Essay On My Family
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The family is the organism that forms an individual and prints particular characteristics. Every individual had to be connected to a family world, he learned from gestures, words, movements, signs that were making it different from all and dependent on a dictated side, ordered and established by a family. The approach of any individual, compromises the family nucleus and conducts it through inherited or learned characteristics.
The study of the systemic problems of these individuals requires organization chart that distribute and locate the characters to be able to pronounce a diagnosis, in order to solve a problem. It must be understood then that the family is generational and transgenerational. That the whole story of it has printed qualities, some hobbies, criteria that were born from the beginning and remain there, printed in other generations and times. The diagnosis of any problem requires the acceptance and congenital approval of relatives (parents, brothers, uncles, grandparents etc.) that recognize the repetition of their customs.
Hernández, Castillejo, Gestalt and other authors link times, attitudes, balances and imbalances of generations that transfer attitudes and characteristics similar to those that are somehow in the individual-family-time relationship-time. When an individual has an imbalance, a mental illness, a pathology that implies or forces a treatment, it is essential that the course of history be followed from the family genome to the individual.
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It is not convenient to ignore that psychological characters are related to a social level, a family stratum and an environmental state. History has taught that physical and psychological characters are mostly inherited and transmitted in family ties that condition and build a permanent behaviorism extracted from a family genome, a social structure and individual particularities that are framed by somecustoms, principles and effective ties.
As well as in the family, so that its structure is maintained, homogeneity, similarity, kinship, fraternity, understanding and affection are required, also so that this family remains and strengthens it is necessary commitment, will and loyalty. A family is based on pre -established norms through individualization, which offer freedom, independence, respect and commitment. That is, although there are norms, principles and conditions, they must have the personal or individual will to accept and comply with them. They are not imposed requirements, affirmed by acts of submission, but have to give them the possibility of accepting or not the characters inherited through a family tree depend on the individuals who belong to it, to have a tacit, moral, indissoluble andstrengthened by loyalty.
Loyalty implies consequences, acceptance, respect, admiration and empathy;It is covered with solidarity, fraternity and unity. Being loyal, we try to maintain procedures that constitute rules of life, and it is those rules that ultimately make family structures support. Many situations have been seen in which grandparents or great -grandparents are the reasons or forces that make family ties to sustain themselves, including families that affection between uncles, aunts or cousins solve or establish a family unit because they keep some equal equalityrelated criteria or characteristics.
To conclude, I affirm that everything that the individual is, has been taken from a family, social and natural structure. Defects, imbalances, disorders and pathologies are representations of generations that have had those same problems and have been diagnosed as conferred or acquired disorders of a family.
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