Eventos And Process Of Jesus’ Judgment
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The Jerusalem process was starring a Nazarene Jew named Jesus son of the marriage of Mary and José de Profession Carpintero, which has been the subject of more than a thousand fantasies and of which many doctrines have been written that proclaim him as myth or legend.
This essay will take as a reference a series of documents that tell us a part of the life and death of Jesus, in addition the reasons why the Pharisees prosecuted him without having had a prior trial with the right to defense, against the crimes that areI accused him.
Regarding the texts where reference is made on the gospels, they are not the safest and most reliable source, since they overlook childhood and adolescence prior to the beginning of their doctrine or missionary activity, and whose information has been the collection of theoral testimonies that were transmitted from one generation to another, so we cannot assess it as a whole as a historical truth. Therefore, we talk about an altered background, poorly translated, distorted according to the understanding of the interlocutor, which can turn a miraculous act and that there is also no certainty that these documents are complete.
The intention of the Gospels was not to write the life of Jesus but to convince his readers:
- About their theological and preaching texts where their authors expressed a lot of their personality and faith.
- His special desire to match an uninterrupted succession between the New Testament and the Old Testament with all the facts that imputed Jesus.
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Other texts are Qumran’s rolls discovered in 1947 around the Dead Sea, but only a few have been translated. Based on this we can make a sketch of Jesus as a man, his mission, the moral revolution that caused his theological value and that was the cause of his judgment.
Jesus was a man of extraordinary intuition, nothing attached to the material and with very little sense to the importance of the social castes of his time. He stressed that evil was not a product of the lack of food, housing care, health, unhealthiness, but that evil was in man himself when he is not in condition of loving, understanding, tolerating, forgiving, being incapableto find peace and happiness among men.
Hence Jesus’ personality was contemplated as one of the first political or social revolutionaries. His mission within humanity was spiritually and morally transforming man, since he was much cataloged as he publicly expressed him to be the Son of God, he related to a monotheistic Jewish people who flatly rejected the possibility that together with God (Jehovah)There is another divine entity sitting at his right hand, which strongly impacted the religious ideology of his time.
The Gospels are not a safer and more reliable source to be able to guide us about the existence of Jesus. The first three called synoptics were (Mateo, Marcos and Lucas) have a relationship with the Messiah but that overlooks life before their encounter with Juan Bautista.
The gospels are located from 75 d year.C. This is, after the rebellion of the Jews against the Romans (67-70 d.C.). None of the authors of the respective Gospels written them in Israel, and when they did it was to reinforce the Christian current that had dispersed from Palestine. For this reason we can affirm that Mark’s Gospel was written in Italy;Matthew in Egypt;Lucas’s in Greece, and Juan in Asia Minor. All of them were a consequence of the dispersion of the Jews following the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem through the Tito troops (70 D.C.) and in the need to make known Jesus’ action among the various Jewish communities watered in the four cardinal points of the world.
Well, it is necessary to know that Jesus’ mission was dedicated to the Jews and not to the Gentiles. Subsequently, he lied them and in many, they were added, interpolated, reinforced and suppressed according to the interests of the various groups. Not all gospels are narratives made by people who heard Jesus, but by commentators.
Mark’s Gospel indicates that they try to separate Jesus from the Jews, referring to Roman activity against David’s race, as well as any connection of Jews with Galileo.
The Gospel of Matthew is much more universal and emphasizes that all the sufferings of the Jews had as the only reason the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus.
Of the Gospel of Luke, which was published in the year 105 of our era, it is known that the author was a doctor and also a writer of the chapter of the Apostles (although it is questioned that these facts have been published by him in justone or two years). This author is not interested in historical times, he speaks of the life of Jesus, taking a lot of the Gospel of Mark and a Jewish author called Josephus.
These three gospels are called synoptic because it refers to the same facts. John’s Gospel distance much from the previous ones and is considered a mystical work because its content is reflective about salvation through Jesus.
John was a fisherman from the neighborhoods of Galilee whose culture was not enough to have written the lyrical work that tells us the passion of Jesus, although it is known that he was the beloved disciple who did not hide when Jesus died, and to whom he commissioned the protectionof his mother, it was also the one who facilitated Peter’s access to the courtyard of the high priest during the apprehension of Jesus. Another difficult thing to believe is that a modest Pescador of Galilee had enough influence on the Palacio del Simo Priest, there is also references that is the author of the Apocalypse.
To understand the process of Jerusalem, it is not only necessary.
It should be noted that in John’s story we find characters that are not found in the synoptic gospels, such as Nicodemus and Lázaro. John’s Gospel is totally different from that of synoptics, because they were created to instill and illustrate faith so that they can defend themselves against the adversaries. It was written to celebrate the divinity of Jesus. He does not narrate his gospel, nor the life of Jesus, but begins to refer to the baptism in the Jordan, nor speaks of the original birth of Jesus, but considers that Jesus arose from God and returned to God full of grace and really.
However, the Catholic Church compiled twenty -seven Greek works that make up the New Testament canon (rule), these are the four canonical gospels (Matthew, Marco, Lucas and John), the twenty -one minutes distributed by the apostles (Paul, Pedro, John Juan, Santiago and Juda) and the Apocalypse attributed to San Juan. The canon was formed at the Council of Nicea in 325 and set or reegued by San Agustín in 393. And the 4 Gospels to which we have referred were chosen at the Council of Nicea in 325.
The gospels specify that they are not the safest and most reliable source that they can guide us about the existence of Jesus Christ, because the first 3 (Matthew, Mark and Luke) have a biographical relationship with the Messiah and overlook childhood, adolescence and adolescents andJesus’ activity before the encounter with John the Baptist.
Jewish law and laws
Jewish history of (approx. S. XVII AC) Jerusalem began 4000 years ago with Patriarch Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob. Genesis’ book recounts as Abraham was called to form a new people with the belief of a god. When hunger hit Canaan, Jacob (Israel) and twelve children along with his family driven by José, they settled in Egypt, and where their descendants were subjected to slavery and forced to perform forced labor until Patriarch Moses arrived to release them and take themTo the promised land, where I give them the laws sent by God (Yahweh).
Jerusalem is the sacred city for the three most important monotheistic regions in the world. This complex international relationship dates back to the creation of the State of Israel in 1947, this has been generating political problems between Israel and Palestine and other states of the region, which are disputed by this city for having one of its most complicated edges, which hascaused to become religious clashes between Jews and Muslims.
The history of the Holy City is associated with the conflict of wars that, according to Jewish tradition, King David conquered it around the year 1000 to.C. snatching it from the Jebuseos, who would have founded it 2000 years before, from then on there have been many clashes to annihilate rival groups.
In Jerusalem we identify in the old city, the Christian neighborhood and the Armenian neighborhood, also the Muslim neighborhood and the Jewish neighborhood. Most Muslims claim Jerusalem, some even claim that the people have no right over this city.
Jesus was a Galileo of Jewish religion who taught Torah’s law and always did it with the Jews of that time. In the synagogue he learned and assimilated the fundamental of Jewish faith to leave a record in the Old Testament. The documents that refer to the prophecy that were in the Old Testament, much of them were destroyed or lost within the uprisings and rebellions that occurred after the death of Jesus in the Palestinian soil and the sources from which we extract the studycurrent are mainly referred to the New Testament.
When Jesus arrives at the place where he was born, the first thing he does is meet with the other Jews in the synagogue because he had the habit of reading the book of the prophet Isaiah to all the people who were willing to listen to him, he also told them that he had arrivedMessiah that was sent by his own father who is God, but the Jews did not accept that relationship as the Messiah.
Jesus was perennially with his disciples teaching the Word of God: helping the like when necessary, healing people’s souls, forgiving their sins, teaching that they must forgive themselves and others, that people should not be condemnednor live in conflict with our fellow men, that good had to be done without expecting anything in return, for his words and miracles, the only thing he expected is that they create in God.
That is why God brought him to this world to cleanse the sins of others, giving his life to save us. Jesus chose twelve apostles to be with him and only they could live and dedicate themselves to Him, he also had disciples to publicize the Word of God.
For a lot of the Catholic Church, I try to erase the image of Jesus as a Jew in order to get him out of the Palestinian circle and even more from Galilee. However, the Catholic Church has been in charge of presenting a different Jesus away from his time and his people.
During the Roman denomination in Palestine, the administrative political regime of Galilee was diverse to that of Judea, since from the Census of Quirino, Syria’s legacy was appointed as a prefect and responsible before the Roman emperor. At this time almost the entire administration was directed by native people from Galilea.
The regions of Judea, Samaria and Galilea had no close identification in religious issues. The Galileo was a rebel par excellence and made himself felt with the hostility of the aborigines against the Roman invader, this was one of the decisive factors that he cooperated with the conviction of Jesus Christ. Galilea was a fertile area in agricultural works and its people who dwelt close to Lake del Mar de Galilea dedicated to fishing. From here we can say that this geographical area greatly influenced the formation of the character and thought of the Messiah.
The Supreme Court of the Jewish people was composed of 70 elders and teachers in the law, whose resolutions had the range of failures of God and knew of serious crimes such as blasphemy and idolatry and all these were punished with a death penalty, whose decreeIt should be approved by the Rome Procurator
In the time of the Romans, three groups were composed:
- The priestly aristocracy (fundamentally were saduuce).
- The secular aristocracy and the instructed scribes of the Pharisees group
- The priestly aristocracy, supported by the secular nobility, was in charge of the court.
The Sadducees were liberal, while the Pharisees were conservative, and mostly they were commoners with a lot of influence on the people.
Societies are organized in social classes:
- High class: high priests, Roman bosses, landowners, rich merchants, tax collectors.
- Middle class: artisans, collectors, law teachers, priests.
- Lower class;Town (peasants, fishermen, shepherds), sick, poor, slaves, lepers.
Knowing them can help us understand Jesus’ prediction towards the most disadvantaged social classes. (Cofrades, 2009)
In the year 63 to.C. Pompey intervened in Palestine as king and high priest. In the year 40 César had established Herod in the kingdom of Judah, he was an ambitious character and with a lotVery heavy, he built theaters and gyms in the Roman -style, he was bloody in his relations with his enemies of Rome and his government. (Zavala Baquerizo, p. 27)
At the death of Herod the Great, the kingdom was divided into three parts:
- Philip, Bethany inherited
- Herod Atipas, Galilea (Edradla, Tibieras, Nazareth)
- Arquelo corresponded Judea, Idumea and Samaria
Within Judaism, in the contemporary era of Jesus there were differences that caused confusion, they remained as a common nucleus or denominator. Thus finding four religious tendencies that try to direct the moral, religious and political life of the Jews. These trends are:
- The Sadducees
- That of the Pharisees
- That of Zelotes
- The one of the Essenes
In this case we will limit ourselves to studying Jesus, as a member of a community given within time and space. What interests us are criminal legal institutions. First of all, first, we will analyze:
- The death penalty for crucifixion, because he was condemned more important to suffer this kind of punishment
- Second, we will observe precisely the prevailing system in that medium and at the time.
- In addition, he was followed by double process one because he lived in Judea (Israel), and hebrew law was charged and another in which Romans were applied.
The Sadducees
The Sadducees did not accept oral law, but the written because they believed that the interpretation should also be fixed and immutable. The Pharisees were the ones who originated the orthodox branches or Jews;And the Sadducees to the Caraítas, that is, to those who only accepted the Bible and rejected the interpretation. It is not enough to understand the annoyance of the evangelists towards the Pharisees, who were sincere believers of the Torah and, in addition, rigorous observants to the extremes of the sacrifice, without believing that they made such a sacrifice. (Wikipedia, 2012)
In their writings, the evangelists give us the false image that Jesus was a saddle, who despised the hypocritical Pharisees, also considered him as a zelote and said that Jesus was a Galileo and with a greater reason of Simon who was one of his disciples nicknamed nicknamedThe Galileo.
The Sadducees believed that one day the Messiah would arrive, but not from David’s house, because this could cause a popular uprising. They did not oppose the Roman conquerors if they allowed the free religious development, and we must keep in mind the subsequent behavior of the Sadducees in the judgment of Jesus.
They rejected theocracy to everything that could undermine the power or influence of the Torah. I was considered that the only king who could admit the Jewish people was the Messiah, that is, the descendant of David who would come to the world to impose divine justice and that would make the Jewish people the main of the earth.
In the moral aspect they defended everything that was not established in the law delivered by Jehovah to Moses, because he lacked value and was profane and had no mandatory force.
Sadducees are distinguished in three aspects:
- They did not believe in resurrection, either in immortality or in the post-mortem award
- They did not accept the Persian inheritance of angelology and demonology and denied predestination
- On the contrary, they held the independence of the human will and its only truth was the Torah, law delivered by Jehovah to Moses in the Sinai.
The Pharisees
The Pharisees did not meet with the popular mass because it was considered lower and impure. The Pharisees did not depart from the Torah, but they interpreted it with subtlety and when they commented on it they did it very rigorously.
The Pharisees were pious men, although their excessive attachment to the law and the duties of it, made them incomprehensible and intolerable.
For the Pharisees, sin was the behavior opposite to the will of Jehovah. It didn’t matter if that behavior was intentional or guilty;What mattered is that it altered the relationship God and this should be straight, simple, permanent. But the rupture of the harmonic God-man relationship was not irremediable, it could be restored through a sincere repentance (metaneia), changing the behavior and approaching the divine mandate moved God to forgiveness to forgiveness.
The Pharisees were progressive in the interpretation of the Torah, that is, they tried to interpret it at the time they lived to meet the religious and social needs of the moment.
The Pharisees unlike the Sadducees, distinguish them because they believed in:
- The resurrection, in the angels and in the demons and proclaimed the future kingdom of God
- They maintained respect for the people for their organized religious life attached to the Torah and always tried to satisfy them
- His eagerness was to instruct the people inside and outside the synagogue.
- They were not revolutionaries, but neither
- They did not tolerate religious transactions
- Relationships towards Sadducees were braces and aggressive.
- They maintained the rule of equality before the law that was the social or economic status of men, regardless of their social range
- They did not believe in the life of the oxtratumba.
- The Torah was delivered to make men’s happiness on earth: abundance of crops, abundance of years and peaceful life.
- As for the criminal laws, the Sadducees did not recognize the Torah of the elderly, but only the written law of Moses, with the phrase "Eye by eye, tooth for a tooth".
- The scribes were specialized men and with much knowledge of the Torah. The Pharisees and the scribes were scholars, theorists, and practical. They believed in the Messiah, but were not willing to follow them because they were numerous.
The Zelotes
The Zelotes were the active revolutionaries or the terrorists of the time. They did not accept political servility in exchange for cultural freedom. They believed in Jehovah, but they didn’t let the first opportunity to cause popular uprising. The Zelotes were the extreme left of the Pharisees, but they were faithful and conservative, their only boss was God, his only purpose the political freedom of the nation for the service of God.
The Essenes
Essenes had ascetic and monacal life trends. They practiced continence, temperance and self-discipline, rejected wealth, wearing clothing until it was broken, they knew root medicine effects, they were visionaries, they were scrupulous, they were silent, they wore white linen.
Essenes believed in:
- A body was corruptible, but the immortal soul
- That souls dwelt in the pure ether
- When the body died, the soul returned happy towards the heights
Essenes were Jews faithful to Torah, who could reach the sacrifice. It has been thought that Jesus was a Essenio because he introduced himself into the perverse environment- without contaminating- to turn evil into good. What precedes allows us to ensure that Palestine’s religious life was not mentioned to the Sadducees, the Pharisees, nor the Zelotes and Essenes, because religiosity manifests itself in various ways.
Roman law
It is very little that is known about criminal procedural law in primitive Rome, unless, in private crimes, the law of the talion was applied, as a limit to the exercise of private revenge, so the victim could claim only until thelimit established by the Law of the XII Tables, which punished as public crimes the false testimony, fire, perjury, defamation, bribery to the judge, sorcery, percuracion and parricide. It was the Páter Familia or the Maximum Pontiff that dealt with the punishments, either of those subjected to their power or the group members. In the last case it would have been the king who decided the litigation and imposed the punishments in a discriminated manner, fulfilling the accusatory function and who was later delegated the judicial function. (Hilda, 2019)
The Law of the XII Tables of Roman Law is the best known and most important normative body of the Law of Ancient Rome, the elaboration occurred towards the mid -fifth century., When the Republican Senate sent a commission of 3 magistrates to Athens to learn about the legislation of the Greek ruler Solón and inspired by the principle of equality before the law. The XII Tables would be ratified by the Senate and definitely approved by the popular assemblies in the centuries. (Red Law, 2015)
To understand the judgment of Jesus before the Court of Rome we must analyze the illegalities involved in the process, as well as the injustices of the sentence. In the administration of the issues of the provinces, they could stick to Roman laws or local laws.
The Jews brought Jesus before the Roman court under the accusation of betrayal against the Roman government, therefore, it should be tried exclusively according to Roman legislation. The Hebrero Court declared Jesus for the crime of blasphemy, but a religious accusation did not have weight before the Roman court and changed the accusation to accommodate the interests of the enemies of Christ to achieve their purposes. Now the Court of Rome accused of crime of high treason against César was appeared before. (Bunch, 1888, p. 1)
In the process followed before the Jewish religious authority, Jesus was convicted as the author of a crime of blasphemy, however, Galileo claimed to be the Messiah and did not affirm the use of God’s name (Yahweh or Elkonin). In this way the process ended by issuing him a sentence in which he was sentenced to death penalty and could be made available to the prefect of Rome.
When Jesus appears to Pilate, he immediately understands that they were religious issues and did not want to intervene, and answer them: take him and play it, to whom the accusers answered that “it was not lawful to kill”, in this way they changed the accusationFor a political nature, such as being inciting to the rebellion, not paying taxes to Caesar and proclaim. (Calderón, 2010)
The meeting of its members during the night to interrogate Jesus was a preliminary investigation to profile the accusations that deserved capital against Jesus and present them the next morning in the process that the Roman Prefect was followed before.
The Roman governor in Judea before who judged it was Poncio Pilate, the Jewish court that processed it was the Sanhedrin before wise and priests. Jesus was accused of calling himself a son of God, which affected the interest of the Hebrews than of the Roman
Seeing Poncio Pilate that the doctrine that Jesus taught did not encourage the rebellion that armed, because he was not even part of the rebel group of the "Zelotes", among which Judas Iscariot stood out, but that everything was of love and peace, thisHe acquitted, letting him be tried by the Sanhedrin and is what is known as "Hand Washing".
The Sanhedrin instead saw in Jesus a danger to the Pharisees, this was a political-religious Jewish group, who looked with the religious feelings of the Jews;So he played it in a process plagued by human rights violations. They judged him in a night in a private house (the house of Anás, father -in.
The four Gospels of the New Testament tell us about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and where we find stories of the ancient Roman practices. We will mention some main points of the crucifixion schedule:
- Jesus was arrested in the Garden Gard. But he left behind his linen garment and escaped naked (Marcos 14: 43-52).
- Jesus endured six judgments – three from Jewish leaders and three of the Romans. When the dawn the main priests, they met the elders and scribes in the Sanhedrin, tied Jesus and handed him over to Pilate. I Jesus no longer responded and Poncio Pilate was amazed. (John 18: 12-14, Mark 14: 53-65, Mark 15: 1, Mark 15: 1-5, Luke 23: 6-12, Mark 15: 6-15) Jesus survived painful beating, flagellation, and teasing(Mark 15: 16-20)
- Pilate tried to compromise with religious leaders causing Jesus to hit, but this action did not satisfy them. Pilatos delivered Jesus to be crucified, there were customs at the Easter parties to put the prisoner requested and Pilate released Barabás, and caused him to whip and tied him in a wood (Mark 15: 6-fifteen)
- The soldiers made fun of Jesus putting a purple lay. (John 19: 1-3)
- Jesus was crucified in Gólgota, which means the place of the skull (Mark 15:22) the sky darkened for three hours on the earth to the Nona hour (Mark 15:33).
- Jesus shouted: ‘Father! I leave my spirit in your hands!’And when he had said this, he died (Lucas 23:46).
It is important to understand why Jews do not believe in Jesus. The purpose is not to despise other religions, but to raise and clarify the Jewish position. The more information there is to choose, people can make better decisions about their spiritual lives. (Simmons, 2008)
Jews do not accept Jesus as his Messiah because:
- Jesus did not meet the messianic prophecies.
- Christianity contradicts Jewish theology.
- Jesus did not meet the requirements of Messiah.
- The biblical verses referring to ‘Jesus’ are incorrect translations.
- Jewish belief is based on a national revelation
The process of Jesus was not a due process, because Jesus Christ was taken to a high priest Anás and then sent to Cays. It is worth clarifying that according to the New Testament, Jesus did not want to defend himself as a simple mortal, but wanted to be judged and killed on the cross fulfilling the will of his Father God. This process did not meet
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