptic efficacy, that is, neuronal communication. Specifically, to make concepts, images and sounds remain in our neural networks by prolonged intervals of time. To produce this change, it is necessary that the stimuli that are applied are brief and intense, such as bursts of action potentials. 

According to what I quote, the teacher must design teaching strategies so that the student manages to retain that information for much longer. Another technique that is very infallible is that used by scientist Stuart Firetein in his conferences when he is explaining an idea in certain periods of time tells a joke to not lose interest of his spectators and thus prevent them from being distracted, the producer of knowledge isthe person responsible for the acquisition of knowledge as could be seen with the example that the scientist Firestein performs.

Two cases have already been seen where the responsibility falls more to the producer of knowledge, but we are on the other side of the currency, let’s put the user as solely responsible.

When we began to exist, many questions arose and some of the most important that were asked during the course of life is how life was created? To answer this question, there was a lot of time there were too many theories about how life was generated an idea arose in ancient Greece.

The idea of spontaneous generation also emerged as a materialistic theory among the Greeks such as Miletus, Anaximandro, Jenophanes and Democritus. For them, life could arise from mud, matter in rot, seawater, dew and garbage, since there they observed the appearance of worms, insects, crabs, small vertebrates, etc.

The answer to that important question had been answered, the producer was free of responsibility since he had made clear his work, but that is when the user has to intervene, the human being must never keep a single knowledge must open to new knowledgeAnd when the theory of spontaneous generation was raised there were many people who doubted the hypó thesis and from that question they began to want to look for something more scientific, after the idea of the spontaneous generation, Redi came out and I look for a new opposite idea to which they werehad raised

The Italian Francesco Redi was the first to doubt this theory and used experimentation to justify his doubt. The experiment consisted of putting meat in an open jar and in another closed one also put meat. The cresas, which looked like floss egg nests, formed in the open jar, whose meat had broken down. The Italian deduced that the cresas sprouted from the little eggs of the flies.

As we can see in the case of Redi, he was responsible for the accuracy of knowledge because he did not limit himself to the thought of other philosophers but try to look for something more explainable about the generation of life, but there was another person who still doubtedAbout how life was generated, it was then that Louis Pasteur managed to discover how life was developed thanks to his swan neck experiment was concluded that the microorganisms that generate life are found in the air.

In the acquisition of knowledge the user also plays an important role, since it can depend on the fact that knowledge is real or false through doubt arises the desire to continue investigating more, as seen in the case of Redi and Pasteur, theyThey were not convinced of that theory because they realized that something did not fit a more logical explanation for a too important event which is the generation of life, thanks to the studies they managed to improve their theories and thus it happens inMany cases in science where after the black hypotheses of some scientists are achieved better ideas and thus reach a solution.

The producer of knowledge is in charge of giving guidelines towards other people, but it is a matter of the userThat the producer plays a very important role in the acquisition of knowledge, but the responsibility is in us, we only the only ones who can bring our intelligence to the highest, it is we who need to know more about the world, in school there areteachers who do not explain the subject well but we must clarify those doubts that we have about a subject.

To conclude the human being, it is a species recognized for having the ability to reason and this does not remain in the same place when talking about knowledge. Discussing with the statement of knowledge, it is concluded that the responsibility for accuracy is from the user, because in the statement itself says "accuracy" and this can be obtained through the study of new things, as the producer had already stressedIt is a guide for the user, this to bring knowledge and forge it until there is no doubt about what was studied. The user too essential because thanks to him you can produce new knowledge, whether they transmit them or because I manage to discover something new.


  • Ecured. (s.F.). Theory of spontaneous generation. Obtained from Ecured.com: https: // www.Ecured.cu/theor%c3%ada_de_la_generation%c3%b3n_espont%c3%a1nea
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