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Essay on Down Syndrome


To start for the development of the research of the “Down Syndrome” theme, several sources of consultation, books and archives, with the purpose of explaining the subject has been taken.


Down syndrome is a genetic condition, and it is the chromosomal anomaly that occurs most frequently. It occurs in one in every 733 births and affects people of all races and socioeconomic levels. A typical baby receives 23 chromosomes from his father and another 23 of his mother. For this reason, for (Perpiñan, 2018) “It is a chromosomal anomaly in which the centers of the body’s cells have 47 chromosomes, instead of 46, with a trisomy in pair 21.”It should be considered that the definitive diagnosis is possible with a karyotype, which is a visual sample of the baby’s chromosomes. In the case of the United States, approximately 350,000 people live with Down Syndrome ”. (DATER)

Types of Down Syndrome

On the other hand, (National Center for Congenital Defects and Disabilities of the Development of CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020) There are types of Down syndrome can usually not be distinguished between one guy and the other withoutObserve chromosomes because physical characteristics and behaviors are similar:

  • · Trisomy 21: Most people with Down syndrome have trisomy 21. It is a mistake that makes one of the peers, instead of two chromosomes, the cells have three.

    Wait! Essay On Down Syndrome paper is just an example!

    It occurs in 92% of cases.

  • · Down syndrome by translocation: This type represents a small percentage of people with Down syndrome. This occurs when there is a part or an extra chromosome 21 present, but linked or "translocked" to a different chromosome instead of being in a separate chromosome 21.
  • · Down syndrome with mosaicism: mosaic means mixing or combination. For children with Down syndrome with mosaicism, some of the cells have 3 copies of chromosome 21, but others have the typical two copies of chromosome 21. Children with Down syndrome with mosaicism can have the same characteristics as other children with Down syndrome. However, they can have fewer characteristics of the condition due to the presence of some (or many) cells with the normal amount of chromosomes. It occurs between 2 and 4% of cases of Down syndrome.

Characteristics (symptoms and signs)

According to (Patterson, behavioral problems in people with Down syndrome, 2004) the studies on behavior carried out in the 60-70 decades described in a diverse way children with Down syndrome as good temperament children,affectionate, placid, cheerful, third, withdrawn, challenging, slow (aschel et al., 1991). But in 1972, Barron concluded that the conduct in this study group was similar to that of the general population if the mental age was taken into account (aschel et al., 1991).

As regards, this type of stereotypes should be changed that people are not similar, on the contrary, devise a change of thought, a correct way to deal with the issue is characteristic that occur more frequently.

For (Muñoz) the problems that arise most frequently is cognitive development (intelligence, memory, perception, attention) for example: moderate or mild mental retardation;slowness to process and encode the information interpret it: prepared and respond to the demands of the task;Difficulties in the processes of conceptualization, abstraction, generalization and learning transfer of some contexts to others;Short and long -term memory problems, have a hard time planning strategies to solve problems;spatial and temporal disorientation, that is, difficulty in understanding concepts such as day, time, etc.;Problems to carry out calculation operations, specifically mental calculation, the information captures it literally.

The characteristic physical signs of the Down syndrome are: flat face, small and flat nose, almond -shaped eyes, that is, eye openings are inclined up;Dysplastic ear;under bone development of the middle third of the face;Maxillary and mouth reduced with dental bad occlusion, so it can force them to breathe through the mouth;deep fold in the center of the palm of the hand;Dysplastic central phalanx, in other words a single furrow of flexion in the fifth finger, instead of two;epicentral folds. Extra skin folds on the outside of the eye: dysplastic pelvis (visible through X -rays);Body Development Problems. Less average stature, with a certain tendency to obesity. (Muñoz) "There is no relationship between the degree to which the facial features and the cognitive level they can reach" manifest ".

The symptoms of a person with Down syndrome are grouped into psychomotor, sensory problems, communication, physiological, development and social skills. In the psychomotor part it refers to problems in thick and fine psychomotor skills, so it generates awkwardness and slow movements. There is the presence of hypotonia in the muscles, absence of Moro’s reflection in newborn, hyperflexibility. On the other hand, sensory problems are loss of hearing capacity. For (Kumin, 2017) refers to neurosensorial or deafness loss. It is a more permanent type of hearing loss, produced by damage to the inner ear, in the auditory nerve or both and finally there are vision problems (it presents cataracts).

To continue, Muñoz expresses that language and communication problems is the lack of verbal fluidity, long pauses in the middle of a phrase, stuttering, emphasizing words or parts of a word when there is no reason to highlight them, among others. This happens, because having a large tongue, which does not fit in the mouth, in addition to breathing difficulties, has problems articulating words. In physiological symptoms are congenital heart disease (heart problems), hormonal and immunological imbalances (involvement to thyroid hormones, infections, children less re one can present seizures, or develop leukemia), other pathologies are gastrointestinal problems or risk ofsuffer from Alzheimer’s advanced ages. Development delay is slower than that of others, it could be related to hypotonia. However, social skills are rarely socially related spontaneously. During childhood, they are highly dependent on adults, family, environment and teachers. They also prefer to play with boys or girls younger than them. It is essential to promote contact with other people, through sports and playful activities.


Finally, it is important that parents with a Down Syndrome child ask for help from doctors and other professionals, in order to understand the difficulties of behavior they exercise in the socio-educational and family field. For this reason, it is necessary for parents to know suggestions for adequate orientation in their sons and daughters for example: know their baby and delight in their family, start with early intervention services, make sure your baby hasAn appointment for a cardiogram echo, ask for an appointment with your pediatrician to discuss any medical concern.

On the other hand, some of the suggestions that teachers can follow such as: knowing about the subject, since, will help their teacher training and in the classroom application. Therefore, the teacher must investigate learning strategies and styles for children with educational needs. It must be considered that you must focus on the abilities and possibilities of the child. It is suggested to work as a team, in this case in the educational institution to the educational and psychopedagogical orientation team, with the purpose of planning and creating more appropriate curricular adaptations. It is worth mentioning that there are several tips, (Ruiz, 2013) recommends that: the creation of pictograms with the child’s schedules, facilitate highly stimulating and attractive material, the duration of the tasks must be short, insert brief moments of rest, perform exercises from exercisesATTENTION (Labyrinths, Puzzles, among others).


National Center for Congenital Defects and Disabilities of the Development of CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (July 1, 2020). Obtained from https: // www.CDC.GOV/NCBDDD/SPANISH/BIRTH defects/down syndrome.HTML#ref

  • Dater, f. (s.F.). Waiting for an extraordinary life: a Down syndrome guide for new parents. Down Syndrome Association, 1-20.
  • Kumin, l. (September 2017). Ibero -American Down 21 Foundation. Obtained from article: Down syndrome, speech and language difficulties: https: // www.Down21.Org/magazine-virtual/1735-Revista-Virtual-2017/Virtual-Sindrome-Ded-Down-September-2017-N-196/3109-articulo-professional-Sindrome-Ded-Down-Diffylers-in-the-Speak-and-language.html#: ~: text = some%20ni%c3%b1os%20con%20s%c3%adndrome
  • Muñoz, a. M. (s.F.). Down syndrome.
  • Patterson, b. (2004). Behavioral problems in. Down Syndrome Magazine, 99-102.
  • Patterson, b. (2004). Behavioral problems in people with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome 21, 99-102.
  • Perpiñan, s. (2018). I have a student with Down Syndrome. Madrid: Narcea, S.A.
  • Ruiz, e. (2013). Ibero -American Down21 Foundation, Downciclopedia. Obtained from https: // www.Downciclopedia.Org/Neurobiology/la-Attention-in-the-Sindrome-de-Down-Strategy-De-Intervention.HTML

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