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Exploration Of Life And Death, Works The Meat Of Rosa Montero


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Exploration of life and death, works the meat of Rosa Montero

Death is the only thing that all human beings have insured. That moment where races, money, gender and power stop importing. That moment where for a second we are the most important thing in the world to start disappearing to being nothing or no one.

Soledad A 60 -year -old who had a relationship with a married man is the clear representation of living life regardless of what they will say. However, everything changes when motivated by revenge decides. From this decision, a whirlwind of emotions is unleashed that make solitude rethink everything, from what love is for her, to the beauty of eternal rest.

Thus, in this way work will focus on exploring clearly through quotations and analysis of life and death as the axis of the work in question, contrasting both and deepening its evolution;The concepts of the beginning and the end of the work are completely different. In addition, through this investigation the author’s views on the complicated life marked by loneliness and the simple death as a means to achieve peace will be evaluated.

This issue is interesting, because the world has forgotten how simple and attainable death and has given it a concept away from reality where the fear prevails not as important as we believe. On the contrary, life is taken with more lightness when the reality is that in this we must pay more attention. Because we will be those who control the narrative, leading it to an end in which we can become perverse with ourselves.

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The historical context in which the work was written is of the utmost importance to understand the meaning and perception of life and death. The 21st century is characterized by rethinking everything that in the past was in doubt, resuming everything that was once silenced by someone is the characteristic of the work "The flesh". This not only takes life and death as transcendental unknowns, but also tries to respond to issues such as the love that people believe to deserve and the prejudices established towards women from centuries ago.

Another point that can be highlighted is the fact that this philosophical air that the author plasma makes it someone with a unique writing. This same writing is what our literary analysis will facilitate, in view of the fact that everything is written in such a crude and simple way at the same time, that all complex issues such as love, hatred, death and revenge seem so simpleand interesting that once you start reading.

Rosa Montero links her life in each of her books leaving some of her deepest experiences embodied on each sheet she writes. And "the flesh" is the magistral existential reflection that accompanied with a little humor and philosophy make the axles manage fully.

Plot, characters and style

Meat is one of the works that best represent the twentieth century because this is characterized by breaking the silence and conformity to give way to a new reality. The reality that this work presents are the existential city present in a woman in sixty -yeardeath. Together with a gigolo, Adam, thirty -two years.

The outbreak of the entire plot is based on jealousy and revenge. Soledad’s previous relationship was with a 40 -year -old man who had a wife, this adventure was marked by passion and clandestinity, however when the wife of the man named "Mario" is pregnant, he decides to break every affective bond with solitude. Taking it like this, to fall into a deep despair to demonstrate that she did not need it, to fulfill her objective, she chooses to hire a gigolo as an accompaniment to an opera in which her former lover will be present. However, anyone would think that the plot ends with the full revenge, but the reality is that this fact was only the beginning of the story, since later history focused on the relationship between the gigolo and loneliness.

Soledad can be considered a round character, because the beginning of the brief maintained a position where the desire for revenge and remorse prevailed. But, in the end everything changes and it turns out that those feelings were only a layer of smoke to hide what I really thought was the fear of death and lack of love. As for Adam, it can be said that he is a character marked by the monsters of the past, since he was abandoned in an orphanage where he only survived him the strongest. Adam Despite surviving this stormy story he never recovered from the traumas he lived, so his present is the result of the sense of belonging that he did not have as an infant.

Rosa Montero’s literary style is characterized because her stories are closely linked to her experiences as a journalist. This work gave her the opportunity to develop as a person and as a writer, in view of the fact that he knows firsthand everything that happens within her country, the concerns of people, desires and fears. Also, it should be noted that the fact of being a historian gives him a unique point of view because he constantly links history, a clear example is his work "The ridiculous idea of not seeing you again". In this account the story of Marie Curie, who fie.

Another characteristic of the writer is that her passion for out -of -the -out stories gives us a unique perspective in the world. His writings where the main character is in antihero make it an icon of many people.

As for your writing within the flesh, we see how it uses several stylistic resources so that the understanding of your ideas is clear. Also, highlights the fact that it covers deep themes such as life, death, love and the passage of time. These issues are covered so that only a person who has gone through a situation would do so, and he did so in this magnificent work where the perfect synchrony is presence between two totally opposite themes such as life and death.


“Life is a small space of light between two nostalgia: that of what you have not yet lived and that of what you will no longer be able to live.”(Montero, La Meat, 2016)

You waste so much time seeing what happens in the surroundings that life becomes something so ephemeral, that many people can barely feel. This is the case of the masterful work the meat. Soledad’s life is marked by the desire and passion to find a durable love that fits everything she once dreamed. However, our main character is forgetting that this is real, raw and uncertain life. And not a fairy tale where someone ideal for each one exists.

So unpredictable and fleeting, that short period of time where all the actions taken and everything desired has its impact. Those moments where anything is possible until it is consumed by time and its a vermin. Since childhood people have heard that life is the most relevant we have, the only thing that should import ourselves. Nevertheless the literature Rosa Montero thinks different. She considers that life as a noun is not important in itself, but on the contrary what really interests are the achievements that are achieved from that unrepeatable opportunity in the world. The paths that are taken and the traces left when everything is over are the factors that according to Montero determine whether the life consumed was full and fruitful, or on the contrary it was only a wear and tear of energy and time, where the only thing that the only thing that the only thing that the only thing that the onlyIt was done was to wait for an end.

All decisions made by Rosa Montero to represent their point of view of life were not taken lightly. Every detail of the work is so well thought out and executed that it can surprise the reader.

The co -star, Adam, is intentionally elaborated, because the simple fact of having the same name as the first man in the world according to Christianity demonstrates the attempt of the writer for representing the complexity of life since her beginning. This complexity is based on the statement that life is completely unpredictable, since the destiny of the paths that are taken, or the repercussions that the decisions made will not be known. This is part of the terrifying of life, that uncertain future manages that more than one rethink its existence to the point to cross the fine line that separates concern and paranoia.

However, this mess presented by the writer is not only based on the cloudy. This element that fades quickly in people’s hands has been a reason for conflict among many writers, since there is no successful path to represent how fleeting that is the present in the life of the human being. However Rosa Montero managed to provide the reader with a perception of the present and its easy disappearance.

Soledad has lived all his life believing that no one dies or that for love nobody should suffer, on this is nothing more than the tireless search for passion. "No one really dies of love, he thought as he typed" Agree ". He only dies of love in the damn operas. (Montero, La Meat, 2016)

Despite this statement, the author raises the following question during the evolution of history;What happens to love when time passes and our lives are consumed? Does love continue regardless of or acquire a value that is not seen until time ends?

Life is just a time borrowed, in this one decides who we are and how we want to be remembered when everything comes to an end. Thus, as the author through the experiences and experiences of the main character, Soledad, tries to personify this ideal. This sixty year. However, it has very few or almost no experience along with friends or partners, this is because Montero wanted to capture alone to a woman with such independence that even the only thing he was looking for in men was passion and desire.

The existence itself is complicated and confusing, however there are those who understand or try to understand a small part of this concept. These people have been labeled by society as "rare" or as the writer expresses it "cursed". This is a resource that is used a lot in the work to refer to those who do not fit in the imposed by society, those who love too much or very little, those people who confuse reality with what happens within their minds. All these people are named in the work as “cursed”, since according to Montero they are condemned to belong to an era that does not correspond to them and understand life so clearly that they look like they are the insane.

In the first instance it can be said that the representation of life in the work The meat was achieved by the personification of a sixty -year -old woman named Soledad who does not believe in love. But, that is not all, since the work in general expresses life as something ephemeral that at any time can end, the characters guide the reader at a trip where life is evidenced is something quite simple, since the complicated lieshow it takes and what is done with it. This is how it is demonstrated that the author Rosa Montero managed to describe and masterfully capture the fears and desires of life.


"After all, death is just a symptom that there was life", (Montero, La Meat, 2016)

Death is that monster that everyone flees without knowing that it is the only thing we have all insured and what makes us human. History has shown us that the human being is curious by nature, however death has always been an issue without conclusion. Each person creates their own conception of death based on experiences, beliefs, or feelings. Thus, as Rosa Montero in the study work called meat. Since long life and inevitable the end.

Death, that little moment where for a second we are the most important in the world and then disappear in the memories of those who remain. Since the beginning of human history, the fear of how unknown death has prevailed, leaving a fear that is rooted in society. However, Montero considers that this embarrass is badly unfounded, because ceasing to exist should not represent so much problem, since it is only the eternal rest of the body and the mind. The writer considers that fear must be aimed at the unpredictable, distant and inevitable that death is, in view of the fact that it is unknown when those "last times" will be taken.

Soledad is the clear representation that time is not eternal and everything has its end. From birth a countdown to the terrible outcome begins, however said countd account does not come as a warning, or as a notification on the phone. But on the contrary it is so surprising and unexpected that some are not prepared. The writer plasma this fear at the moment when Soledad is on his way to her home accompanied by Adam, when a criminally a criminal murders an acquaintance of the main character. She sees how blood is spilled so poacted that she does not note until she sees a black spot on the sidewalk, which will leave her marked for life and lead her to question how close and unexpected death is death that is death.

The end of the existence of a person is so surprising that at the time the questions of the value of the life that was taken and the simplicity of the problems begin. Thus, as throughout the plot the writer tries to make it very clear that it is not known with certainty when those “last times” arrived so that it must be lived every moment as his last. This is what makes solitude cheerful since he meets Adam, because until that moment he saw death as a distant being who lived carefree, however with the arrival of Gigolo, doubts begin to torment loneliness leading her to enjoy simple thingsand value complex.

These complex things is the love she thinks deserves, she could always maintain adventures with married men, so her romances were always characterized by underground. As for one of the simple issues that Soledad began to enjoy when he realized that everyone has a guaranteed purpose is sex, because during the drama it is evidenced as what loneliness seeks is to please their partners leaving aside their own pleasure. This ends when he notices that death is just around the corner, because he decides.

The waste of life is the greatest terror of loneliness and it can be said that it is also from the author. Not knowing if life was exploited or wasted. The constant doubt of knowing if the existence was characterized by being a beautiful deception or a cruel truth. These are statements that anyone would take away from anyone, because reflecting from the banal that life is and the guaranteed death can get more than one, however for the writer this was a challenge that owedface using stylistic resources such as metaphor, comparison and exaggeration as weapons weapons.

All these tools to beautify the narrative were key and masterfully executed, since none was casual or left to destiny. Since from the beginning of the drama an order and a series of evidence prevail that show that the writing was planned with a lot of time in advance. From the irony of the name of the main character "cheerful loneliness" to the humor with which death is sometimes treated.

“He curled up in bed next to us, but every night he measured us to see when he could swallow us. Maybe that’s why she had a hard time sleeping.”(Montero, La Meat, 2016)

In this part extracted from the object of study, the personification of death is presence as a being between the characters. Montero wrote so deeply and really the end of existence that it seems that death is another character more waiting for the time to act and dazzle everyone with their presence. This is the meaning and perception of the writer about death, so it can be said that the way in which death is represented is so unique and effective that doubts about the expiration of time were resolved through the reality ofA sixty -year -old woman who feels her life was based on death.


  1. Montero, r. (2016). The meat. Spain: Alfaguara.


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