Essay On Women At Work
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Native and immigrants
In 1869, as Dora Barranco (2010) argues, the first Argentine national census had presented a proportion of 31% of workers or employees in some activity;The 1895 census 30% and 1914 22%, falling a few decades later.
It should be noted that probably in the census of the year 1914 68% of women were registered as lacking any type of trade or profession, mainly by a gender issue, which conditions them to not being able to perform an activity or exercise with precision, precisely,since the male was seen as the provider of the family and the woman as who should devote himself to home and children. They did not access a certificate that verified their performance in the labor market, only professions as a teaching, which also inhibits the manifestation of skills and skills. In general, the presence of women in the labor sector was raised as a dilemma that affected the foundations of social order because female employment implied an "anomaly in the world of work" that affected family reproduction and put into question in questionFemininity based on the patriarchal family model.
In the case of foreigners, the situation was worse with respect to these considerations, since as Barrancos (2013) pointsworks in companies that were out of the law, such as night work in unhealthy conditions or but the choice of housework.
The census omitted that female work in manufactures and industries was occupied by 15% by Argentinas and 13% by foreigners (it is relevant to highlight that the industries where the number of immigrants was highyears).
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The cigarreras, phosphoreras, spinners, weavers exceeded the Argentines by 25%, the espadrilles and workers of the branch of the production of sneakers represented 52%. In the production of clothing, the tailors were the ones that stand out, and precisely in the "Sastres strike" of 1904, they were the ones who infected seamstresses and dressmakers to join the claim of labor and salary improvements.
The existence of other female labor occupations, such as;seamstresses 142.644, Lavanderas 79.059, dressmaker 45.127, weavers 28.088, Tomas 28.088, cooks 49.200, teachers 21.961, midwives 2.140, Employees of Commerce 9.240, telephoneists 1.101. On that date the first professionals had emerged: lawyers 6, journalists 41 and 1.502 secondary teachers, medical 59. Among the latter were Alicia Moreau, Julieta Lantieri, Cecilia Grierson, Elvira Rawson de Dellepiane and Petrona Eyle, all defenders of the causes of female rights .
It should be stressed that women’s working conditions were not the best since they had to suffer bad working conditions. Mirta Henault, transcribes a report that DR. Bialet Massé raised the government of Buenos Aires: “There were few women who carried the family’s support, with the rudeness of life;Hence they accept resigned to be paid their work in a way that exceeds the exploitation and in order to meet the needs of those who love their own until nudity and hunger (…) the most large class is the seamstresses. Working strong earn 80 cents to a peso;Those of Open Access Digital Institutional Repository, National University of Quilmes Superior Work, of a 20 cents to a weight with 40 cents exceptionally;But as in some houses several work, helping each other, it cannot be well known what they earn (…) the woman of the tucuman artisan is the cargo beast on which the whole family weighs;She is the one who reluctant fruits or kneading or washing or receiving pensioners to feed them, she manages to save some cents to dress her children and not a few times to feed them (…) How does the woman of the pawn live? In the midst of filth;Water only enters the ranch for food, never for hygiene. The pawn woman, the laundress, which makes food for prisons, the kneader, lead a life of works and sufferings;they work during the time of pregnancy;They work as soon as they leave the bed where they have lit and work while breastfeeding and continues to do so until tuberculosis consume them ”.
To this was added the well -known differential system of remuneration (see graph 1) that were serious difficulties for the performance of women, since the same work the men earn more. Inequality in the hierarchy between men and women is notorious, women’s remuneration used to be up to less than half of what their classmates received doing the same job. Although the workers’ organizations were willing to denounce their exploitation did not mean that this could alter the patriarchal pattern this salary difference and less market segmentation. However, some units such as the "workers elite" challenged the progression of the qualified functions, rejected the idea that they could form and closed various jobs to their access.
Within the market, determining gender relationships are created and expressed, since there are male and female activities, the representatives of the workers’ classes defended the struggle for the destruction of an unfair order and the birth of another equal, but they did not show the equivalenceof the genres to prevent capitalism from using a natural of difference. As stated. A woman who reaches the highest positions in a company, gains 30% less than her male par. There is no government, of the ideology that is, in the world, that breaks those differences ”
Another important issue to highlight was the obligation to serve the cruel exposure of workers to sexual harassThe women, this was lived by the majority of those who had to go to work and said that many times they had to abandon their work tasks so they had to submit to such brutality, but on other occasions they had no choice but to respect those thoseorders.
In this regard, another issue to highlight was that the workers of various services should be single, because they were required that they should address their work with total availability, and also employers wanted to avoid problems related to gestation periods, that is,Who, how and how long were they paid. In a nutshell, the marriage forced them to resign (or were unemployed).
Ravines when examining the life of the telephone operators, a very revealing case was found and a phoneThey were not allowed free times. Amelia had sometimes been observed for not complying with the rules of attention and in other cases the calls of attention were inflexible where they were sanctioned with fines. They were also forbidden to establish conversations between employees, they hadworrying were traveled by the halls of the General Directorate of Labor. When the law was sanctioned in 1907, which was the one that protected female and childish work, the claims of the telephone union had multiplied but Amelia did not fold the strikes of the telephone personnel since they lacked convictions to protest against the company. At the beginning of August 1921 someone realized that she had married and as Amelia was expected. D. Barrancos is going to express that this occurred beyond the subordinate experience imposed by their tasks, of the drowning that the rigid working conditions meant we are facing a transformed female subjectivity. Amelia, increased in her boss’s home, whom she thinks was responsible for her dismissal, and before her indifference, she nails a knife in the ribs, thinking that she had killed him, a fact that did not happen. She was sentenced to eight months in house prison, despite the attempts of a more severe exemplary, by the English managers, in addition the judge considered humiliating and unfair what the company had done, after so many years of service. In addition to this, at the London Central, they began to review the measure and already by the years the demand for singleness was eliminated.
Finally, there is another fundamental and essential aspect to stand out outside the home;It is the lack of legitimacy of women’s work in Argentine society since all social classes preferred women to stay in their homes according to family and duties. This ended up being a brand that lasts during most of the century, being the exception of the teaching and some groups of university students.
Between 1930 and the years ends to Peronism, notable opportunities for female work arose. Due to the development of the Peronist State, women who had a greater formal education allowed them to enter teaching tasks and administrative functions. Indeed, the overcoming of state positions was a demand for employees, but not only in ministerial positions that had to comply with various tasks occupied by women, but also within public labor services. The 1947 census showed a noticeable sum with respect to the state positions occupied by women, meant an increase in personnel detonations. Also thousands of women managed to enter the telephone companies sector since they were mostly single, in turn they could enter only with elementary education. It is of the utmost importance that the Telephone Union enchants Comfort spaces, equipped with armchairs and tables in the offices and in the rest situation stimulated them to be active
The industrial and manufacturing sector represents the second speaker of the female force. Within the industrial activity, after the population has been multiplying due to the flow of immigrants and in turn of the international demand for the processing of cattle within these areas, the possibilities of work for both sexes were increased. In this regard, the incorporation of women into manufacturing activities had multiplied at the beginning of the 20th century. The author Dora Barrancos will maintain that an important researcher highlights the importance of female work in refrigerators, especially in large companies such as Swift or Armor had served hundreds of women and that they were mostly single, they seem to have emphasizedDuring the years of Peronist well -being. On the other hand, another of the most important branches in female industrial performance were textile workers, comprising around 60% – 65% of industrial workforce in the big city, it is here where the worst working conditions were, retakingThe report written by DR. Bialet Massé elevated for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires "(…) The most numerous class is seamstresses. Working strong earn 80 cents to a peso;the upper work, of a weight 20 cents to a weight with 40 cents exceptionally;But as in some houses several work, helping each other, it cannot be well known what they earn (…) The branch of the ironers in Tucumán is as bad as in the other cities of the country. Many women work in their homes, and there are several workshop with an officer and two or three apprentices. They work from 6 in the morning at 6 in the afternoon, having a half -hour break for the mate, morning and afternoon, and an hour and a half at noon, so that the effective day is ten and a half hours (…) anotherOffice was the laundress. These are unfortunate;Skinny, enjutas, poor to misery. I visited some laundries and ironers and learned how these works in a primitive way. In a bat, under a tree or some branches, some oils, in which they boil their clothes, put in a stove, which are three or four stones on the ground … ”.
As in every industrial branch when the activity is increased, more labor is necessary, it is here in the textile industry where the greatest incorporation of foreign labor was found, where they exceeded the amount of Argentine employees, but not only at workTextile Industrial The foreigners formed most of the workers, or at least in Greater Buenos Aires, in the clothing clothing sector according to the census carried out in the Sastre profession exceeded 4 to 1.
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