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Explanation Of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People


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Explanation of the 7 habits of highly effective people

  • Habit 1 – Be proactive

Habit 1 is self-awareness that allows us to maintain a certain distance, and even examine the way we ours. Not only affects our attitudes and behaviors, but also the way we see other people.

This first habit was presented in the book because, for the writer, acting proactively is a determining factor between being and not being effective. For Covey, proactivity is more than taking the initiative or thinking positively: those who adopt a proactive attitude anticipate problems and also do not flee when it is impossible to avoid them.

The author points out that we have the instinct to influence the world that surrounds us being proactive, and that is what makes us different from animals. We can decide how to react to each of the stimuli we receive. And that can be a way to take control of our own future.

According to the author, the reactivity would be the opposite of the proactivity that is basically defined in reacting to the circumstances of others, letting emotions fluctuate according to what happens around us. In proactivity, on the other hand, it is possible to determine the weather itself without affecting external conditions. By that we can see that an effective person rarely blames him around him, preferring to assume responsibility for the attitudes he has taken.

Through this first habit it can be concluded that assuming the responsibility of one’s life, having the ability to choose the response to any stimulus is to be proactive.

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The author informs the importance of thinking from within to out, of assuming responsibility for our attitudes and what we are.

Briefly comments on the story of Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist who lived as a prisoner in the concentration camps and had the strength to resist a dramatic and moving situation, which relieved his pain was the dream of freedom and became an inspiration for the inspiration for the people around him.

  • Habit 2 – Start with a goal in mind

In habit 2 applies to multiple circumstances and living standards, the most important application to start the objectives in mind. Every moment of your life, today’s behavior, tomorrow, next week, next month. Keeping this clear goal in your mind, you will be sure to know that everything can be done in certain days.

This is the habit of the leading person. Indicates the need to start every day with a clear understanding of your desired goals and dreams.

I think this is the most important part of a person’s personal and financial life. It all starts with a goal in mind.

According to the author, all things are created twice: one when we reflect on it and another when we put it into practice.

Have you ever worked for work, without having a goal? If you want to be effective, for Covey, this is the wrong way. Apart from the proactivity, the author points out that it is currently easier to solve problems when there is a specific objective. In this way you can concentrate on your mission, eliminating other activities that will not take you where you want to be.

According to Covey, the fact of being efficient, of performing several tasks quickly, is of no use if you don’t know why you are doing it. To avoid problems like that, it is best to have very clear long -term objectives. One must ask himself how he would like to be remembered in the future. Only then can I have a good starting point to define the mission and values ​​in which you believe.

We can define why we can live running and be even more efficient, but we will only be truly effective when we have a goal in our mind and when we have a goal in our mind we obtain a different perspective.

  • Habit 3 – First the most important

It is the realization, the transformation in reality, the natural emergency of habits. Know how to manage with the left and be able to drive with the right.

This habit leads us to control our time. To be truly effective, we must organize our time around our priorities.

In order to achieve the well -defined objectives of the previous habit, it is important to keep in mind that the points discussed become actions.

For Stephen r. Coey, a way to do it is to give priority to what is best for. Regardless of the tool used, the author says that it is necessary to remember a simple rule: put the most important first. In this idea, the most important tasks are fulfilled and the least urgent are put in the background.

And when everything seems urgent? In order to define the order of importance, it is crucial to remember the final objectives. The most important tasks are the ones that most close to achieving them. These are projects that often do not seem urgent, but that are part of a broader plan and that will make the long -term difference.

What could he do (and are not doing right now) that, if done consistently, would make a big positive difference in his personal life? What, in your professional or business life, would have the same effect? Covey begins with these 2 questions about habit 3 and continues: ‘Habit 3 is the personal fruit, the practical side of habits 1 and 2.’Habit 1 says:‘ You are the creator. You are in charge’. Habit 2 consists of the first creation, or mental creation. They are absolutely the previous requirements for habit 3.

Beyond self-awareness, imagination and consciousness, it is the fourth human gift – the independent will – what really makes possible effective personal management.

Learning to say is not an author’s advice to help in this prioritization.

An entire chapter about what it is to establish priorities and how to work with them. Nothing more and nothing less.

Talk about what is urgent and what is important, and its differences. Explain the problem of daily prioritization of tasks (we work urgently, alone). It teaches us to identify our papers, to establish objectives, to plan, to experience the process, to trust our decisions.

  • Habit 4 – Think of win/win

It is based on the principle that a person’s victory does not necessarily occur at the expense of the defeat of another. Both parties can benefit from an agreement.

They teach us to live in a world of competition, from childhood when we compare our toys with those of other children, we go through the process of obtaining the best notes at school, to the competition to own the best houses and the best cars.

Some people believe that money is finite and therefore should earn it first, but you can make your own money, invent your job.

There is no need to compete with others for the same vacancy.

When you create your own job, you are helping other people because you offer them work. Soon, you will be cultivating the thought of winning/winning. This is for any other activity in your life.

According to the author, people who think about winning against losing, that is, in a certain situation they win and the other person loses, keep the other people away from them. People who win against those who lose are automatically avoid.

People who believe that winning against win.

No relationship other than winning x win.

  • Habit 5 – Try to understand first, and then be understood

This is the habit of effective communication where we must create empathy so that we can learn to listen and better understand people. It is important to understand people, and it is important to listen to it.

Many people, when they are interested in talking to someone, just begin to talk about their situation and are soon interrupted by others who claim to have gone through the same problem.

People are different from each other and, therefore, their problems, no matter how similar they are, cause different reactions.

So, before commenting that you have gone through that problem, listening with empathy can be much more comforting than immediately give advice to solve that problem.

The author shows us that the way you see the world, only you see, this is you and only your vision. Our worldview is not something objective, it is something subjective that arises from our experiences and perceptions, it is our interpretation.

Practice listening to what others say until the end, and from there begins to draw your conclusions. Ask questions and try to understand how others think, buy them! You are not the teacher of reason, much less you know everything.

Before offering a solution, you have to listen to people’s problems with empathy. In a world where many people want to talk, but nobody wants to hear, listening can be a good quality. That is why Covey’s fifth advice is to offer solutions only after having diagnosed the problem. For that, you first have to understand, and then you have to be understood. And that requires attention to listen to the problems of others!

  • Habit 6 – Create synergy

The author begins by citing George Bush: ‘“ In crucial things you have to have unity, in important things you have to have diversity.". Covey says that when it is understood correctly, synergy is nothing more than the most dynamic activity in our entire life – the true test and manifestation of all other habits seen together. The most developed forms of synergy focus on the four exclusively human gifts, the winning motivation and empathic communication skills to face the most difficult challenges in life. As a result, we create alternatives, something that did not exist before.

Synergy is known as the essence of leadership, being totally based on principles. In a simple definition, it means that the relationship established between the parties is, in itself, also a part. It is not only a part, but the most catalyst, more powerful, more unifying and exciting.

When you communicate synergisticly, you are simply opening your heart, your mind and your mode of expression to new possibilities, new alternatives, new options. You begin with the belief that the parties involved will obtain more knowledge from your interior, and that the emotion of mutual learning will generate a new impulse towards learning, discovery and maturation.

Covey shows us the levels of defensive communication (low trust and cooperation), respectful (confidence and means of means) and concludes that synergy depends on high confidence and cooperation among individuals.

There may be cases to win/win is difficult to achieve for both parties. For this we must look for a third alternative that is reasonably good for both parties. But we must be careful with negative synergy, because looking for a third alternative is an important paradigm change and this can be dangerous when you do not have the right fundamentals in the right principles.

The essence of synergy is knowing how to value differences are mental, emotional and even psychological among all people. And the key to assessing differences is to realize that all people see the world not as it is, but as they are.

Ecology is a word that basically defines synergism in nature – everything is related to all things. It is in the relationship that the creative powers are maximized, as well as the real power of these 7 habits lies in the relationship between them, not only in the habits taken separately.

  • Habit 7 – Tray the instrument

This is the habit of self-river, to keep our instruments so that they can continue working properly.

Check the 7 habits of highly effective people and see how important they are so that you can reflect on your beliefs and modify them according to your life goals.

The teachings of the book can rely on your improvement as an individual, either in your workplace or even at home with your family.

Habit 7 means stopping to refine the mountains, or refine the instrument. Surrounds the other habits of the paradigm of the 7 habits because it is the habit that everyone else makes possible.

Habit 7 represents the personal PC. Preserve and improve your most precious good: yourself. The four dimensions of its nature, spiritual, physical, mental and social/emotional, are renewed by this habit.

The physical dimension is about effectively taking care of our physical body – eating proper food, resting and relaxing enough, and exercising regularly. Exercise is one of the high -level activities of quadrant II that most of us do not constantly do because it is not urgent. And since we do not practice, sooner or later we realize that we fall into quadrant I, the treatment of health problems and crises are the natural result of negligence.

Renew the spiritual dimension add leadership to your life. The spiritual dimension is your center, your interior, your commitment to the value system. It is an area of ​​very personal life, of supreme importance. It is nourished by the sources that inspire and raise it to the eternal truths of all humanity.

Covey finds comfort and renewal in the meditative sentences of the Holy Scriptures because they reflect their value system. But immersion in literature or quality music can renew the spirit of some people (as is my case). Others achieve it in communion with nature. The spiritual renewal takes time, but it is an activity of quadrant II, and we cannot reject the time necessary for it.

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