Evaluation Techniques For Learning
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Over the years, the evaluation theme has achieved an unquestionable prominence becoming the concentrated aspects of pedagogical discussions. In such a way that today it is conceived as an inheritance of the traditional system that justifies the teaching practice to measure the acquisition of students’ knowledge or skills and thus improve these results, but at the same time it is a key piece for the teacher to provideThe necessary support for the student.
In the educational field to have a quality education, the instruments must be applied and thus detect the shortcomings that are omitting that the institution is in accordance with the demands of today’s society, with this achieving the immediate collection of situations that are established in education, investigating aspects of learning such as the skills that students acquire in the process of educational, also attitudinal characteristics in accordance with other individuals.
There are types of evaluations that are carried out in the educational institutions, not only the attitudes of all the members that make up an institution, but also the relationships between teacher and student, student behavior and especially the learning of the procedural contents acquired during the yearschool.
The techniques are used as strategies, for example: observation, survey, interview, etc. Through this, the evaluator helps to collect systematic and true information with the purpose of analyzing and evaluating.
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The instruments are tools that the person who evaluates uses them in the educational process to systematize the results and to verify if the students achieved the learning that was raised during the teaching -learning process (Ibarra & Rodríguez, 2010).
To evaluate it is important to know the following questions: what to evaluate? When to evaluate? Why evaluate? This is precisely to carry out the evaluation by taking criteria that respond to the capacities of each area and content considered important for the development of the students. Herrera (2009) states that to carry out these evaluation models, it must be cautious, since data collection must be honest and precise, in such a way the shortcomings can be improved and have a quality education.
For the aforementioned, it is confirmed that thanks to the application of evaluation techniques and instruments in the educational process it has the following advantages: they allow the analysis, they manifest the organization of ideas and without hesitation lucrative for the formative evaluation. In such a way that the evaluation facilitates to reach an improvement (Herrera, 2009).
Educational processes require evaluations to actively feed back and obtain significant learning for decision -making throughout their lives, which is why they have a purpose. This implies that a learning evaluation allows an orientation with the diagnosis of both its strengths and weaknesses, always focusing on the teaching process, showing the value of knowledge to the student and is aware to take a position of autonomy, responsibility to buildstrategic learning (Ibarra & Rodríguez, 2010).This shows us that the evaluation requires being designed by competencies using methods and techniques of evaluation oriented for teamwork with apprentices to facilitate development and learning skills.
In this case, the evaluations are integrated in a different way in the learning process so that students achieve a significant change in pedagogical areas, evidencing what the student shows value and interest and what is not, therefore, this helps thisTo the teacher to create activities that help generate reflective, critical and free students (Castro, 2003).
The paradigms involve deep swaps with a perspective focused on curricular analysis to arise a strict reflection of teachers and students, it should be noted that the reforms are a challenge for quality standards and that guide an educational action to becomeWhat students need and manage to be useful, efficient for the near future (Castro, 2003).
The application of evaluation techniques and instruments allow to decipher the students they achieve and others that not the acquisition of content that is carried out during the work practice of teachers corroborating with the evaluations designed for each area, this with the participation of the members of the members ofEducational entities.Castro (2003) affirms that evaluation is an inherent process of learning and teaching, it also becomes an advantageous tool for the student when he learns, applied at the time precise.
In short, it can be concluded that the techniques and instruments of evaluation in the educational process are important for the progress of the apprentices, since they show the achievements and skills that students acquire during the learning process, a way that the role of teacher isan indispensable factor for expected.
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