Essay Part I ( Have to answer all questions FROM TEXT BOOK )
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Research Topic in Human Sexuality
In their book, Herdt and Polen-Petit (2014) educatively discusses various issues from chapter one to eight. Among these is contraception as an issue of human sexuality. The authors in chapter even have defined the term contraception as whichever technique that people utilize to avoid getting pregnant (Herdt and Polen-Petit, 2014 p. 213). They have also discussed the historical disparities as well as variations in people’s cultures on contraception. They affirm that it is an old human practice though is technologically getting advanced in the present age. In human cultures, the authors cite the Egyptian technique of putting an instrument made of crocodile droppings as well as fermented dough in the ladies vagina to make the vaginal condition unfavorable for sperms survival. The authors have also discussed contraception techniques in various cultures; however, they state that most of those techniques were ineffective. They have also looked at the methods of contraception and the way to select a contraceptive technique (Herdt and Polen-Petit, 2014 p. 217). Herdt and Polen-Petit (2014) have also tackled a few widespread myths concerning contraception as well as their efficiency in averting pregnancy. Lastly, they have discussed the function of contraception within human sexual health (Herdt and Polen-Petit, 2014 p. 241).
Based on the authors’ discussion as summarized above, I have selected the following research topic: Hindrances to Contemporary Contraceptive Methods within the Americans
Importance of the Research Topic
This research topic is a significant research topic because there are approximately 42 million abortions annually, close to 20 million are done in risky settings that cause high mortality rates of approximately over 60,000 women.
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This figure stands for roughly 13% of all pregnancy-linked mortalities (World Health Organization, 2011). Besides, 5 million people are admitted to hospitals annually for medication of abortion problems, for example, hemorrhage as well as sepsis. These massive numbers of unintended pregnancies have been attributed to the minimal use of contraceptives, failure of the methods of contraception both on the users’ side and technical errors, as well as contraception’s unmet needs. The “unmet needs” denotes where ladies desire to control pregnancies; however, they are not utilizing any contraceptive technique or lack accessibility to any contraceptive method. The minimal uses of contraception are attributable to personal barriers, cultural hindrances, and minimal involvement of men as well as health system hindrances. This research topic seeks to bring an understanding of the obstacles of the contemporary contraception methods through studying users’ perception as well as reasons for not utilizing the contemporary contraception techniques. Moreover, of family planning (FP) is an important factor in the control of the populace, poverty decrease, as well as human advancement. Vigorous FP services produce a variety of advantages, among them, is mother and child survival, good nutrition, increased academic accomplishment, better status for women within the households as well as the community as a whole as well as prevention of sexual illnesses. Further, FP through contraceptives is a precondition for attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals as well as for accomplishing the right to reproductive choice.
Methodology That Could Be Used For the Research Topic
In conducting this study, the researcher can adopt a qualitative research design. Herdt and Polen-Petit (2014) explain that qualitative study design entails the gathering as well as scrutiny of qualitative (that is non-numerical) information to establish patterns or themes within a research topic. For this study, the researcher may also use interviews for the gathering of data. Information obtained from these qualitative interviews shall be utilized to clarify perceived problem and concerns surrounding the application of contraceptives within the study population. Mainly, this analysis will concentrate on women and how they view the issue of contraception as well as hurdles they face concerning the application of contraceptives. A qualitative study design is perfectly appropriate for investigating the complex question concerning the misconceptions, as well as the impediments encountered by the users of contraceptives. This study design shall permit the researcher an open kind of inquiry into relevant questions that are having minimal past information. This design is as well valuable in investigating sensitive matters, for example, sexual conducts, as well as female or male contraceptive choices. This design is appropriate when dealing with a study population in which free conversation on human sexuality is still considered improper, intolerable or offensive and an investigation linked to human sexuality might be hard. Another information gathering technique that may be used apart from interviews is the use of questionnaires. The questionnaires shall permit the researcher to collect data from a vast study population to improve the information accuracy.
Study Population
To carry out the study on the above topic, the researcher may use various study populations. First, the topic relates to contraception which affects both male and females alike. Therefore, the study population can comprise both American male and female or either gender. Secondly, the population can be narrowed using geographical locality. The topic implies a study of the hindrances to contraceptives within the USA. This location can be narrowed further to particular state, university, college or area. The study population may also be married women/men or college girls/boys since in my opinion; they are the most impacted category of individuals by the use of contraceptives.
Theoretical Approach to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
ED is also termed as impotence, and it is a condition where a man is unable to achieve as well as sustain an erection which is sufficient for sexual intercourse. Ed is very common, and it is associated with physical as well as psychological causes (McCabe, 2005). The physical causes of ED comprise of hormonal problems, the constriction of penile blood vessels penis as a result of hypertension, diseases such as diabetes and drugs side effects. On the other hand, psychological causes include stress, anxiety as well as psychological health matters (Thompson & Barnes, 2013). Further, sexual monotony, as well as continuous anxiety concerning satisfying a spouse, are said to cause ED. Once the first event occurs, the man may in most instances become very nervous, and the ED problem may take place over again (Thompson & Barnes, 2013). Therefore, the anxiety of frequent disappointments might impede future penile erections.
At times ED just takes place in specific circumstances. A case in point may be where a man is capable of achieving an erection when masturbating, or the person might discover that he occasionally gets up from bed having an erection; however, he is incapable of achieving the erection with his spouse. These kinds of cases have been attributed to the mental cause of ED. ED is a common problem among the elderly males. Approximately a half of all men within the age bracket of 40-70 years are likely to suffer ED to a certain level (Thompson & Barnes, 2013). ED is principally cured through dealing with its source (what causes it) whether the origin is physical or mental. For psychological causes, ED therapy concentrates on decreasing the anxiety through removing the focus away from sexual intercourse. For the physical causes, drugs can assist in attaining an erection.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is described as a “talking therapy” which may assist an individual (man/spouse) deal with various problems through altering how an individual thinks as well as conducts him or herself. CBT is usually applied in the treatment of anxiety as well as depression which are the main psychological causes of ED (McCabe, 2005). However, it may also be used for the treatment of other psychological as well as physical health issues. This treatment approach is founded on the notion that a person’s thinking, emotions, bodily senses as well as behaviors are interrelated; therefore, any harmful thinking, emotions as well as senses may trap the individual within a sadistic cycle (Solomon, Stein & Sareen, 2015).
CBT’s goal is to assist a person to handle devastating physical or mental issues in a very constructive manner through separating the issue into smaller components. The therapist helps the client (spouse) on how he/she might transform the unhealthy patterns to enhance the person’s feeling. Different from other talking therapies, CBT manages the person’s existing problem, instead of concentrating on matters from the person’s past (Solomon, Stein & Sareen, 2015). CBT seeks to find practical means of improving an individual’s mental status on an everyday basis.
The Effectiveness of CBT in Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction
This theoretical approach maybe is among the most helpful kinds of treatment for ED, in particular, the ED linked to psychological causes such as anxiety, depression, low confidence, as well as the lack of sexual stimulation. The approach is proactive as well as an actionable form of treatment aimed at assisting a person to transform his thinking as well as conducts. CBT allows the therapist and the client to appreciate the way particular triggers may induce thoughts, emotions, senses and conducts (Solomon, Stein & Sareen, 2015). Consequently, the person suffering from ED may take on an extra constructive and pragmatic attitude to sex in general, taking away the concentration on achieving an erection.
Using CBT, the therapist shall labor to create a mutual understanding of the way thinking – for example, negative forecasts, impractical anticipations as well as imprecise beliefs on a spouse’s desires – may result in a physical response to ED. CBT permits proper sex learning, the creation of communication techniques, as well as removes the negative thinking patterns (Solomon, Stein & Sareen, 2015). The therapy is structured instead of being a free-style like other kinds of treatments. The structuring allows the parties to deal with particular objectives as well as have a vivid feeling of focus and improvement. CBT uses various very realistic structured strategies for dealing with harmful thought cycles that produce real transformation by eradicating the devastating feelings of disappointment, despair, dejection as well as anxiety that form the cause of ED. Consequently, it effectively treats ED. Following the structured strategies an individual can ultimately solely handle ED without a counselor.
Personal Reflection
In this section, the writer analyzes the article “Intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and reproductive health among university women” by Lévesque et al. (2016) providing the reasons for selecting the article and identifying the key points discussed by the article’s authors.
The article has been chosen for two reasons. First, it deals with human sexuality issues of reproductive health and sexual violence that are at the center of discussion in the present course subject of “Human Sexuality.” Secondly, the issues of reproductive health and sexual violence are the current issues affecting the society in the modern times especially younger females that the article focuses. For example, Lévesque et al. (2016) explain that reproductive health is a vital constituent of general human health and welfare. They assert that statistically, youthful ladies suffer the most considering the sexual health results. Several of these young ladies report that their pregnancies were unplanned. Further, the authors attributed low reproductive health freedom to the issue of victimization within sexual relations as well as intimate partner violence (IPV) that impede the young ladies’ capability to manage her sexual wellbeing. Therefore, by the authors focusing on these issues, they are providing understanding and contributing to the knowledge on young women’s reproductive healthcare which greatly adversely impact socio-economic aspects of the present generation.
The article discusses various important points; first, the occurrence of victimization as well as the authors examines the links between victimization and sexual wellbeing within the study population. From the study, the result revealed that victimization among the study population was prevalent with just 4 of 10 participants registering no victimization. Therefore, confirming findings of previous researches that most young females face victimization within their relationships. Secondly, the authors established that victimization encounters were linked to more contraceptive use. The authors found that young females experiencing sexual assault and violence within their relationships are more likely to experience more contraceptive usage, termination of pregnancy and sexual diseases.
I agree with the authors on their findings and assertion that there is a need to enhance contraceptive usage within the female learners through increasing information regarding the contraceptive techniques, enhancing health therapy accessibility, as well as decreasing contraceptive costs. Further, that most female learners encounter sexual violence that hinders their reproductive health freedom. Female learners who were involved in early sex are more likely to encounter sexual victimization that may lead to unintended pregnancies and abortion. Therefore, sexually victimized ladies must be the center of the target of the FP interventions with the goal of increasing the ladies’ reproductive independence.
In conclusion, human sexuality research topics are always sensitive and in conducting a study on such topic the researcher may adopt qualitative research design which will allow the researcher to establish patterns or themes within a research topic. The design is as well valuable in investigating sensitive matters, for example, sexual conducts, as well as female or male contraceptive choices. CBT works by altering how an individual thinks as well as conducts him or herself. It is thus applied and efficient in the treatment of anxiety as well as depression which are the main psychological causes of ED. Lastly, there is a necessity to create as well as apply sexual health learning curriculum within learning institutions and society focusing on thorough information regarding human sexuality. It shall offer a chance to tackle violence associated with sex, sexual diseases as well as encourage safe and gratifying sexual encounters.
Herdt, G. & Polen-Petit, N. (2014). Human Sexuality: Self, Society, and Culture. New York McGraw-Hill.
Lévesque, S., Rodrigue, C., Beaulieu-Prévost, D., Blais, M., Boislard, M. A., & Lévy, J. J. (2016). Intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and reproductive health among university women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 25(1), 9-20.
McCabe, M. P. (2005). The role of performance anxiety in the development and maintenance of sexual dysfunction in men and women. International Journal Of Stress Management, 12(4), 379-388. doi:10.1037/1072-5245.12.4.379
Solomon, C. G., Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2015). Generalized anxiety disorder. The New England Journal of Medicine, 373(21), 2059-2068. Retrieved from
Thompson, E. J., & Barnes, K. (2013). Meaning of sexual performance among men with and without erectile dysfunction. Psychology Of Men & Masculinity, 14(3), 271-280. doi:10.1037/a0029104
World Health Organization (2011). Unsafe abortion: global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2008.
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