Excesses Of Sugars And Refined Carbohydrates In Slow Metabolisms
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Metabolism is any chemical and physical reaction that occurs in our body, this is in charge of transforming the food we eat into energy which is used as fuel for everything we do like moving, breathing, eating, growing, reproducing ourselves.
According to the physiologist Theodor Schwann “the term metabolism comes from the Greek metaple (change) and isism (quality). In this way, Schwann conceptualized the quality of living beings to change or transform some substances through complex internal chemical processes."
Any food we eat is taken to the stomach, our digestive system uses several enzymes for transforming them and breaking them into: amino acids, fatty acids and simple sugars such as glucose. After that they are aspirated by the blood and taken to the cells, here other enzymes will act to accelerate chemical reactions and metabolize all the aforementioned compounds. In this process, the energy that each compound has is released and stored in several body tissues such as liver, muscles and body fat.
Metabolism acts constantly, while we eat, we exercise, we bathe or even if we are at rest. But we must know that this does not act in the same way in each organism, sometimes it usually works slower and other times faster. This will depend on the food class that each person ingests, the amount of muscle, the amount of fat and their basal metabolism. Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of energy that a cell requires to subsist and carry out essential functions, such as breathing.
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This energy expenditure depends on several factors such as age, sex, height, amount of muscle energy, among others and is calculated in Kilocalories/Day.
A person with rapid metabolism has enough muscle mass since the muscles burn fat constantly regardless of what is not exercised. On the contrary, one that has little muscle mass will have a slower metabolism and will accumulate more fat in your body, this will have very important and high -risk consequences for health.
When talking about slow metabolism we refer directly to obesity, since it is difficult for a person to get weight easily. In addition, having this kind of metabolism, implies that all events that occurred in our body will be given slowly, whose effect will be the discomfort in constipation, accumulation of toxic, poor circulation, bad digestion, overweight, obesity, diabetes, badSleep quality and thyroid problems.
Metabolism is a complicated chemical process. But it is not surprising that many people simplify it and only see it as something that influences the ease with which our body fattens or thinns. This is where calories come into play. A calorie is a unit that measures how much energy gives the body a particular food. A chocolate tablet has more calories than an apple, so that it provides more energy to the body, although with the calories you do not have to exceed. Like a car stores gasoline in the tank until it needs it to feed the engine, the body stores calories, mainly fat -shaped. If we fill the deposit of a car too much, the gasoline overflows and spills on the ground. Similarly, if a person ingests too many calories, you "overflow" and generate excess body fat.(Nemours Kidshealth, 2019)
Through this exhaustive study it is intended that people learn to distinguish foods that provide more calories to their body avoiding their intake and improving our diet to have a healthy life.
Metabolism is divided into two phases;A so -called catabolism, the same that is responsible for the degeneration of the largest molecules in simpler and anabolism that on the contrary transforms simple particles into something more complex.
"The term catabolism comes from the Greek word tasting, which means below" (Meditip, 2018). It is also called destructive metabolism since in this process the cells are responsible for dividing the large molecules into carbohydrates and fats, to detach energy.
Catabolic reactions differ by creating simple structures from complex compounds, by the oxidation of organic matter by releasing electrons and storing the energy in the form of ATP.
On the other hand, "the term anabolism comes from the Greek Ana, which means above" (Meditip, 2018). It is also called constructive metabolism because it modifies the smallest molecules in larger ones, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Basal metabolism is the energy or amount of calories that our body needs daily, being at rest. In order for the vital processes of our body to function properly it is important.
Basal metabolism depends on several factors:
- Body size, since when this is the greatest, there is greater energy expenditure with the consequent increase in metabolism.
- Age, which as it increases, metabolism is decreasing. Hence the importance of controlling it so as not to take weight as we become greater.
- Sex, on average, man has greater muscle mass than women and that is why their basal metabolism is higher.
- The eating habits, since it is demonstrated that making five or more meals per day makes our metabolism activated, thus increasing caloric expenditure and favoring weight control due to the greater loss of fat. (Zurdo, 2019)
To increase our basal metabolism we must take into account certain points;Perform physical activity for 30 to 60 minutes a day, feed ourselves properly without submitting rigorous diets that do not provide the nutrients and the minimum amount of calories that our body needs.
How to calculate your basal metabolism
The daily basal metabolism of a person can be calculated through the equations of Harris Benedicta:
- Man: 66,4730 + ((13,751 x mass kg) + (5,0033 x height cm) – (6.75 x age years)))
- Woman: 655.1 + ((9,463 x mass kg) + (1.8 x height cm) – (4,6756 x age years)) (Amir Salud, 2018)
The result of these equations will indicate daily energy expenditure.
Nutrition is one of the most important factors for proper metabolism. Excess of sugars and refined carbohydrates is one of the greatest causes of overweight and obesity.
We can find two kinds of carbohydrates: the natives and refined. Natural carbohydrates are those that have not been manipulated by human being and refined are those that go through an industrial process and as a consequence they lose their nutrients.
However, we can find very sweet flavor natural carbohydrates such as fruits, some of these are high in sugars, which when entering the body becomes fat. As for examples: mango, bananas, orange juice. Fruits that have a lower amount of sugar and are recommended for our food are: strawberries, apple and pear.
There are foods that demand greater energy than they have, to be assimilated, this means that our body needs to occupy part of its reserve to digest them. This is called "calorie foods in negative". For example: a broccoli portion provides 25 calories, but our body spends 55 to absorb it.
Some recommended foods are: asparagus, broccoli, carrots, celery, pickles, lettuce, onion, spinach, turnip, col, garlic, apples, grapes, pineapple, melon, watermelon, lemon, peach, peach.
As we had mentioned before, metabolism can be given in two ways: slow or fast. A person with rapid metabolism has more muscle and little fat accumulation.
The frequent thing is that men usually have the most accelerated metabolism than women, since they have greater muscle mass and lower fat accumulation, but always speaking in a general way, since, as we can imagine, we will find countless different cases.
Each person will have a different basal metabolism, and this is one of the factors that influence the greater or lesser ease of gaining weight or losing fat. (Apt Vital Sport, 2016)
Slow metabolism occurs when our body warns a problem that endangers our stability, this will compress calorie consumption to the maximum expanding the amount of reserves. This kind of metabolism is characterized by the difficulty of a person in weight loss, their lack of energy and retaining fat easily.
Among the most important causes for a slow metabolism we have:
- Hypothyroidism.- According to Marta Rey (2020) “The thyroid gland is the most important hormone in the regulation of metabolism and caloric expenditure. When it works poorly, hypothyroidism may occur and as a consequence a slow metabolism that gives rise to overweight."
- Food resistance, it is intolerance towards some food, this can cause of many times heaviness and abdominal swelling.
- Other factors that will influence our metabolism will be: ingest little water, breakfast late, not perform physical exercise, eat very fast.
To identify slow metabolism it is essential to know the following symptoms and signs: weight gain;When a person performs physical activity, it feeds properly and yet it tends to gain ease it is feasible that a slow metabolism accompanied by: exhaustion, head discomfort, nail flaccidity, hair loss, under mood, lack of mood, missing, missingof appetite.
Throughout time people have assumed this issue slightly, ignoring the different metabolic diseases or disorders that can cause.
A metabolic disorder occurs when there are abnormal chemical reactions in the body that interrupt this process. When this happens, it may have too many or very few substances that your body needs to stay healthy. There are different groups of disorders. Some affect the decomposition of amino acids, carbohydrates or lipids. Another group, mitochondrial diseases, affect the part of the cells that produce energy.
You can develop a metabolic disorder if some organs, such as the liver or the pancreas, get sick or do not work normally.
For example:
- Diabetes: excess blood glucose
- Fabry disease: it is the accumulation of fat in the cells, due to the alteration when eliminating them.
- Hemochromatosis: excess iron in the bloodstream.
- Hyperthyroidism: excess thyroid hormones which incite metabolic processes.
- Hypothyroidism: Shortage of thyroid hormones.
- Obesity: excessive fat reserve in the body, which makes it a door for various diseases such as: cardiovascular, osteoarthritis and some types of cancer.
If we present more than one symptom of the aforementioned, it is important to visit a nutritionist, dietitian or endocrinologist. This will evaluate us and send a series of exams to detect any anomaly of our body.
Blood exam or complete metabolic panel:
A complete metabolic panel (PMC) is a test that measures 14 different substances in the blood. Deliver important information about chemical balance and body metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which the body uses food and energy. A PMC includes tests of:
- Glucose: a type of sugar and the main source of body energy.
- Calcium: one of the most important minerals in the body. Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of nerves, muscles and heart.
- Sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide and chloride: these are electrolytes, electric charge minerals that help control the amount of liquids and acid-base balance in the body.
- Albumin: protein produced in the liver.
- Total protein: measures the total amount of protein in the blood.
- ALP (alkaline phosphatase), ALT (transaminase alamine), and AST (aminotransferase aspartate): these are enzymes produced by the liver.
- Bilirubin: liver waste product.
- Bun (blood ureic nitrogen) and creatinine: waste products extracted from blood by the kidneys. (Medline Plus, 2019)
- Bioimpedance: Evaluate the amount of fat, musculature and water that exists in the body, to calculate excessive excess weight.
- Indirect calorimetry: Calculate the caloric consumption of a person, in a state of rest. This exam studies at what speed the metabolism is, whether slow or fast.
- Exercise calorimetry: Study the patient while executing a physical activity, this allows the patient’s energy and physical state.
In previous lines we have expressed how food is a preponderant role in health especially, if you have a slow metabolism, so much so that if we neglect in this basic element we could have as a consequence, overweight.
Overweight is a detonating factor in our health, it brings a variety of totally harmful diseases for our body. Not having a control of it, leads us to obesity, which affects a large number of inhabitants in the world, for that reason the WHO (World Health Organization) has arranged it as an epidemic.
According to Dra. Wilma Freira (2019) “9 million Ecuadorians suffer from overweight;30% of children of school age suffer from this evil. Bad eating habits, poor physical activity, market attack and lack of public policies threaten the population with a major problem: obesity. They are alarming figures that we share with the aspiration to adopt as a society, urgent prevention mechanisms.”Given these figures, people should be incited to improve their quality of life. Visit a specialist and follow a treatment according to your condition.
In general, these treatments are the following:
- Improve our diet, have a low sugar diet and refined carbohydrates such as bread, pizza, cake, hamburgers, rice, desserts, french fries. There are foods that can help us activate our metabolism for example: White meats such as chicken, turkey and fish also, eggs, vegetables, almonds, nuts.
- Eating enough water per day to stay hydrated, in addition it will help accelerate our metabolism, avoiding excessive accumulation of fats. Regardless of other liquid substances such as: soda drinks, fruit juices, chocolates and artificial juices.
- Performing physical activity daily, which can consist of walking and jumping 30 to 60 minutes, this will help burn reserve calories.
Metabolism is any chemical and physical reaction that occurs in our body and that allows to transform the foods we eat into energy, which allows us to carry out activities such as moving, breathing, eating, growing, reproducing, among others. This action does not act in the same way in each organism, sometimes it usually works slower and other times faster, this will depend on the food class that each person ingests, the amount of muscle, the amount of fat and their metabolismbasal.
Slow metabolism in people will accumulate more fat from the necessary in your body which will bring very important and high risk of health as obesity. Slow metabolism implies a rested functioning in our body whose effect will be the discomfort in constipation, accumulation of toxic, poor circulation, bad digestion, overweight, diabetes, poor sleep quality and thyroid problems. There is a high percentage of people who have a slow metabolism due to excessive consumption of food with sugars and refined carbohydrates. Nutrition is one of the most important factors for proper metabolism. Recognize foods that provide an excessive amount of calories to the body will allow us to avoid future diseases and improve our food that leads us to obtain a healthy life.
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