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Etiology Of Disability Throughout History


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Etiology of disability throughout history

Throughout history, disability has evolved according to the stigmatization of society but gives us a successful definition to communicate uniformly the World Health Organization states that disability is the “restriction or lack (due to a deficiency) of the ability to perform an activity in the form or within the margin that are considered normal for a human being. It includes functional limitations or restrictions to perform an activity that results from a deficiency ”

So it can be interpreted that disability is the condition of certain people who have some sensory, physical, mental, intellectual deficiency that affects development in their daily lives within society.

Studies show that worldwide more than one billion people have some form of disability, a high percentage corresponds to physical disability this because there is more aging and the risk is high in older adults, another factor is the increase inChronic diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer that later derives from some disability.

Etiology of disability

It is important to address the causes that directed some certain disability within them the most significant are the problems that occur in the pre -native period where unfortunately the deformations, malformations, congenital defects, syndromes often often often because thepregnant consume alcohol, tobacco, illicit substances during pregnancy mainly in the third and fourth week.

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Causing anomalies in the central nervous system, in the formation of the limbs, growth delay, low birth weight. Another cause to consider is the diabetes disease presented by the mother which must be treated from the first month of pregnancy to avoid congenital malformations in babies because they can often present united members.

Thus there are the ear problems that are genetically affected when the pavilion is not formed causing hearing loss, there are also environmental causes such as rubella, diabetes, toxoplasmosis that cause congenital deafness. According to investigations, the consumption of heavy metals in the pregnancy stage Lead causes neurological disorders, retardation in growth instead Mercury causes neurological problems such as cerebral palsy. Another factor for the presence of disability is traffic accidents, work, violence that is currently increasing in large percentages because there is a lot of alcohol consumption and illicit substances within society.

However, for greater understanding we will break down sensory functions such as hearing impairment that is the lack or decrease in the ability to hear there are different classifications such as hearing loss and deafness This disability occurs with greater incidence in the female population.

On the other hand, the disability of the view is the lack of the visual channel that does not allow to see the information is classified into two subtypes: total and partial blindness in this finalizing people have blurred visions such as the case of myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia insteadTotal blindness refers to people not distinguishing anything.

Another common disability is the intellectual for this the American Association on Intellectual Disabilities and Development offers in 2002, the following definition “Intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, expressed in conceptual skills,Social and practical ”This definition is broad valuing the person and their adaptive skills also consider the subtypes of intellectual disability that are currently presented as limit intelligence, mild mental retardation, moderate, serious or deep.

Apart from the intellectual disability, difficulties in simple language, memory, attention, spatial guidance, psychomotor skills, concentration so that adequate stimulation must be provided so that these people can later function in everyday life are also denoted.

Down syndrome belongs to this group according to its characteristics, this presents a genetic origin because they have forty -seven chromosomes, thus passing the limit of the forty -six chromosomes that normally form in the embryo. Despite this difference, it is evident that approximately 60% of people with Down syndrome adapt within a regular classroom even studying technical training institutes.

Another syndrome that has its peculiarity is asperger the cause corresponds to the neurological level, presents characteristics in the difficulty of establishing social relationships between their peers, problems in the understanding of messages, instructive, lack of mental flexibility these people love routinesbecause they move better within the educational, labor and social field. It is difficult to diagnose people with Asperger syndrome because they do not have physical and much less intellectual features so it can spend a lot of time to be evaluated.

Autist spectrum disorder in the same way its origin is neurological which affects the communication and social interaction of people with others which causes the isolation and repetitive behaviors of these subjects. The incidence of this disorder is more frequent in the male population, the diagnosis can be done from ten and eight months to three years according to the degree of development of its characteristics have a null language, disinterest in their environment, avoids contactPhysical, lost look, continuously presents tantrums or anger attacks.

It is important that diagnosis and treatment are carried out at an early age to provide significant changes in the child development of the autistic population that is often increased at the Latin America level.

Finally we will address cerebral palsy that is a disorder that affects motor capacity, muscle tone, the movement of a person its origin is neurological may have been presented during pregnancy, childbirth or in the first years of life, cerebral palsy affects different partsFrom the body as it is the hemiplegia that is when a part of the same side of the body is affected, the quadriplegia means that both legs and arms are affected instead the dimple refers that the two legs are affected, not only the physical part is also affectedThey present difficulties in perception, communication and cognitive level.

Inclusive education

On the other hand, it is necessary to address whether inclusive education for people with disabilities currently shows that educational institutions include in their classrooms people with disabilities but do not give them educational strategies according to their different skills so thatInclusion laws are still being violated.

It will be necessary to continue working on programs, projects, training on the issue of inclusive education to generate the true impact at the national level so that the diversified educational population enjoy all their rights. However, this is a joint work, so public and private institutions must not only work on signage but also incorporate the necessary architectural infrastructure for the environment to provide these people with all the possibilities so that they can function in the educational, work and work environmentSocial.

It must be considered that disability has been addressed in different ways during the development of history because each society submitted or discriminated against these people with the passing of the states by the promulgation of laws were protecting the rights of people with disabilities afterA long fight of this community.

In the same way, support for these people was constant by the World Health Organization by providing them with a clear concept of disability until providing the parameters for the diagnosis and classification of people with disabilities this with the objective of participatingIn inclusion for a dignified life.

Disability work seeks to improve policies and praxis in relation to the inclusion and full participation of people with disabilities within society because it is still visualized within the educational units discrimination due to their physical, psychological features.


  1. José Luis Fernández-Chlesias, History, Disability and Valía (Online), in the social image of people with disabilities, 177-210 (Juan Antonio Ledesma, ed., Spanish Committee for Representatives of Persons with Disabilities, CERMI, Cinca Editions, Madrid, 2008). Available at: http: // www.Joseluisfendeziglesias.com/wp-concentnt/uploads/2008/07/jlfi-la-imagen-social-of-the-people-with-disability.PDF
  2. United Nations Organization (UN), what does disability mean?, In history of disability and the United Nations (online). Retrieved on December 6, 2006.
  3. World Health Organization (WHO), International Classification of Operation, Disability and Health, CIF, 12 (Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, General Secretariat of Social Affairs, Institute of Migration and Social Services Imserso, Madrid, 2001)
  4. Tomas Armstrong (2011). Clinical neurodiversity. Madrid: ed. Massachusset: Da Capo Press.

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