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Dangers of fracking, its benefits and risks Introduction The subtraction of unconventional hydrocarbons through the hydraulic fracturing technique has generated in much of the worl...

Current Trends of the Epistemology of Finance Introduction Since its origins at the beginning of the 20th century, the development of financial knowledge has been characterized by ...

Current trends in Slotting and Casino online Like anything in this technologically dependent world in which we live, the online slot market is developing rapidly and without commit...

Culture in Central America The term culture comes from Latin cultus, this refers to the cultivation of the human spirit. In history, the concept of culture has been changing. At......

Cultural and Sociological Anthropology, its influence on education Introduction This present essay will allow us to analyze each important aspect that is pending in favor of the ac...

Crowdsourcing as a citizen participation tool Introduction The following essay presents the analysis of the main models of crowdsourcing platforms as tools that can contribute to c...

Critical essay on the concept of national security and its manifestation and evolution over time Remotely when integrating with an impendingly folded comparison why having executed...

Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...

Criminology as a science that prevents crime Introduction Criminology is an Inter and Multi-Disciplinary science in order to study, analyze, intervene and prevent crime, criminal a...

Criminal behavior and profile Introduction Violence is shown worldwide as a great problem that occurs in all areas, among these in family, school, labor, social environments, among...

Corporate identity is much more than a brand Introduction Corporate identity within a company covers much more than a brand or a graph, it represents how the company is sold......

Corporate governance as impulse to small and medium enterprises INTRODUCTION Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for the formation of more important jobs and income...

Cooperation between European Union and NATO The global changes that modify the current world promote the appearance of new threats and risks to which modern societies must face. Th...

Contributions of Karl Marx to Marxism Philosophy Marxism It focuses on a thorough attempt at systematization and criticizes the basic and distinctive approaches of Marxism and the ...

Contributions from New England Introduction Today it could be said that the English culture "is in fashion", today we all idealize the reign of Isabel II, the only monarc...

Consciousness about abuse and cruelty to animals Introduction. For centuries, the world has been experiencing notable changes with the environment both with its flora and its fauna...

CONCEPTS ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, CONSTITUTION IN ECUADOR Introduction The present work is oriented to know and determine the concepts of constitution as its background One of the m...

Concept of citizenship and requirements to grant citizenship Introduction In this work I will present my concept of citizenship specifically, trying to complement the above with wh...

Concept and importance of art communication Introduction In the following essay, we will talk about the importance of art communication. Art is a very funny way to interpret a stat...

Computer science and technological development of computers   The technological development of computers. The genesis of this indispensable instrument for humanity, according to N...

Comparison between the work of Oedipus King of Sophocles and the work of Miguel Murillo Summary Our goal is to make visible the work of those who deal with the......

Comparison between Maus and Franz Kafka's work Introduction. This monograph will be a comparative work between the novel The process written by Franz Kafka and the graphic novel Mo...

Comparative history of modern music, painting and poetry Introduction Modernity begins as a criticism of religion, philosophy, morals, law, history, economy and politics. Criticism...

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COMMUNITY SOCIAL WORK TEST IN TIMES OF MODERNITY POSMODERNITY We can say that globalization has had several negative changes within the different economic political areas in a nega...

Communication as the basis for the evolution of man Communication theory  “The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the me...

Commercial management in the digital era Commercial management is changing its reality at a vertigo speed, which imposes digital transformation. Companies have been in full process...

Commentary on youth crime today After watching the video of youth crime I could observe and analyze the different circumstances that determined the procedure of an organized guide ...

Colorectal cancer risk factors in older adults Summary Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent diseases in our environment;In recent years there has been a theoretical, pract...

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Clint Eastwood, Director of the Invictus movie   The Director of Invictus is Clint Eastwood, born in San Francisco (California) on May 31, 1930. He grew up in Oakland with......

Clinical trial on patient osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease in which there is a decrease in bone mass density. Thus, the bones become more porous, increasing the num...

Clinical history analysis in Cardiology As is already known, medical history is a private document that presents legal, ethical, teachers, statistics, medical and clinics character...

Cleopatra's family dysfunctionality Introduction Dysfunctional families exist since many centuries ago, what we see now is nothing new, since this is a problem that has been develo...

Classification of the Equatioan Construction Sector In Ecuador, the construction sector can be divided into three: Building and work: main activity lies in the construction of hous...

Civil Law and New Technologies, Advantages and Disadvantages Civil law Civil law regulates private relations between individuals, the person in charge of regularly regular individu...

Civilization and evolution today Introduction Society evolves day by day, interests change and people with it too. In this way I mean that today youth is stagnant because it does.....

Church position in the face of Darwin's theory From the Enlightenment, there is a strong movement of intellectual rebellion before the Church to which it is accused of opposing pro...

China in the world economy and the new silk route Introduction During an interview the American philosopher, political scientist and activist Noam Chomsky said: “Among all the al...

Child's behavior study Introduction It is necessary to take into account that modern science based on the development of the child is the culmination of centuries there was changes...

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Children's disintegrative disorder: Study Introduction Throughout the years researchers and pedagogues have seen changes in the human being, which being so surprising have led scie...

Child Psychology, Definition and Importance Socially, children are almost always related to smiling faces, fun and games. However, in them it is also possible that anxiety, stress,...

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