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How Donald Trump Won the 2016 Election
Winning an election is an equation composed of many independent variables. The variables are factors essential for the resulting success in an election. For instance, Trump won the USA elections as a result of various reasons. One of them is the fact that the USA is a democratic county. These decisions are made by the elective representatives rather than the state officials (Krutz 558). Despite the state endorsing Clinton, it had no power to make the decision regarding on the presidency. The reasons behind Trumps win as analyzed in the video could be well summarized by the following four points.
Trump’s Votes that Were Silent
The polls before elections were not able to pick up on the silent Trump vote. According to the previous polls, Clinton was on average 3-point lead. The polls were however not correct because the Trump voters were not cooperative with the pollsters. (Krutz, Glen 457). It was then widely believed that Trump would lose elections. Trump was also strategic because the college vote that decides the outcome of the election was most of them silent. He, therefore, won by the congress votes (Krutz, Glen 457). This is despite of him losing the majority votes national wide.
Celebrity Beat Organization
It is believed that a first-rate “Get Out the Vote” organization in political campaigns is inevitable (Gaughan, Anthony). Therefore, it was widely believed that given Trump had no grassroots organization for his campaigns he will lose tremendously.
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However, having been a long-standing celebrity, he was able to garner media attention.
Trump’s Voters Were Highly Motivated
Trumps aimed at effectively connecting with the Republican base. Therefore, he played a populist rhetoric and open contempt for civility. (“The History of U.S. Elections (1964-2016)). Trump never followed the normal rules of politics and for this reason, he was more connected to his voters who liked him more.
Protectionist and Anti-migration Policies Adopted by Trump
Trump decided to concentrate on trade and immigration which paid him dearly on the Election Day. He did very well in the traditionally blue states. (“How Donald Trump Won the 2016 Election). The blue-collar voters from the lake region connected well with him, unlike the Republican nominee who advocated for free trade and generous immigration policies. (“Trump’s Road to the White House). The white working class voters loved his anti-immigration policies and this paid dearly.
Works Cited
Krutz, Glen. “Opentax.” American Government, 2017, www.auburn.edu/~scj0014/Downloads/AmericanGovernment-LR.pdf. Accessed 30 June 2018.
Gaughan, Anthony. “Donald Trump Won the Presidency Because Celebrity Beats Substance.” Quartz, 9 Nov. 2016, qz.com/832830/election-2016-how-did-donald-trump-win/.
Krutz, Glen. “Opentax.” American Government, 2017, www.auburn.edu/~scj0014/Downloads/AmericanGovernment-LR.pdf. Accessed 30 June 2018.
“The History of U.S. Elections (1964-2016).” YouTube, 14 Oct. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=TJtskViDg7g.
“How Donald Trump Won the 2016 Election – (TIMELINE).” YouTube, 29 May 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ1FLhcMDMM. Accessed 28 June 2018.
Openstax ‘et al’. American Government. Media Services, 2016.
“Trump’s Road to the White House (full Film) | FRONTLINE.” YouTube, 24 Jan. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMwXKl0odq8.
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