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Racism and the Media
Over the years, America has had different cultures that have shaped every individual’s opinion. These cultures have given rise to the practice of inequality where the marginalized groups in America have one way or another experienced segregation and unfair treatment. In fact, these inequalities have been fueled by the stereotypical ideas that are held in our society. However, the contemporary society is characterized by rapid progression of information and events. The different opinions we have in our society are influenced by the views of the society. In America, living the American dream is the aspiration of any individual. Still, this aspiration is affected by the views and the stereotypical perceptions of the society. These views include views on race, gender, and sexuality. In essence, people’s opinion and perception about life are seriously affected by the views of the society. In this regard, it is important to analyze the role and how media works to affect or influence these stereotypes present in our society by disagreeing with the following statement “All popular media reflect commonplace and often stereotypical ideas of gender, race, or other identity markers like class, hobbies, and interests, occupation, or taste. In the process, mass popular culture reinforces inequality and sustains the privilege of the group(s) in power.”
On the first account, Kevin Jennings narrates about his childhood experience; his aspirations to live the American dream of being president were affected by his sexuality.

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He was afraid of coming out due to the views and opinions people have about gay people. This incapacitation made him contemplate suicide in so many occasions (Jennings 5). In essence, the stereotypical ideas that the society have affects the views of most people and, in most cases, people refuse or are afraid of being themselves because of these opinions; Jennings narrates in his book how accepting his sexuality was an issue until he met a gay lecturer at Harvard University who guided him and taught him how to accept his sexuality.
Similarly, Lubrano in his writing ridicules the American dream as a fantasy dream. He says that race plays a big role in determining whether a person goes into the middle class. In his analysis of the society, he looks at two families; one from the upper social class and the other from the working-class. He focuses on how these two families view education; on the one hand, the working class family view education as the erosion of culture but a necessary process for a person to live the American dream. On the other hand, the upper-class family has education as an option for their children (Lubrano 7).
In these two narrations, we understand how the views of the society affect our perceptions. However, the media has played a very important role in mitigating some of these brutal and unfair treatments based on the society views. For instance, in the statement, the author tries to put the blame on the media as the catalyst of the inequalities present in America which is entirely false. Perhaps, to appreciate the fact that the media has helped in achieving equality in our society, let us look at how far it has gone with the issue of race.
Essentially, racial discrimination is still a big issue in America and other parts of the world. Considering this vice has been in existence for decades and people have come out in large numbers to condemn it and raise different concerns, it has formed the center of focus in very many aspects, and media has been at the forefront of talking about the influence and the effects the vice has on our society. According to Lubrano in his book, the social disparity based on race played a major factor in schools during their time. The white children, who were considered by the society as the upper social class, were at a huge advantage than children black children, who were considered by the society as from the lower social class. In essence, media play a vital role in changing these kinds of perspectives; media has always mirrored what the society thinks and the current happening regarding the issue of race. However, when reflecting these stereotypes and the ideas people have about race in our society, the media has created awareness among the people and most people have been influenced by the media’s depiction of this issue. In short, media plays a fundamental part in defining the society; they present us with descriptions about our nation; they emphasize our norms and values; they provide us with solid instances of what happens to the transgressors of these norms; and most significantly, they effect certain ways of viewing the society and peoples within that society.
Also, the media tends to depict all races as equal. In my experience, I have once and again used the social media platforms such as FaceBook to talk against the inequality in our society and these posts have intrigued very serious discussions which show how people are serious and ready to do away with the vice. To start these discussions in the media, I was influenced by the broadcasted events of racial discrimination. Particularly, the shooting of Michael Brown played part in this decision; the way the shooting was racially related and the fact that this is a person’s life we are referring to. In this regard, media has helped a lot in achieving a society that recognizes the equality of races making the assertions that the media has helped in fueling the inequality of races by being a mirror of the society wrong.
Furthermore, racial injustices have been in existence for a long time. Comparing the way people were racially abused and discriminated on some years back, one can be able to say that we have made significant strides with regard to racism and the current situation in our society is an improvement in a positive direction. In this regard, the civil rights movements that started during the time of slavery have always gained the support of the media with most of their concerns and grievances broadcasted live on television. This has helped spread the message of equality of races all over America and the world. Also, the social media platforms have been used as platforms for engaging other victims of these kinds of oppressions that come with racism and other like-minded individuals to come up with a solution and do away with the vice in our society. In essence, the different forms of media have been used as platforms to engage the public and raise the concerns so as to fight the vice by preaching the equality of races. In fact, the media has helped reduce the act and the incidences by a very big percentage by providing the platforms for the creating awareness and preaching for equality.
In addition, media report on matters of concern in the society. They are considered neutral and objective. When talking to the public, they provide facts as presented in the social life by being objective and reasonable to the situations and the views in the society. In essence, the media provides the best explanations and interpretations of incidences that take place in the society by reasoning objectively and with neutrality. As such, people tend to trust and believe in what they say and their interpretation of the facts and events that take place in our society. Most notably, media always report the news as it is and in most cases, they report the cases of racism as they occur without covering up some facts. With this kind of approach, it is very easy to do away with racism when we report the issues as they are. In fact, the approach taken by the media has been very helpful in dealing with the issue of racism because of the fact that most people tend to act after seeing the seriousness of the situation. For instance, the killing of Michael Brown was given so much attention by the media, and through this, a number of people came to know and appreciate the issue of racism as an act that should be done away with.
In conclusion, the media is a very influential part of the society as many people tend to trust and believe in the media’s interpretation of the society. Through the media, a lot of people can have their perceptions changed and have a different view of the society. In this regard, the media has been very significant in the reduction of racism in our society today. Comparing the act in the last decades and the current situation, we have made progress as a society and most of this achievement can be attributed to the support of the media and how the media has managed to create proper awareness.
Works cited
Jennings, Kevin. “American Dreams.” Growing up Gay/growing up Lesbian (1994): 2-7. Print
Lubrano, Alfred. “The Shock of Education: How College Corrupts”. John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Print

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