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Essay, The Importance Of Business Administration


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Essay, the importance of business administration


With this text I want to present my concept in the face of the importance of the administration, based on my acquired knowledge and my experiences as a family member, and as a social being, I consider that it is something that is part of our day to day, it is inherentTo life, order and society, without it, progress would not have been possible.

From the origin of the universe everything is governed as a system, with correlation and with hierarchy, we are part of a whole and we need rules and norms to advance as people and as a society. The administration is one of the most important principles, since it has accompanied us at each stage of man, from creation to the present, in addition that each part of the world governs, that is, from people, companies, societies, everythingIt is linked to the administration because it helps us to have an order, an organization. Thanks to the administration we have been able to advance more and more, although every day there are more means, more technology, the administration is something irreplaceable for man.

Departing from the concept of administration individually, we also talk about the importance of administration for companies, which is the fundamental axis of their development, increasingly with different models, which lead to optimizing both the administration method and theorganizations due to the achievement of objectives. We also mention the definition of the administrative process, which is designed to meet the company’s lucrative needs.

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Why is the administration important?

The main thing to start covering this issue is to define, what is the administration?, Correa (2009) says that the process of creating and sustaining an environment in which, working in groups, people efficiently achieve specific objectives, on the other hand Coulter (2017) tells us that administration is the process of getting the goals to beThey fulfill, efficiently and effectively, with people and through them. So I can conclude that the administration is a process to meet objectives and goals, in a group or individual way.

Since I have defined what is the concept of administration for two authors, and what did I understand how administration thanks to these concepts, I can go to the main theme, why is the administration important?, Ortíz (2009) refers to the importance of the administration in which she makes human efforts effective. Help get a better staff, equipment, materials, income and human relationships. It stands in front of the different changes and gives imagination to create new methods. Improve is the basis of administration. For me, the administration is important because it is a principle that is based on the organization, because we have always had the need to organize and distribute the resources we have, in order to supply our needs, in principle the basic ones and subsequently the imposed oneswith the intention of having greater self-realization. We see it from the beginning of humanity when the hunters had to distribute the hunt with a whole tribe, the hunters had to administer, and provide the animal in an organized way if they wanted each individual of the tribe to eat, in addition around this they were also delegatedOther functions, for example the animal arrangement, care for children, was designated who had to collect what was going to be eaten in addition to hunting. Inherent to this there has always been the concept of hierarchy, where the strongest takes the leadership of the group and is responsible for the others. After this model comes a more modern society, where there have always been needs, but the model has been evolving to meet them, and with it the administration has been moving forward from the hand of man.

Administration is a concept that has been used from the beginning of man to the present, this principle is used daily, since we wake up and organize how our day will be, what are we going to distribute our time, how much money we are going to spendIn short, the administration helps us to have an order and meet goals and objectives, whether in the short, medium or long term.

As I said in the previous paragraphs, the administration is something that comes from the principles of man. My theory coincides with the author Sergio Hernández who says that Hernández administration is considered one of the oldest, most interesting and beautiful activities;His evolution has gone hand in hand with the organization of human work. Thus, at the origin of humanity, when man went out to hunt in a group, the tribe planned its activities before acting. It should be clarified that I decided to give this example about the tribes and the beginning of man long before reading what was written by Sergio.

We can say that the administration is something that is instilling in us, because we take the example of administration that our parents handle, a child who lives in a home where there are schedules, rules, good money management, when he grows up he willAdapt this method to his life, but a child who grows in a home where there is no good administration or too many shortcomings, will probably not have a good management of their resources.

With certainty I can say that administration is one of the most important principles that exist, since as I have said, it is something that always accompanies us in everyday life, without the administration we could not live in an orderly manner, thanks to it we can raiseOne way to develop our activities and achieve objectives, in principle pre -established by society such as studyTo the administration to achieve the new goals raised, because we will always have to implement a life system that allows us to achieve resources, use them and thereby supply once again the vital or created needs, from the micro to the macro. With this methodology we can distribute our resources, either time, money, human capacity, etc. and get to meet the objectives set.

It should also be clarified that not all people can have a good administration, because it requires discipline, perseverance, perseverance, and other values that not all people handle. Thanks to the administration we can achieve the maximum effectiveness and planning of our life because the administration does not refer only to companies or organizations, but it is a valuable instrument that can lead us to fulfill purposes, dreams and goals. The administration also entails a great personal and group responsibility, this is something that not all people are willing to assume or take care of it. It is very important when we talk about an organization to face the leadership of a team because it can be the difference between achieving the objectives or not reaching them, regarding the topic of leadership I wantThey manage to apply it and capture it in organizations in an effective way, since it is necessary for a person to carry out a good administrative process taking into account both the theory and their human intuition, in this of carrying a good business administration he plays a very important roleCommunication and motivation. Regarding this topic of leadership I would like to quote Behar’s opinion (2019) who says that being a leader is having the ability to translate part of that information into changes that benefit the company and generate motivation to employees. Being leader implies reading, doubting the information, going further and putting into practice if it will serve the company or not. Administration is such an important foundation that it has led countries to be much more developed than others, due to having a better organization and better resource management. This is reflected in countries like Colombia and the United States, where the US knows how to manage all their resources, they have a great political, economic, social organization, and on the other hand Colombia, which does not handle good administration in any of these areas having higher havingpercentage of resources that the US. In 2009 when Obama began his mandate as president had proposals such as: The President made his early proposals. These go according to their priority: banking stability, reform financial regulation, generate more employment, avoid mortgages and turn medical care into some quality. (Watkins, 2009). Since Obama took command he already had clear proposals and priorities in terms of the administration of the US country, while in Colombia the presidents take months or years to propose feasible and favorable ideas for the country.

When we do not take into account, the administration can only observe negative results, because we are not giving an organization to the management of our resources, which will lead us to losses in any field, either as a company, as a person, as a family. If we do not apply the administration in our day to day and in every decision we make we will only obtain bad results, so it is so important a good administration and carry it out daily, because a bad decision can affect me in the future, and even immediately, while we carry a planned administration we will obtain positive results.

As for a company without administration, it would never become profitable, since this is the one that gives us the guidelines to handle each part of the entity’s structure. Regarding this concept Ramírez and Ramírez (2016) tell us that the importance of studying the administration and doing a process of it, is the need to be efficient in each activity that humans perform. Individuals who work with more individuals must carry out their operations effectively, within ideal administrative systems. Each job of the organization, whether manager, supervisor, etc., must work in organizations where quality is the strategic purpose. If we have good administration, it means that we must have the best staff, the best use of resources, the best management of time, etc. The administration is everything for a company because ultimately this principle is based on results whether good or bad and helps us find what we should improve to strengthen our company.

Administration is something as important that it is defined as an art, a science and a technique. Knowing how to bring good administration is much more difficult than it seems, because administration is all for society and for the world in general. In short, without this complex art, the world would not be in the place that is, we would not have societies as advanced as those that exist, in my opinion, we have achieved all this thanks to the administration, since without it we would not have an order, a stability, surely the vast majority of resources would have been over and there would be a greater exploitation than there are already. The administration has always been with us at every step we take, in every decision we make, all people (or the vast majority) make decisions that will favor us in the long term, or failing that, decisions that will not affect us. As I said, the administration begins from minimum things in our day to day, thinking that Transmilenio, SITP, Taxi, or any means of transport surrend more to reach our duties, to think about whether as something on the street orI keep that money for later.

Whoever says that the administration is not important is completeGive.

To conclude this essay I want tochores. Celaya (2018) is the tool used in companies to achieve the objectives and supply money and social needs.


  •  Hernández s. (2012) Administration. Recovered from http: // www.ebooks7-24.com.proxy.Bidig.Areandina.Edu.co/?IL = 382
  • Robbins s. (2017) Fundamentals of Administration. Recovered from http: // www.ebooks7-24.com.proxy.Bidig.Areandina.Edu.co/?IL = 4914
  • Ortiz J. (2009). HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION. Recovered from https: // ebookcentral.Proquest.com/LIB/libraryfuaasp/reader.Action?docid = 3181688 & query = importance%2bad administration%25c3%25b3n
  • Correa f. (2009) Administration. Recovered from https: // ebookcentral.Proquest.com/LIB/libraryfuaasp/reader.Action?Docid = 3181499 & Query = Administration%25C3%25B3N%2B
  • Ramírez C and Ramírez M.P (2016). Fundamentals of administration recovered from http: // www.ebooks7-24.com.proxy.Bidig.Areandina.Edu.co/?IL = 3738
  • Behar e. (2019). The hardest challenge of effective leadership. Money. Recovered from https: // www.money.com/Opinion/Columnists/ARTICLE/EL-SETER-MAS-DURO-DEL-LIDERAZGGO-EFECTIVE-POR-CERCK-BEHAR-VILGAS/275686
  • Watkins m. (2009). The Obama Administration´s 10.000 transitions. Harvard Business Review. Recovered from https: // HBR-ORG.proxy.Bidig.Areandina.Edu.CO/2009/02/The-Obama-Administrations-1000
  • Celeba r. (2018). The importance of business administration. Entrepreneurship. Recovered from https: // www.Entrepreneurship.CO/LA-IMPORTANCE-DE-LA-ADMINISTRATION-OF-COMPRESSES/

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