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Expert Systems In The Fourth Industrial Revolution


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Expert Systems in the Fourth Industrial Revolution


We have already heard of the fourth industrial revolution or technologies 4.0. First of all, we know that the industrial revolution is based on the change that occurs in the economy when it is no longer depending on agriculture and crafts, but goes to the industry. Now, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the development of new technologies applied to production processes begins, such as robotics and devices connected to the Internet of Things.

But when we hear about robotics, involuntarily (although it is not assertive) we relate the term to: artificial intelligence, the latter generates curiosity and uncertainty so it can be developed in the future, if this type of technology would or may not replace the being to be replaced by being.human in all its tasks in the industry, a thought that brings with him concerns. Although saying "develop in the future" we are seeing that panorama further than what really is, because with technology 4.0 The future is now.

Those same concerns arose in the first, second and third industrial revolution, and it is common in the human being to feel it when we do not know that it awaits us with the advance of technology. Of the three previous revolutions, those concerns vanished when we understood that the new application that was giving to technology only served to make life more comfortable and the most efficient processes. Is this the same that will happen in the fourth industrial revolution? Were it only to be a tool to improve the way we live, or to replace the human being in every possible task?

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Wilmer López, dean of the Systems and Telecommunications Engineering Program of the Sergio Arboleda University in Bogotá Colombia, said that the fourth industrial revolution has already begun and that it is a phenomenon that has no turning back.

"Society is in an increasingly accelerated digitalization process. Every day there will be more digital devices, sensors, robots, interactive systems, data transmission capacity and, therefore, greater production and use of information in everyday life. The human being must assume this new panorama as a challenge to respond to the demands raised by the digital world, ”said the dean of Sergio Arboleda University.

We go for a few centuries ago, when technology existed in its most basic form and something like the Internet did not exist, even from that moment the human being has longed to provide its intellectual abilities to the technology created by himself. There are myths, legends and stories in which the protagonists provide intelligence to their created beings, as in Frankenstein, written in the nineteenth century, and even René Descartes himself wondered if the machines could think. The hunger for this knowledge has led us to the technology we know today and the greater the discoveries that bring us closer and more to reach that yearning for centuries, we continue to grow in that area and therefore we reach one ofThe greatest technological revolutions of our history.

In an increasingly digital world, listening to the term artificial intelligence is not unusual. This term was first heard in 1950, when the philosopher and mathematician Alan Turing published his work intelligence and operation of the machines

In his work, Turing explained that at some point the machines would obtain intelligence and would be able to simulate the reasoning of a human. Shortly after Allen Newell and Herbert Simon developed the theory of logic, which was applied when creating the first expert system.

Today expert systems (se) can be considered as a subset of AI. Personally, expert systems are the beginning of artificial intelligence. It is worth mentioning that there are several types of artificial intelligence and one of these are the systems that think rationally. That is, with logic (ideally), they try to imitate or emulate the rational logical thinking of the human being. For example, expert systems. The study of calculations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act

An expert system is a system that uses human knowledge captured on a computer to solve problems that would normally solve expert humans. Well designed systems mimic the reasoning process that experts use to solve specific problems. At present, these expert systems have evolved and are still very useful for many companies, since they are able to handle large volumes of information and improve their productivity.

For these reasons we talk about artificial intelligence and the expert systems together, they are developing and ascending proportionally in the industry, in addition that they are used with the same purpose that is the ability to make correct decisions given a set of entries and avariety of possible actions.

In recent years, artificial intelligence and expert systems have advanced and its application has been extended in several fields, including among them that of robotics, even that of computer security. In addition, of medicine, chemistry, and any other area where they allow automating a process and making it more efficient, and simple for the person who carries it out.

The artificial intelligence article: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, published on the Internet Portal Insights and Noticas de Ayming Spain (2019), states that:

“The evolution of technology has meant an impact on the development of AI systems. Internet and the digital age have redefined the industry and have resulted in the creation of jobs that did not exist before, such as: Application Developer, Social Network Administrator, YouTubers, etc.

Manufacturing methods are constantly evolving and humans continue to adapt and evolve. At the gates of another revolution, the advances of AI will imply the creation of jobs that are unknown until now. That is, the machines will not replace people, the people who work with ia will replace people who work without it. Labor opportunities related to robotics, programming and communication and machine supervision will be increased.

AI systems apply to several levels in different areas, on the one hand, they study and offer suggestions according to user preferences, in the entertainment field such as: Instagram, Spotify and Facebook. On the other hand, in more scientific fields, it is used for example to direct the rockets in their landing or to detect diseases in the area of medicine, among others."

On the other hand, according to the World Economic Forum, in 2022 about 75 million jobs will have disappeared on behalf of the fourth industrial revolution, while the way people work with machines and algorithms will be transformed bycomplete.

Artificial intelligence is a technology that emerges as a engine of change in all sectors and that marks the technological agenda of both large and small businesses. In this sense, it is inevitable that the future of the industry will pass through the integral digitalization of value chains through the implementation of new data processing methods, smart software and sensors. Among all emerging technologies, the growing commitment of administrations and companies is the main symptom that announces the impact that artificial intelligence will have in all sectors of economic activity.

After analyzing the above, it can be said that the influence of the expert systems in AI will have mainly three areas of the industry: increased productivity due to process automation;Time savings and production costs;greater availability of improved products and services, and its consequent increase in demand. 

We are living unpublished paradigm changes in all areas of society: changes in economic, scientific, social and labor models. There is no doubt that we are immersed in the fourth industrial revolution, where the border between physical and digital will be completely dissipated.


In conclusion, the application of expert systems in this fourth industrial revolution is very extensive in terms of the variety of areas and their complexity, and will be a fundamental part of the evolution of society. It is not known precisely what the future will be, but with total security it can be said that this will be totally different.

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