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Evidence-Based Medicine
Evidence-Based Medicine
Many doctors within the national healthcare systems are experiencing significant changes at work. While people endeavor to enhance improvements in excellent health care, physicians’ hours have been condensed while a focus on medical information increases. Healthcare systems are experiencing a growth in information content where much of this data could be valid or irrelevant to clinical practices. The paper will discuss evidence-based practice as a process where clinical problems are viewed as health challenges, but a systematic or contemporaneous research is used as the basis for availing clinical decisions. The effort of computing information such as bibliographies and developing software which allows rapid location of vital evidence has made an ease use of published literature by clinicians. The validity and applicability of medical evidence can be understood better by use of clinical appraisals. The terms evidence-based focus to give information revolving and beyond areas of medicine or healthcare. In the named areas, the primary concept is to ensure that clinical decisions are made by concrete, reliable and scientific evidence which is up to date.
Keywords: Evidence-based medicine, Systematic Review, Arzoxifene Hydrochloride, doctor, clinical risk, clinician, data, information, diseases, illness, patients

My Understanding of Evidence-Based Medicine
I understand Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) as an explicit or reasonable utilization of up-to-date researched information to make decisions about individuals’ health care by clinicians.

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EBM is a systematic process that requires relevant information from experts or clinical and epidemiological findings to address a critical medical issue. By using the gathered research, doctors weigh the risks of attendants and benefits of diagnosing using specific therapeutic measures to arrive at a concrete solution. I also understand that evidence does not reach the decisions by itself, but instead it helps support professions perform quality health services. The process involves examining the sick, inquiring information, acquiring and appraising the evidence gathered or evaluating the performance of patients.
Kinds of Evidence-Based Medicine
There are different forms of evidence-based medicine practiced by professions, and they can be classified as one, filtered information. Filtered evidence also referred as primary sources are based on direct observations, interviews, experimental data or statistical records. Here, system reviews are used which endeavor to regard both published and unpublished materials on a single question (Musalek, 2016). Primary sources seek to address both background and foreground questions like; how overweight a person can be to be considered obese, age or what causes migraines. Usually, the building blocks of filtered evidence are scientific methods.
Second, unfiltered information is another sort of evidence-based medicine, which includes the building blocks such as cohort studies or case reports, case-control studies and randomized controlled tips. Cohort study involves a form of longitudinal analysis used in social science where people shares everyday experiences or characteristics within a defined period. Case studies, on the other hand, are used to determine the factor that can contribute to medical conditions through a comparison of groups of patients. Case studies or case reports address therapy questions about the nature of a given population for example drugs. Randomized controlled trials are a kind of evidence finding used in healthcare services to direct question such as progression or likelihood of diseases.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are experimental and investigation research which assesses whether medical plans, treatment or hospital devices are safe and effective to be consumed by people. The findings also provide information on the best therapeutic approaches that can work better to certain illness conditions or a group of people. Clinical trial avails quality data service which is used in decision making and follows some precise scientific standards to produce quality research. The rules are meant to protect patients and help achieve reliable results. Some of the clinical trial interventions include experimental drugs, vaccines, medical devices, education interventions, surgical treatment procedures, cells and biological products.
Treatment trial is a type of clinical research trials that involve interventions such as medication, psychotherapy or new approaches to surgery. The trial is set out to test a combination of treatments that are yet to get officially approved. For example, an organization, pharmaceutical, may have manufactured a new medicinal drug believed to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Human volunteers are therefore called for testing following strict guidelines to ensure safety and effectiveness (Kapczynski & Kim, 2017). Prevention trial is another category of clinical research that includes tests to find ways to prevent a particular condition or avert already occurrence illness. Prevention looks forward to minimizing the risks of developing the disease, for example, preventing cancer in healthy individuals. Chemoprevention is an example of prevention trial, and it includes studying certain vitamins, minerals, and other supplements to determine their usefulness in lowering cancer problem.
Another clinical trial involves screening and detecting. The research trial aim at finding the best ways to determine specific disorders or health situations. For example, the trial may include evaluating ways to detect cancer development in individuals who do not portray symptoms already. Medical professions confirm that fighting cancer earlier could make the improvement on treatment results, and hence chances of survival get increased (Kapczynski & Kim, 2017). Examples of detecting an early screening include new medical imaging procedures to detect cancer or laboratory test to identify the presence of tumor markers which are associated with cancer problem.
View of Evidence-Based Medicine Among Medical Providers
Well, the opinion of most medical providers concerning evidence-based medicine is that it helps them determine the kind of services which would induce significant benefits to the community. Health professions urge that the foundation of modern medicine is laid on sufficient researched evidence and hence individuals receive quality care. Many doctors will narrate how they collect and treat patients using the research knowledge, and this gets facilitated by practical use of clinical procedures and standards (Musalek, 2016). With advancement in technology, evidence findings penetrate as new health issues get discovered. Evidence-based practice is a key driving factor to quality health care due to simplicity and accuracy. Some physicians refer EBM as an anti-intellectual which does many aids services than being oriented to help think. In other words, it promotes mindless algorithm whereby doctors do not struggle much to offer clinical solutions.
However, incorporating evidence-based medicine is still a challenge in many areas where a level of clinical knowledge is low. Medical providers share their views that lack of resources is a continuing challenge that limits utilization of clinical expertise to serve a population requiring immediate healthcare. For instance, in the rural area, the level of medical knowledge is insufficient due to inadequate access to a database, thereby lowering the effectiveness of using evidence-based information. The limitations compel doctors to rely on clinical experience or colleagues’ opinion instead of refereeing to EBM pieces of literature. In rural areas, for instance, the concentration of poverty has much contribution on health status creating the burden of illness which requires more significant attention. Even with developed EBM practices, the doctors still see it difficult to extend their revolutionized expertise to serve a population with health concerns.
My View of Evidence-Based Medicine
In my opinion, evidence-based medicine has some long-term effects of minimizing cost incurred during treatments and in mediations. The ability to use accurate data and from solid research enable people and healthcare providers determine the right prescriptions to give to treat a particular illness. Without the information pertaining a specific disease, individuals would spend a lot of resource fighting illness with ineffective medical drugs. EBM is applicable in enhancing quality and accuracy measures that doctors, nurses or physicians take to strengthen health recovery. For instance, using evidence-based information to prevent cancer is less costly than treating a patient who already has complications of the same diseases.
Evidence-based medicine allows clinicians to stay tuned on current standardized evidence protocols, and in this way, it is easier to trace information concerning the emerging illness. I believe obtaining accurate information more comfortable is one way of saving time and resource, which can be used to make other improvements such as extending clinics. Also, I support that a systematic approach of practicing EBM can result in treatment of illnesses with high chances of success. The basis of EBM lies in research work where already information pertaining a specific problem is available; hence the solutions are highly quarantined.
Latest Research in Evidence-Based Medicine Area
The most recent medical finding has information that the use of acupuncture in the emergency units relieves acute pain. The study published lately finds that acupuncture has effects of treating lower back and ankle sprain, where it takes more than an hour to have pain wholly relieved (U.S. National Institutes of Health [US NIH], 2018). The research was built on previous findings to show the effectiveness of treating chronic or long-term illness. Acupuncture involves the use of needles, placed in various body part with motives of stimulating the release of endorphins and other neurochemical which act as a natural pain reliever. So far evidence-based practice research has confirmed acupuncture as one of the accepted forms of complementary medicine. The practitioners thank federal funders who supported pain treating awareness in private and public departments. Thanks to the evidence-based knowledge that better medical approaches gets invented and supports health services, saving many lives.
The Future of Evidence-Based Medicine
In my opinion, EBM will extend basis and become a typical routine where all health organizations will entirely rely on its methodologies and findings. The practice has evolved over a century, providing guiding principle of therapeutic exercise and a tidal wave of data to refer. I lay my view on facts that evidence practicing has experienced threats from forces such as fewer resources. Now, there is an excellent extension of organizations joints, where bodies have merged to improve health research through resource provision. Federal governments and non-governmental organizations like the insurance companies are providing financial support and medical covers thus a reduction in the limitations.
Again, lifestyles have changed people are adapting to new technologies and continue to receive training pertaining a healthy living. Though a change in lifestyle seems to introduce new health issues, quality technology innovations are proceeding to curb the dangers associated with modern lifestyle. Individuals will get more informed as medical experts continue to communicate through broad channels, addressing health issues. In learning institution, many students are motivated to pursue medical courses due to the existence of societal demand of health advisers. The support of education institutions will enforce a population of competent clinicians, who will utilize the knowledge of evidence-based medicine to serve a community.
A Report That Outlines the Findings
Purpose of The Study: – The study was purposed to achieve the following objectives:
1. To compare the rate of response in individuals affected by metastatic breast cancer that is treated with one or two different doses of arzoxifene hydrochloride (US NIH, 2018).
2. To analyze the clinical benefits and compare rate of response for individuals with tamoxifen- sensitive versus tamoxifen-refractory illness.
3. Taking a comparison of toxicity degree between two doses of arzoxifene hydrochloride in the patients.
4. To study patient’s life qualities as well as to examine how consumers of high and low arzoxifene hydrochloride survive.
Type of Clinical Trial: – Intervention or treatment, phase II trial
Patient Inclusion Criteria: – The person was a female of above 18 years age, 0-1 life expectancy, at least had twenty-four weeks hematopoietic. Patient’s platelets count was recorded at 100, 000/mm3, hemoglobin content indicated 9 g/dL while Creatinine was below one and half times and Calcium content did not exceed 11 mg/dL (Masri, 2016). Also, the female patient was required not be pregnant or nursing, and fertile persons should use a contraceptive during and after the study, for three months.
Nature of Study Basing The EBM: – The study was evidence-based and relied on filtered information such as the system review as a scientific concept to determine the background question like age.
Potential Benefits and Disadvantage of Patients: – The individuals in the study will provide clinical information after treatment, once the results get obtained. The doctors will know the effectiveness of administered intervention, arzoxifene hydrochloride, and can use the data to treat other patients having the similar condition of breast cancer. The disadvantages of this study for patients is that it limits a person to meet specific criteria and it is only by meeting the required standards that a person receives treatment.
Opinion on The Research Value: – In my opinion, since the decision to participate is personal preferences, the study should regularly be conducted to give people more opportunity to participate in the treating process. I believe many females are struggling with breast cancer and evidence-based information should be incorporated in a way that such health services will reach a majority. One in eight women is affected by breast cancer, the subjected to risk factors which rise as a person gets old. Therefore, I think the disease should get treated at the very early stage.
Kapczynski, A., & Kim, J. (2017). Clinical Trial Transparency: The FDA Should and Can Do More. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 4533-38. doi:10.1177/1073110517750618
Masri, H. (2016). Nonpharmacological interventions in Alzheimer’s disease. An Update. [online] Sharksearch.nova.edu. Available at: https://sharksearch.nova.edu/search?q=cache:HHjHQGU7pFkJ:www.nova.edu/gec/igti/presentations/2016-igti/giving_hope.pdf+acupuncture+&client=main&proxystylesheet=main&output=xml_no_dtd&access=p&ie=UTF-8&site=default_collection&oe=UTF-8 [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018].
Musalek, M. (2016). From Evidence-Based Medicine to Human-Based Medicine in Psychosomatics. Acta Dermato-Venereological, 9614-17. Doi:10.2340/00015555-2413
U.S. National Institutes of Health. (2018). Hormone Therapy in Treating Women with Breast Cancer – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.gov. Clinicaltrials.gov. Retrieved 21 January 2018, from https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT00003428?recrs=e&cond=Breast+Cancer+Female&cntry=US&state=US%3ANY&dist=300&rank=1&view=record

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