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Essay On Team Coaching


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Essay on team coaching

Companies to enhance the skills of their staff need to apply coaching, which is a method to be ableallowing him to leave his comfort zone, generating that they can effectively contribute to their working and personal life. This discipline has become very important for companies, since to get the greatest potential of their workers they need prepared people who can guide them for it, it is important to have a coach that helps to get teams to achieve objectives, through questions without needto advise, generating that activities can be advanced. Therefore, this essay, aims to publicize the relationship that coaching keeps with teamwork to reach business success. To support this issue, it will begin by giving a brief description of coaching and equipment;It also indicates what are the types of coaching. Then it will be defined what teamwork is and how to apply it, then team coaching, and techniques to apply it. Finally some advantages and improvements in companies will be mentioned.

To start it is necessary to understand two key definitions that are: coaching and equipment. The concept of coaching, is something that has already been established for quite some time, according to that its origins of this term come from the Hungarian "kocsi" that means cart, this term went through different languages until reaching English as coach, and then being calledCoaching which is in charge of taking a person where (statu quo) wherever he wants to go.

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According to (International Coach Federation, 2012), he mentioned that “Coaching accelerates the progress towards the objectives set by the coachee, by providing a different approach and a greater awareness of its possibilities of choice.”According to this issue, it is important. According to the aforementioned definitions, all emphasize the importance of coaching and work team, since in order to achieve the goals, motivation is necessary and in turn a common goal.

(Alfonso, 2011) mentioned that there are different types of coaching, however, he highlighted the following: “Coaching is always unique, just like each person is also unique;The only thing that changes is the context or scenario for what is applied ". Inside the types we find: 

  • Personal coaching, this monitor the well -being and stability of human beings in the development of their lives. 
  • Couple coaching. It is the one that enhances people so that, through their best version, a good future can be understood and created. 
  • Executive Coaching, is responsible for relating to the intermediate and managerial command of a company, whose purpose is to improve its own security in the worker, helps cope with fear, to control emotions generating positive impacts within the company. 
  • Equipment coaching, more effort is required in this type, since you have to look at several members, its supreme purpose is to increase productivity and motivation in all team members. 


According to (Jiménez, 2012) it is essential to highlight that coaching in any of its types does not seekof constancy, therefore it is reflected in the long term.

After having analyzed all types of coaching, we will now mention that it is teamwork, to later link it with team coaching. For teamwork is the work that different types of people do, with different qualities to obtain a common goal, for this it is important to know that this work has great benefits such as: 

  • greater motivation, 
  • Increased ideas, 
  • greater creativity, 
  • commitment of all members, 
  • increases communication levels and finally 
  • positive results for the equipment. 

(Ander and Aguilar, 2001) mentions that "teamwork appears as a need, which we have clear in our mind, but in practice it is difficult to achieve it". To be called teamwork, there are some conditions such as: a work carried out in a cooperative manner, has an effective organizational structure, all works must be executed with responsibility and finally have a common objective. The majority of authors affect the capacity of teamwork, since this must be voluntarily to achieve their objectives and improve the performance of the members within their environment, maximizing their productivity and generating pleasant job environments,Cozy and stable, where the team feels calm and can respond to the company’s demands in a positive and effective way.

In order to generate teamwork, it is necessary to know that it is needed to be able to achieve it, according to (Jiménez, 2009) the main objective of the implementation of teamwork is to promote a good job performance to share different points of view and actions betweenThe team members, which entails that their ideas are respected, different proposed activities are carried out and all this concludes in the actions to achieve a common goal. 

In order to achieve a good teamwork, it is necessary. As mentioned by Huertas & Rodríguez, there are five key points that are:

  • Adhesion, this implies that team members want to be part of this and thus their participation is considered as positive; 
  • Establishment of functions and rules, since these regulate some behaviors of the team members and in turn each member has a specific task which maximizes productivity and speeds up. 
  • Effective communication, this point is important because it is necessary that when a message is given, it is clear and understandable. 
  • Application of objectives and goals to be able to achieve them through effective activities, and finally 
  • Reciprocity, it is necessary to learn from each other and be able to rely the same way in activities. 


To enhance teamwork, it is necessary to take into account the aforementioned points, since this generates greater productivity and the proposed objectives can be achieve.

Taking into account both the definitions of coaching and teamwork, this section will talk about the union of both terms that is team coaching. According to (from La Calzada, 2013) said that “team coaching is a development process where a management team analyzes the elements that constitute it, to establish rules of commitment and action plans that allow them to function as a high performance team". As he mentioned that many times people who intend to do teamwork find a value instrument in Coaching, since it generates effectiveness to achieve success. Which generates both individual, group and business benefits. Finally, as mentioned (Ramírez, 2014):

Team coaching coaching today is presented as one of the best tools to achieve it, if it is really intended to take advantage of this toolof direction and even life that allows to mobilize all efforts towards the side of the goals and objectives and in the middle of this process the coach must perform as an innovative and original technique of direction focused on a winning vision in a winning vision that leads to theteam to be a champion.

According to Obs Business School, he mentioned that there are six techniques to apply team coaching: 

  • Previous questionnaire, this first point requires that each of the team members answer some questions to be able to prepare mentally for the other meetings you have, measuring with this their achievements, challenges and problems;in such a way that with these answers you can also help your coach see critical and positive points to improve. 
  • SMART OBJECTIVES ESTABLISHMENT. In this second point it was proposed that each member must raise objectives that are measurable, attainable and precise. 
  • Feedback, this point is one of the most important since each member shares experiences, guaranteeing better results. 
  • Ask questions, at this point the members express their feelings, ask questions open to other members, so that it makes it easier for the coach to understand the team better. 
  • Write what one wants and finally 
  • Monitor advances and objectives achieved. 

However, for (Chamorro, 2015) he said that there are four important techniques which are: 

  • Group dynamics. 
  • The game of qualities 
  • 4x4x4 technique, improves the consolidation of ideas, prioritizing the ones that benefit the team most. 

Finally, d) The questions, this is the most used in coaching, since they are used to generate reflection and motivate to continue performing better, bringing with it that the team members can empower and generate greater effectiveness as a equipment.

According to the Entrepreneurs School, there are seven important Coaching benefits which are: 

  • Learn to prioritize objectives, it is necessary to know what one wants and waiting for life, to know where you want to direct. 
  • Know each other better, know what are the strengths and weaknesses of each member 
  • Lead your own life, focusing on yourself (a) without taking importance to the destructive criticisms of other people, however, being aware of the errors that can be had. 
  • Discover what you want 
  • Identify qualities 
  • self-confidence, it is important to stop getting excuses to finally 
  • Perform actions that allow you to reach your goals. To mention that:


To develop competencies, it is not only necessaryprofessional.

Taking into account these two points of view of these authors, it is highlighted that coaching is beneficial both personal and labor. In companies it is taken into account to use this tool since it generates great benefits as an increase in productivity and reaching the proposed goals.

We conclude then, that there is a close relationship between coaching and teamwork, this being extremely vital for the company as a successful factor;Directed by a coach who is able to have a solid understanding, which through questions generates that the worker manages to develop and thus be able to grow both in effectiveness and empowerment of his activities inside and outside the company. Through this methodology, collaborators will feel motivated, involved and committed, assuming this a reduction in staff rotation and decreased costs in recruitment processes and selection of unnecessary personnel. Taking into account this, the Coach is a person with predominant characteristics such as being proactive, motivating, observer and above all knows how to influence the development of other people so that they can reach their objectives through good decisions and a good critical judgment that will be implemented through theExecution of activities. This process can be carried by an internal or external person to the organization, taking into account a key methodology and specific skills that were already mentioned so that with these they can enhance each team member in their skills and thus achieve a teamworkcash. Therefore, it is important to recognize that this process within organizations is of great vitality since many people do not know about the great potential they carry and it is necessary to have a guide that can make their skills see and thus improve the productivity of thebusiness.


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