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Essay On The Roots Of Our Civilization


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Essay on the roots of our civilization

Greece and Rome are considered as the roots of the Civilizations of the West. Moreover, some legal concepts from Roman law remain in force in the Chilean legal order. These civilizations covered much of the world, so we can raise the following question: how could the monarch govern such immense territory? These cities belonged to provinces, and each province was in charge of a proconsul, where his work was to protect the king’s territory and administer it to him.

The importance of these empires throughout history have generated teachings that we have used as foundations to build a new form of civilization. Likewise, this has directed us to implement new administrative practices that have been used over the years in the different continents of the world.

The history of the Romans can be divided into three periods: the monarchy, the republic and the empire.

During the monarchy, the king had absolute control of Rome and represented the political, religious and the military. The social classes were strongly marked, where at the cusp of the pyramid, for obvious reasons, the king was. After this were the patricians: citizens who are connected in a certain way with the king. They are noble families, who had rights and duties, and also the possibility of participating in the Senate, where their main function was to advise the king.

Then in the pyramid follow those of the professional army, where their main function was to protect peace within Rome and fight battles against other enemy empires.

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Arriving almost at the end are the commoners, which is most of them were artisans, blacksmiths, farmers, among others. They had no right, since they were not considered people; They lived on what they produced and their security depended on the landowner to which their services were provided.

At the base of the pyramid are slaves, which were mostly prisoners of war or any other person who has violated the law at that time.

The Republic

It was an expansionist period of Rome, where they managed to obtain large portions of land throughout the European continent. During these times of war things could not continue equal, which led to a change in the policy of Rome, where the military was part of the Senate and made politics together with the patricians, members of the oldest families in Rome; They were responsible for ordering things during this time in the history of Rome. There were also meetings of the Roman people, where they expressed their concerns and requirements, where the main objective of these advice was the common good, the social welfare of citizenship, in this way it was easier to govern an empire as great as the Roman empire.

The Empire

After the defeat of Julio César, Octavio managed to form the great Roman empire that extended by three continents of the globe, and due to his triumphs on the battlefield the Senate appointed him Emperor of Rome and received the name of Augustus. In it all the powers of Rome concentrated both in the religious and in the political, that is why August. A significant reform was in the political sphere. Was accredited with the presidency of the Senate. The most remote territories of the capital required efficient supervision, therefore the emperor gave these lands to some senators of his trust and called them "senatorial provinces".

In Rome the bureaucratization of the position was given, where not all were suitable to opt for the position. In details there was a complex order to reach an efficient administration, which was hand in hand with the creation of several departments that exercised specific tasks in the administration, such as finance advice and military councils. During the bass empire the administrative careers had their boom, through such a way to be precursors and motors of the growth of the empire. In this same period, training schools were created for those who wanted to become administrators of the Nation. These places of study were called "Ilitteratta Ministeria", where two faculties were included: the School of Offices and the School of Excellent, which according to Omar Guerrero, are the oldest schools in the administration.

We can exemplify the effectiveness of the Romans in the public administration with one of the most famous engineering works in the ancient world: Roman aqueducts. Its function was to supply clean water to all city sectors, and were designed in such a way that the water ran through these sewers supplying bathrooms, fountains and cleaning the waste that the inhabitants threw. At the end of the tour the water reached the serrerías where those waste bound. With this we want to clear that the Romans were very exhaustive in the preparation of their administrators to achieve those majestic constructions that one can appreciate of the time.

The Greeks on the other hand were entrepreneurs in state administration issues, since they gave solution to different problems that subsisted both in their society and in their land, but more than this in their contribution as a culture to the public administration, we will also see the Legacy left by Greek philosophers. These philosophers dedicated themselves to studying human behavior, whether individual or in society and so they obtained extensive knowledge of administrative acts, were undoubtedly pioneers in a neo-administration, in this administration all people were rewarded, they were equal to the eyes of the law, there were no special views, they looked at one like everyone and everyone like one.

In the Greek administration, philosophers such as Socrates, Aristotle and Plato appear, which would be great contribution to their cultural and political development.

Socrates uses administrative aspects in the organization, separating technical knowledge from experience. He was a controversial character, in history there are three versions about him, the best known is what Plato presents us in whose Socrates dialogues is the central character, he conducts the discussion and is the one who offers the best solution for the issue that is discuss.

We will not go into great technical aspects of Socrates’ legacy, but if we will summarize his method that left as a legacy in something he used to say so that people would understand, “for someone to do well shoes, it is necessary to know that it is a shoe, what materials what materials It takes, how it is assembled, etc. When a person executes acts that others call bad, that person is not bad but ignorant."

For Plato, ethics and politics were almost the same thing, unless one applied to man and the other to society. In the case of the individual, he has three parts: the rational soul, the irascible soul and the concupiscible soul. The function of the first is to know and govern; The function of the other two is to act under the control of the first. If this happens in an individual, we would say that it is fair. In society, which is like a big man, there are also three parts, rulers, soldiers and producers. The virtue of the rulers is prudence; that of soldiers is courage; The producers is moderation. If each sector fulfills its mission, the State will be fair -social justice will have-.

Plato in his book ‘La República’ gives his views on public business administration and the principle of specialization. Plato, who within his great contributions is the classification of the forms of government, which are divided into: aristocracy, government of the nobility or upper class, oligarchy (government of a single social class), Timarquía (government of those who charged income ), Democracy (Government of the People), tyranny (government of a single person).

According to Aristotle, being is defined as "what can exist or exists". What can exist, but it still does not exist, it is called "being possible" and what exists is called "being real". For example, the egg, which has all the appropriate conditions and favorable circumstances to cause a chicken, is a possible chicken. The originated chicken is a real chicken, consequently, the possible is possible, but it is not yet real; It is real when it goes from mere possibility to reality.

In his book ‘Politics’ he distinguishes three forms of public administration: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. It is also important to specify that he was the philosopher who classified the public administration in "monarchy" -a government of only one-, "aristocracy" -a great -class governor -, "democracy" -gobierno del people-.

Nowadays both in our Constitution and in the conformation of the State, we can identify different legacies of these two cultures and/or civilizations that remain in force. For example, by Rome from Roman law to the formation of a Senate; And by the part of Greece, the clearest in my opinion is the distribution of powers of the State in political, legislative and judicial. Obviously there are more legacies but it is worth noting to be able to close the idea optimally.

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