Extrasolar Planets Coursework Example
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DateExtra-Solar Planets
Part 1
The total number of confirmed planets is 2950.
The total numbers of Eps that are closer to their stars than Mercury are to our sun is 2445.
The percentage of all Eps that are closer to their stars than Mercury is to the sun is 82.88%
The total number of Eps in the Ecosphere is 72.
Part 2
The largest number of planets so far is 7.
There are 561 systems with 3 or more planets.
Three 0f these planets have earthlike orbits.
There are 12 6-planet systems known.
There are 19 extra solar planets that have near-circular orbits.
Part 3
There are five confirmed planets in the ‘55 Cancri 2007’ system. The system also has 2000 stars.
In 1999, astronomers witnessed for the first time a distant planet passing in front of its stars. The significance of this is that it provided a direct and independent confirmation of the existence of extra solar planets that had previously only been interred from the wobble of their star (Howard et al., 2013, 574).
Basaltic lava erupts at temperatures between 2,012-2,282 Fahrenheit while the temperature of the planet HD 46375 b is 2,070 Fahrenheit. This means that the planet is hot enough to have liquid lava surface.
The most likely location for life on the Zamina’s World planet would be the terminator; the line between light and shadow. This is because it is the only place with favorable temperatures for human life.
There are 2 Eps in the Gliese 581 system, with the planet having a mass of three to four times that of earth.
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Planet g is lying right in the middle of the habitable zone.
The first EP to be detected by microlensing was the OGLE235-MOA53 b. The planet weighs 2.6 Jupiter masses.
Work Cited
Howard, Andrew W. “Observed properties of extrasolar planets.” Science 340.6132 (2013): 572-576.
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