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World War II and Subsequent Cold War   Fascism arose between the first and Second World War, developing dictatorship regimes aimed at solving the problems that the European contin...

World Anti -Doping Code and Doping Control Once the World Anti -Doping Agency (AMA) was created, the need to unify forces to fight sports doping was understood. This motivated the....

Witchcraft in the Spanish Inquisition   In 1692 in the city of Salem, the famous witch hunt took place. In Salem there were few executions and imprisonments of witches compared......

Why of Evil: The Lucifer effect INTRODUCTION The work of the Lucifer effect, the reason for the evil that has as its starting point a psychosocial exercise in the Stanford......

When 20 years are completed in the sixth sense Introduction If there is a film for which Haley Joel Osment is remembered that is the sixth sense. It is true......

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Weimar Republic in the interwar period During the political campaign of the National Socialist Party it was very importantIn that sense, Goebbels created the Official Gazette of th...

War of Pecios del Petrolio between Russia and Saudi Aramabia. 1. ABSTRACT On March 8, 2020, Saudi Arabia began a protectionist confrontation with the Russian Republic, which caused...

War between the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire To what extent the defeat of the Ottoman armies at the doors of coming in 1683 was due to a bad......

Walden The Development of a History Introduction From chapter four, the development of this story begins to be presented since certain changes referring to behaviors or problems th...

Waiting for Godot: Samuel Beckett's play The play waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett, is considered a tragicomedy. It was written between 1948 and 1949 in France. The work was......

Wagner's biographical history The famous Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a composer who marked time, influencing the great musical currents. The influence of its composition can be seen...

Vispera de los Santos, a popular celebration Introduction The arrival of autumn reminds us, that Halloween is already approaching friends. Halloween every year is gaining a lot of ...

Virus evolution: Mutant career Introduction Viruses and their influence are unfortunately more present in our society than ever. Viral load, percentages, infected and reinfections...

Virtual trade as an advance in the economy To get to the concept of virtual trade establishment, we want to bring to this essay first, relationship of concepts already constituted....

Verbal and nonverbal communication  Introduction Humanity has different ways to express themselves to other people such as speaking, writing letters to their loved ones, but the m...

Vampires and their curious characteristic What are vampires? Vampires are identical beings to humans, although more pale due to the lack of sun, that is, the older, the more pale.....

Understanding the meaning of significant truths With the passing of the years in the history of humanity, living beings are constantly in the search on significant truths, the know...

Understand and know the mathematical models Introduction In this unit corresponding to this subject, we will study the different probabilistic models, analyzing the characteristics...

Trade union bargain on social outbreak days Introduction At present, workers have tools to improve their quality of work, whether labor or contractual. The unions play an important...

Totalitarianism in society Introduction Through this present essay, an emblematic and controversial theme is covered, where past centuries caused great controversy is why it was kn...

This book by Russian author León Tolstoi Introduction This book by Russian author León Tolstoy, represents a great adultery in an aristocratic environment that leads to the death...

The world of Sofia and the different times through the imagination This story shows through different times through the imagination and information that our main character is knowi...

The Welfare State in Europe Introduction The process of formation and consolidation of the welfare state in Europe and in the United States is useful for appreciating the gradual t...

The War of Independence in Mexico between 1808 and 1814 The War of Independence was a conflict between 1808 and 1814. The objective was to be a free, independent country,......

The valuations of International Financial Information Standards The assessment of intangibles or international financial information standards (IFRS) are not yet recognized in thei...

The United Kingdom Amazon Introduction The Amazon website marked a before and after in the sale-comparate of Internet products, because it was the first company to completely dedic...

The Trojan War and its main Greco -Roman heroic figures The Trojan War has served, for centuries, how reference point for the study and analysis of ancient Greek and Roman......

The spatial explorations occurred Introduction What remarkable milestones have occurred in the exploration of deep space? In the early spatial ages, their first programs were conce...

THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AS A ACADEMIC SUBJECT The Spanish language is an academic subject whose objective is to teach students to communicate correctly, orally and written, in the Spa...

The Spanish Inquisition from Muslim, Jewish and Christian peoples The research work aims to analyze the Spanish Inquisition within the social and economic field experienced by the ...

The social worker in different areas The social worker in the educational field The incursion of social workers in education centers since it has a broader vision of events to......

The social prejudices present in the work Jane Eyre The influence of social prejudices in the antagonistic characters changes the attitudes and ideology of Jane Eyre, because it is...

The social division of work by Durkheim Durkheim deals with this problem through different prolonged studies in the time in which he observes that the annual percentages of suicide...

The slavery reflected through realism in the works of Icaza and García Márquez Since ancient times, slavery has been well framed in the lives of humans;which is closely related t...

Thesis: Evil as resentment of Jean Baptiste Gernoille in the work Patrick Suskind The perfume history of a murderer this is a squit work by Patrick Suskind in 1895 in......

The search for truth through social networks Introduction Social networks are communication platforms that, even. These networks begin to appear around 2000 and achieve great massi...

The scientific revolution, effects on society If today we asked a child if he is able to imagine a world without technological means such as computers or cell phones, we......

The schools are not safe today Introduction My theme will be Bullying I will talk about this because my eldest son suffered from this harassment in his school, this issue......

The samurais and the tradition of their festivals Introduction In Fukushima Prefecture, the Soma Nomai Festival is celebrated every year. This region, known for its strong traditio...

The Rwanda massacre: 1994 Everything was prepared since time and the Hutus only sought a pretext to start the conflict, this was the death of President Rwandés on April 6,......

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